

Blog Archive

Monday, December 26, 2016

Songs of war...but without these...was no history:) is russion german..but they have same meaning? listen to Katyusha and Erika songs!

Lead me from dreaming to waking.
Lead me from opacity to clarity. Lead me from the complicated to the simple. Lead me from the obscure to the obvious. Lead me from intention to attention. Lead me from what I'm told I am to what I see I am. Lead me from confrontation to wide openness. Lead me to the place I never left, Where there is peace, and peace -from the Upanishads- Unless you know the emptiness and bliss inside'll be a robot forced by the same emptiness and bliss trying to know pain.. ...inside your self me!..said the mahayogi!
In silence there must be movement, and in motion,
There must be silence.
A small movement is better than a big one..
No movement is better than a small one..listen!
Silence is all the movement's mother..
In Movement you should be like a dragon or a tiger.
In non Movement you should be like a Buddha.  
-- Wang Xiangzhai(November 26, 1885 - July 12, 1963}
What is referred to as mindlessness is absence of the human mentality; what is referred to as mindfulness is mindfulness of the Tao. When one is free of the human mentality, the mutual sensing of the earthly and celestial is swift; when one is mindful of the Tao, effective practice endures. Swiftness of sensing comes about spontaneously, without cultivation, without striving; long perseverance comes about through effort, and involves action and striving. Striving and non-striving each has its secret; the distinction is all a matter of the absence of the human mentality and the presence of mindfulness of the Tao. After one has reached complete realization of the universal Tao, neither existence nor nonexistence remain; others and self are ultimately empty, and one enters the state of ultimate truthfulness, like a spirit. Here, it is not only the human mentality that cannot be applied; even the mindfulness of Tao is not applicable." - Liu I-ming The Conduct of the Moon and Clouds 

The consistent conduct of people of the Way is like the flowing clouds with no grasping mind, like the full moon reflecting universally, not confined anywhere, glistening within each of the ten thousand forms. Dignified and upright, emerge and make contact with the variety of phenomena, unstained and unconfused. Function the same toward all others since all have the same substance as you. Language cannot transmit this, speculation cannot reach it. Leaping beyond the infinite and cutting off the dependent, be obliging without looking for merit. This marvel cannot be measured with consciousness or emotion. On the journey accept your function, in your house please sustain it. Comprehending birth and death, leaving causes and conditions, genuinely realize that from the outset your spirit is not halted. So we have been told that the mind that embraces all the ten directions does not stop anywhere. -- Hongzhi Zhengjue (1091-1157)
Lead me from dreaming to waking.
Lead me from opacity to clarity.


Lead me from the complicated to the simple.
Lead me from the obscure to the obvious.
Lead me from intention to attention.
Lead me from what I'm told I am to what I see I am.
Lead me from confrontation to wide openness.
Lead me to the place I never left,
Where there is peace, and peace - The Upanishads
Ps..first is this one
  Still I have no idea while these 2 songs have the same massage
Maybe was love..listen again to Erika? now we kill each other on wars for some katiuasha or erika?..incredible dementia...for look at their sonGs! all about same!...ABOUT TO DIE FOR A WOMAN! ..TO SAVE THE SPECIES ! now..millions of men die in wars for some..Katyisha or some Erika?..correct ?..makes sense for the dementia..welcome to earth!

 I know is incredible...but were same songs...while they killed each others
..No comments..Happy holidays...told you men are insane..
Love..Danny the mahayogi:)
Katyusha Famous Russian song with English and Russian Lyrics (use CC). Apple trees and pear trees went into blooming, River mists began a floating flow, She came out and went ashore, Katyusha! On the lofty bank, on the steeply shore. She came out and sang she song about Her young friend, the bluish eagle from steppe All about the one she dearly loved, The one whose letters she treasured and kept. Hey, a song, the song of the young girl, Fly and go after the bright Sun, Find a soldier on the distant borderlands Say hello from Katya waiting long for him. Let him remember the young and simple maiden, Let him hear the song she now sings, Let him protect his Motherland for sure, And their love Katyusha will protect Tania Bulanova and Pyatnitsky Choir. A modern Russian version of Katusha, a Soviet 1938 song about a girl longing for her beloved, who is away on military service. Russian War Music. Russian Soviet songs with English Subtitles.The music was composed by Matvei Blanter, and the lyrics written by Mikhail Isakovsky. This song became very popular during World War II, during the war a Soviet Rocket Launcher was nicknamed Katyusha.
Apple trees and pear trees went into blooming, River mists began a floating flow, She came out and went ashore, Katyusha! On the lofty bank, on the steeply shore. She came out and sang she song about Her young friend, the bluish eagle from steppe All about the one she dearly loved, The one whose letters she treasured and kept. Hey, a song, the song of the young girl, Fly and go after the bright Sun, Find a soldier on the distant borderlands Say hello from Katya waiting long for him. Let him remember the young and simple maiden, Let him hear the song she now sings, Let him protect his Motherland for sure, And their love Katyusha will protect!!!!!!!

