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Saturday, August 14, 2010

You're looking at you now

Lead me from dreaming to waking.
Lead me from opacity to clarity.
Lead me from the complicated to the simple.
Lead me from the obscure to the obvious.
Lead me from intention to attention.
Lead me from what I'm told I am to what I see I am.
Lead me from confrontation to wide openness.
Lead me to the place I never left, Where there is peace, and peace - The Upanishads
*note* lovely video about Allan Watts..quote "A philosophically oriented remix of the late Eastern Philosopher Alan Watts' 1971 special "A Conversation With Myself" combined with visuals from the great art film "Baraka".

You're breathing
The wind is blowing
The trees are waving
Your nerves are tingling
The individual and the universe
Are inseparable
But the curious thing is
Very few people are aware of it
Everything in nature
Depends on everything else
So it's interconnected
We confuse ourselves as living organisms which are one with this whole universe
With something we call our personality
And what is our personality?
And our fundamental self is not something just inside the skin
It's everything around us with which we connect
When you look out of your eyes
At nature happening out there
You're looking at you
That's the real you-
The you that goes on of itself
Now listen
It's absolutely necessary
That we let go of ourselves- and it can't be done,
Not by anything that we call doing it, acting, willing,
Or even just accepting things
It seems that the human being
Really has a very simple kind of mind
Nature is wiggly
Everything wiggles
And all this wiggliness is too complicated(end quote)

It seems that Allan speaks about the part within which is the foundation of the universe.It is very interesting that most traditions stop there,and they do not see the resonator factor of interdependence which works both other words,as you let go of yourself,you find yourself..and the one you find isn't pretty...hahahaha..look at the mess you've made of the world.I personally don't consider Allan as realized,but that's just my mahayogi opinion,what do I know?..
Lovely poem,and lovely video,in any case..kisses for Allen,whatever he is now in the afterlife..maybe he's having fun..or maybe not.
Reminds me of a poem I goes like this..
As butterflies can ONLY be-
a poem from danny,for you,seekers....
The one you think
The one you feel
Will never,ever want to shrink
And all it wants is a good deal
How can I use my mighty powers
How my desires won't be sorrow
How can I be as entity
Away from pain and cruelty
I say abandon the term ,I,
Then you will feel,and think as sky
Just think of nothing,be yourself
The universe amazing elf
With 2 big eyes and a big nose
You room the galaxies across
Forget the big smile on your face
Dead or are the grace..
The cosmic joke has been rezolved
Just smile and know this game is old
There is no past,there is no future
There is no me,there is no you
There is this moment's right composure
Of this and that,and white and blue
Awake from this and you are free
As butterflies can only be.
-added by danny-

To us all towns are one, all men our kin. Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill. Man's pains and pains' relief are from within. Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !. - Tamil Poem-