But then...imagine this..when the 2 millions strong russion army surrounded Berlin..they used like 100,000 guns..all Katiusha//lol///for 3 weeks and night..
Imagine some bombs day and night...for 3 weeks
Revenge of the Katiusha?..maybe
Guess the germans thought the russions were some..lower species,, itself proved that the germans are not so 30 millions germans died ..and about 50 millions russions were wasted!!
The german army was losing about 2000 soldiers a day...imagine that..what's next?..the atomic bombs war? many poeple will die this time?..
How many coffins they have  built?..was worth it?...history will say if worth it..
Guess what we have left is the Erika song..and the german brothels ..where women had to have sex..or die.(was like that...if you didn't performed were shot next day...)
NO?..what's next?..Germany of the world?

Then we have the german one..the Erika song..
On the Heath bloom'd a little Blossomling, and it is called: Erika.
Warm from a hundred thousand little Beelings, that swarm 'round Erika.
For her Heart is full of Sweetness,
Tender scents stream from her blossom'd Dress.
On the Heath bloom'd a little Blossomling, and it is called: Erika.

Back homeward, lives a little blonde Maiden, and she is called: Erika.
This Maid, my true little Darling, and my Good-Luck, Erika.
When the Heather, so lily-red blooms,
Sing I, to greet her, this Song.
On the Heath bloom'd a little Blossomling, and it is called: Erika.

In my Chamber, blooms another Blossomling, and it's called: Erika.
So in the Morningtide, as in Dusk's-Light, it stares to me, Erika.
And then to me, it speaks aloud:
"Thinkst Thou also of thy little Bride?"
Back homeward, a Maiden weeps for you, and she is called Erika.

Still I have no idea while these 2 songs have the same massage
Maybe was love..listen again to Erika

Erika is a marching song of the German military. The song was composed by Herms Niel in the 1930s, and it soon came into usage by the Wehrmacht, especially the Heer and, to a lesser extent, the Kriegsmarine. The theme of the song is based on "Erika" being both a common German female name and the German word for heather. In itself, the song has no military themes, beyond the fact that the narrator (evidently a soldier, though this is not explicitly stated) is away from his beloved and recalls her when seeing the plant which has the same name Lyrics: Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein Und das heißt: Erika Heiß von hunderttausend kleinen Bienelein Wird umschwärmt Erika Denn ihr Herz ist voller Süßigkeit, Zarter Duft entströmt dem Blumenkleid Denn ihr Herz ist voller Süßigkeit, Zarter Duft entströmt dem Blumenkleid Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein Und das heißt: Erika In der Heimat wohnt ein kleines Mägdelein Und das heißt: Erika Dieses Mädel ist mein treues Schätzelein Und mein Glück, Erika Wenn das Heidekraut rot-lila blüht, Singe ich zum Gruß ihr dieses Lied. Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein Und das heißt: Erika In mein'm Kämmerlein blüht auch ein Blümelein Und das heißt: Erika Schon beim ersten Morgengrau'n sowie beim Dämmerschein Schaut's mich an, Erika Und dann ist es mir, als spräch' es laut: Denkst du auch an deine kleine Braut? In der Heimat weint um dich ein Mägdelein Und das heißt: Erika

 I know is incredible...but were same songs...while they killed each others
..No comments..Happy holidays...told you men are insane..
Love..Danny the mahayogi:)

I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream today!!!

To nourish the vital energy, keep watch in silence;

In order to subdue the mind, act with non-action.

Of movement and stillness, be aware of their origin;

There is no work to do, much less someone to seek.

The true and constant must respond to phenomena;

Responding to phenomena, you must be unconfused.

When unconfused, the nature will stabilize by itself;

When the nature stabilizes, energy returns by itself.

When energy returns, the elixir crystallizes by itself;

Within the pot, the trigrams of heaven and earth are joined.

Yīn and yáng arise, alternating over and over again;

Every transformation comes like a clap of thunder.

White clouds form and come to assemble at the peak;

The sweet nectar sprinkles down Mount Sumeru.

Swallow for yourself this wine of immortality;

You wander so freely—who is able to know you?

Sit and listen to the tune played without strings;

Clearly understand the mechanism of creation.

It comes entirely from these twenty lines;

A true ladder going straight to Heaven.-Daoist text -

"The  center of the cyclone is that   
rising quiet central low-pressure place  in which one can learn to live
   eternally. Just outside of this Center  is the rotating storm of 
one's   own ego, competing with other egos in a  furious high-velocity 
circular   dance. As one leaves center, the roar  of rotating wind 
deafens on more   and more as one joins this dance.  One's centered 
thinking-feeling-being,   one's own Satoris, are in the  center only, 
not outside. One's   pushed-pulled driven states, one's  anti-Satori 
modes of functioning,   one's self-created hells, are  outside the 
center. In the center of the   cyclone one is off the wheel  of Karma, 
of life, rising to join the   Creators of the Universe, the  Creators of

Here we find that we have created Them who are Us...

Lilly's Law

"In  the province of the mind, what 
is   believed to be true is true or  becomes true, within certain limits
  to   be found experimentally. These  limits are further beliefs to be
   transcended. In the province of the(true mind..added by danny) mind, there are no limits."" -- John C. Lilly -

Unless you know the emptiness and
bliss  inside'll be a robot forced by the same emptiness
and  bliss trying to know pain..inside your self
 me!..said the mahayogi!

The student asked: “A sage's response to changing conditions


is unlimited. Does he have to study beforehand?”


He should worry only about his mind's not being


clear, and not about the inability to respond to all changing conditions.”

— Wang Yang Ming (1472-1529

To us all towns are one, all men our  kin. Life's good comes not from 
others' gift, nor ill. Man's pains and  pains' relief are from within. 
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise  !." - Tamil Poem-

Apple and pear trees were a-blooming,
Rastsvetali iabloni i grushi,
Поплыли туманы над рекой.
Mist (was) creeping on the river.
Poplyli tumany nad rekoj.
Выходила на берег Катюша,
Katyusha set out on the banks,
Vykhodila na bereg Katyusha,
На высокий берег на крутой.
On the steep and lofty bank.
Na vysokij bereg na krutoj.
Выходила, песню заводила
She was walking, singing a song
Vykhodila, pesniu zavodila
Про степного, сизого орла,
About a grey steppe eagle,
Pro stepnogo, sizogo orla,
Про того, которого любила,
About her true love,
Pro togo, kotorogo liubila,
Про того, чьи письма берегла.
Whose letters she was keeping.
Pro togo, chi pisma beregla.

Ой ты, песня, песенка девичья,
Oh you song! Little song of a maiden,
Oj ty, pesnia, pesenka devichia,
Ты лети за ясным солнцем вслед.
Head for the bright sun.
Ty leti za iasnym solntsem vsled.
И бойцу на дальнем пограничье
And reach for the soldier on the far-away border
I bojtsu na dalnem pograniche
От Катюши передай привет.
Along with greetings from Katyusha.
Ot Katyushi peredaj privet.

Пусть он вспомнит девушку простую,
Let him remember an ordinary girl,
Pust on vspomnit devushku prostuiu,
Пусть услышит, как она поет,
And hear how she sings,
Pust uslyshit, kak ona poet,
Пусть он землю бережет родную,
Let him preserve the Motherland,
Pust on zemliu berezhet rodnuiu,
А любовь Катюша сбережет.
Same as Katyusha preserves their love.
A liubov Katyusha sberezhet.

Saturday, December 03, 2016

Why the need to keep the hate inside you?

Lead me from dreaming to waking.
Lead me from opacity to clarity. Lead me from the complicated to the simple. Lead me from the obscure to the obvious. Lead me from intention to attention. Lead me from what I'm told I am to what I see I am. Lead me from confrontation to wide openness. Lead me to the place I never left, Where there is peace, and peace -from the Upanishads- Unless you know the emptiness and bliss inside'll be a robot forced by the same emptiness and bliss trying to know pain.. ...inside your self me!..said the mahayogi!
In silence there must be movement, and in motion,
There must be silence.
A small movement is better than a big one..
No movement is better than a small one..listen!
Silence is all the movement's mother..
In Movement you should be like a dragon or a tiger.
In non Movement you should be like a Buddha.  
-- Wang Xiangzhai(November 26, 1885 - July 12, 1963}
What is referred to as mindlessness is absence of the human mentality; what is referred to as mindfulness is mindfulness of the Tao. When one is free of the human mentality, the mutual sensing of the earthly and celestial is swift; when one is mindful of the Tao, effective practice endures. Swiftness of sensing comes about spontaneously, without cultivation, without striving; long perseverance comes about through effort, and involves action and striving. Striving and non-striving each has its secret; the distinction is all a matter of the absence of the human mentality and the presence of mindfulness of the Tao. After one has reached complete realization of the universal Tao, neither existence nor nonexistence remain; others and self are ultimately empty, and one enters the state of ultimate truthfulness, like a spirit. Here, it is not only the human mentality that cannot be applied; even the mindfulness of Tao is not applicable." - Liu I-ming The Conduct of the Moon and Clouds 

The consistent conduct of people of the Way is like the flowing clouds with no grasping mind, like the full moon reflecting universally, not confined anywhere, glistening within each of the ten thousand forms. Dignified and upright, emerge and make contact with the variety of phenomena, unstained and unconfused. Function the same toward all others since all have the same substance as you. Language cannot transmit this, speculation cannot reach it. Leaping beyond the infinite and cutting off the dependent, be obliging without looking for merit. This marvel cannot be measured with consciousness or emotion. On the journey accept your function, in your house please sustain it. Comprehending birth and death, leaving causes and conditions, genuinely realize that from the outset your spirit is not halted. So we have been told that the mind that embraces all the ten directions does not stop anywhere. -- Hongzhi Zhengjue (1091-1157)
Lead me from dreaming to waking.
Lead me from opacity to clarity.
Lead me from the complicated to the simple.
Lead me from the obscure to the obvious.
Lead me from intention to attention.
Lead me from what I'm told I am to what I see I am.
Lead me from confrontation to wide openness.
Lead me to the place I never left,
Where there is peace, and peace - The Upanishads.........

from some old post of mine...but still full of superior  wisdom...a true gem from the Mahayogi..loved in the 3 realms..respected in 10..worshiped in GOOD to be me!...I love myself,baby!!...Aghhhh..Yupp...!!! 

Lead me from dreaming to waking.

Lead me from opacity to clarity.
Lead me from the complicated to the simple. Lead me from the obscure to the obvious.
   Lead me from intention to attention. Lead me from what I'm told I am to what I see I am.    Lead me from confrontation to wide openness. Lead me to the place I never left,    Where there is peace, and peace  -from the Upanishads- Unless you know the emptiness and bliss inside'll be a robot forced by the same emptiness and bliss trying to know pain..

...inside your self me!..said the mahayogi!
so listen to the mahayogi..,grasshopper from heaven...


In silence there must be movement, and in motion,

There must be silence.
A small movement is better than a big one..
No movement is better than a small one..listen!
Silence is all the movement's mother..
In Movement you should be like a dragon or a tiger.
In non Movement you should be like a Buddha.  
-- Wang Xiangzhai(November 26, 1885 - July 12, 1963}

What is referred to as mindlessness is absence of the human
mentality; what is referred to as mindfulness is mindfulness of the
Tao. When one is free of the human mentality, the mutual sensing of
the earthly and celestial is swift; when one is mindful of the Tao,
effective practice endures. Swiftness of sensing comes about
spontaneously, without cultivation, without striving; long
perseverance comes about through effort, and involves action and
striving. Striving and non-striving each has its secret; the
distinction is all a matter of the absence of the human mentality
and the presence of mindfulness of the Tao. After one has reached
complete realization of the universal Tao, neither existence nor
nonexistence remain; others and self are ultimately empty, and one
enters the state of ultimate truthfulness, like a spirit. Here, it
is not only the human mentality that cannot be applied; even the
mindfulness of Tao is not applicable." - Liu I-ming

    The Conduct of the Moon and Clouds 

The consistent conduct of people of the Way is like the flowing clouds with no grasping mind, like the full moon reflecting universally, not confined anywhere, glistening within each of the ten thousand forms.

Dignified and upright, emerge and make contact with the variety of phenomena, unstained and unconfused. Function the same toward all others since all have the same substance as you. Language cannot transmit this, speculation cannot reach it. Leaping beyond the infinite and cutting off the dependent, be obliging without looking for merit.

This marvel cannot be measured with consciousness or emotion. On the journey accept your function, in your house please sustain it. Comprehending birth and death, leaving causes and conditions, genuinely realize that from the outset your spirit is not halted. So we have been told that the mind that embraces all the ten directions does not stop anywhere.

-- Hongzhi Zhengjue (1091-1157)

Lead me from dreaming to waking.

Lead me from opacity to clarity.

Lead me from the complicated to the simple.

Lead me from the obscure to the obvious.

Lead me from intention to attention.

Lead me from what I'm told I am to what I see I am.

Lead me from confrontation to wide openness.

Lead me to the place I never left,

Where there is peace, and peace
- The Upanishads


Greetings Grasshoppers from heaven..full of grace you are indeed..

I am in my summer vacation now..

But let me explain you AGAIN the importance of,,forgiveness ,,

Forgiveness..means to some people this,,I forgive you..if you bow down like a dog to me..and lick my shoes..since I was right!..and you were wrong!,,then I'll forgive you,since I am GOD who forgives..I am so full of love..that if you crawl to me..I'll maybe..maybe..forgive your ass...if I want?

To other people means,,I forgive sucker!...BUT I"LL NEVER FORGET!

When I see your face..I'll blame you over and OVER ..even if I forgave you..

BECAUSE I do NOT forget!.no way Jose!..I'll always accuse you!..forever!..but I forgive you,of course..BUT!

I'll never forget..yet I forgive you..since you are a scum bag to me..I'll forgive you..right?

HOW STUPID IS THAT?..tell me..grasshoppers from heaven?

Why the need to keep hate inside you?..the other person could be happy..and you foster thoughts about,,never forget  the pain?

Anyway..I run a search on my blog about this sensitive topic

if these posts mean nothing to you..then you mock Jessus..who said..forgive them as YOU FORGIVE yourself!

If You do NOT forgive yourself..YOU DO NEVER forgive others.. NORE FORGET!

so couple posts here..

Love always..thus spokenths the mahayogi..please forgive and forget!..the others ARE a mirror to YOU!..


see you later wally gator!



by Prem Prakash

 virtually all meditative traditions, one finds instructions to
"release" thoughts, "let go" of attachments, and "cease clinging" to
likes and dislikes. These verbs imply that a quiet mind is not so much
something gained or accomplished, but something already existing,
underlying our present chaotic condition. The quiet mind is revealed
when we loose ourselves from binding impediments, such as grievances
against others.

I was at a yoga retreat a number of years ago,
where a woman asked Baba Hari Dass a question about an interpersonal
problem that had plagued her for some time. Baba Hari Dass told her that
 the answer to her dilemma was to let go of the problem.

She sat
quietly for a moment, and I could see that his words had deeply
penetrated her mind. Suddenly her eyes lit up. As they say, she "got
it!" In awe and wonder, she asked, "You mean... it's that simple?"
"Yes," Baba Hari Dass responded with a chuckle.

As if unsure of
her immense good fortune, she double-checked, "It's really that simple?"
 What could Babaji do but smile sweetly and re-assure her, "Yes, it is
that simple."

It may be that simple for a master yogi, but it
certainly doesn't seem that simple, or at least that easy, for us. What
is it that keeps us so trapped in emotional suffering, in
dissatisfaction, in a guilt-ridden past and a fearful future? My
observation is that we have an uncanny resistance to forgiving and
forgetting, a drunken unwillingness to release the past and its hangover
 on our present.

We tend not to see other people in the present.
We "hold them to a place," defining them based on previous experiences.
We fail to permit them the grace to change, to grow. Instead, we
anticipate that their personalities will remain static. Our beliefs then
 become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Even if others do change for the
positive, we refuse to acknowledge their growth by clinging to their
past. Thus our relationships remain stuck.

Forgiveness is
generally thought of as some special grace that we bestow upon others.
First, we interpret someone's behavior as damaging to us or those with
whom we identify. Then, out of the supposed magnanimity of our hearts,
we give them a break and bestow our forgiveness upon them. I think
forgiveness is actually more of a relinquishing of our victim
consciousness. Forgiveness is a willingness to release all of our
reasons, no matter how seemingly righteous, that keep us from peace.
Forgiveness helps us get our power back, reminding us that we are the
source of our own experience of the world.

This doesn't mean that
 bad things don't happen to generally good people, or that we have to
meekly accept everything that is directed our way. Free will means we
can deliberately choose the environments and beings with whom we would
like to share our lives. Most of us have very little free will, however,
 because we are pushed and pulled by our attractions and repulsions,
many of which are unconscious, into experiences over which we have
little control. Through forgiveness, we come to recognize that our own
consciousness is the origin of our experience. With this recognition,
our personal power to control the flow of events in our lives increases,
 and we garner a certain potency over the manifestation of our world.

 practice produces the awareness that we are not our bodies. We are
consciousness, within which thoughts arise and pass away, similar to the
 way clouds appear and disappear in the empty sky. As we realize our
existence as separate from passing mental conditions, we garner a
willingness to release negative thoughts. Security is not obtained by
fighting negative thoughts, but by realizing that our identity is not
threatened by releasing them. The sky exists regardless of the presence
of clouds.

We can learn to see that grievances and condemnation
bring suffering, and forgiveness delivers peace. Then we can choose what
 brings us peace and release what causes us to suffer. One doesn't have
to be a great genius to participate in this process. One does, however,
need to be willing to let go of blame and guilt allied with the past,
and anxieties and fears associated with the future. The peace we are
seeking cannot be found in yesterday or tomorrow. The past is a memory
and the future mere imagination. Forgive your brothers and sisters,
forgive yourself, forgive God, and "be here now", in the peace and
spacious freedom that forgiveness provides

The Marvelous ho'oponopono

 this is a fractal universe...your inner universe contains the 
outer.Make peace in yourself,and the whole world will benefit.

-added by danny-


Sunday, April 30, 2006


About Forgiveness


   danny danny (4/30/2006 10:19:56 AM): couple more things about ,,dissolving,, a's like this...

  danny danny (4/30/2006 10:20:33 AM): remember when I told you that one,, dissolves,, a conflict with others within himself?

  danny (4/30/2006 10:23:47 AM): we have for example 2 people
with  2 egos,(false perception) and they collide
more one  fights back,the more the other fights back.But how one can
reach the  stage of not fighting? will?..or by desire?
possible,sinse  they are ,,cougth,, in that bubble (of ego) already

  danny danny (4/30/2006 10:24:37 AM): so one must ,,transform,, out of the bubble first.

  danny (4/30/2006 10:26:22 AM): I remember about some words told to me
 when I started yoga?..there was this advanced yogi,which of course I 
didn't understand back then,yet I didn't forget them

  danny (4/30/2006 10:28:52 AM): he said,,you build a mountain inside 
you,out of the spirit,,..then..what power outside yourself could ever 
influense you,or disturb you?

  danny danny (4/30/2006 10:29:22 AM): you can always go back to your mountain.

  danny danny (4/30/2006 10:30:00 AM): the mountain of truth..and vibes

  danny (4/30/2006 10:31:24 AM): see?..all conflicts between people,and
 all wars by the way..are based on the ,,illusion,, of separation.That 
people falsely believe that they are separated.Yet,they are not deep 
inside,in spirit.

  danny danny (4/30/2006 10:32:25 AM): again,this is not a logical thing which one ,,learns,, but an inner transformation.

  danny (4/30/2006 10:33:35 AM): the more you meditate,the more your 
consciousness is transformed,and becomes less ,,personal,, and 

  danny danny (4/30/2006 10:35:12 AM): can you forgive forever?..what if there is nothing to forgive,just is something to ,,be,,?

  danny (4/30/2006 10:36:32 AM): and at that point you understand the 
foolish false illusion of separation of the other person,and understand
 that he is just impurified?

  danny danny (4/30/2006 10:37:02 AM):  kisses...

  danny (4/30/2006 10:39:48 AM): can he fight the mountain inside 
you?..with what weapons?..can an ego(false perceptions) fight the 
truth,or the spirit within?

  danny (4/30/2006 10:41:41 AM): the universe gives you all the clues
you  need.The outside experienses one has are direct reflection of one
inner  universe one built.

  danny (4/30/2006 10:47:12 AM): so if any outside person or
circumstance  bother you,just say to yourself,,there is something inside
 me  stirring,and reacting to this,but that is not necessary can
always  leave the mountain inside,and be forced to react,yet..the
mountain of  peace and joy and wisdom is always inside you,waiting for
you to  return.And when you returned,you already ,,forgave,, because you
 left  the plane of ,,ego reactions,, and you ARE in the mountain.

  danny danny (4/30/2006 10:48:04 AM): you become the mountain.

  danny (4/30/2006 10:53:15 AM): and at that point,the outer 
universe(experienses) adjust to your inner one,as reflection.This is 
what I did when I was on that cruise line ship..did I make any logical 
plans to escape? refused to sleep couple nights,and I 
meditated.THAT is surrender.Then,the opportunity was created in the 
outer universe to escape the ship,and start a new adventure as a monk in

  danny danny (4/30/2006 10:54:39 AM):

  danny (4/30/2006 10:58:18 AM): I remember I was like at 3 am in the 
morning on the ship deck..all alone,singing Ganesha 
songs?...GANESHA..Ganeeeesha..jai Jai Shri Ganesha!!!...and the wind,and
  the sea would reply back...jai...jai shri ganesha!!!!

  danny (4/30/2006 11:01:41 AM): and one night..I met a dude from 
phillipines,who was on the deck at 3 am like me,and he was singing jesus
  songs?..JESUS THE GREATEST..Jesus the 
laaaaa..and i responding..jai jai Shri ganeshaaaaa....and the fishes in
 the sea were jumping out and enjoying the songs.

Healing within to heal 'without'

by Joe Vitale

  years ago, I heard about a therapist in Hawaii who cured a complete 
ward of criminally insane patients--without ever seeing any of them. The
  psychologist would study an inmate's chart and then look within
himself  to see how he created that person's illness. As he improved
himself,  the patient improved.

  I first heard this story, I thought it was an urban legend. How could
 anyone heal anyone else by healing himself? How could even the best 
self-improvement master cure the criminally insane? It didn't make any 
sense. It wasn't logical, so I dismissed the story.

  I heard it again a year later. I heard that the therapist had used a 
Hawaiian healing process called ho'oponopono. I had never heard of it, 
yet I couldn't let it leave my mind. If the story was at all true, I had
  to know more. I had always understood "total responsibility" to mean 
that I am responsible for what I think and do. Beyond that, it's out of
 my hands. I think that most people think of total responsibility that 
way. We're responsible for what we do, not what anyone else does--but 
that's wrong.

  Hawaiian therapist who healed those mentally ill people would teach me
  an advanced new perspective about total responsibility. His name is
Dr.  Ihaleakala Hew Len. We probably spent an hour talking on our first
phone  call. I asked him to tell me the complete story of his work as a

  explained that he worked at Hawaii State Hospital for four years. That
  ward where they kept the criminally insane was dangerous.
Psychologists  quit on a monthly basis. The staff called in sick a lot
or simply quit.  People would walk through that ward with their backs
against the wall,  afraid of being attacked by patients. It was not a
pleasant place to  live, work, or visit.

Dr. Len told me that he never saw patients.  He agreed to have an office
 and to review their files. While he looked  at those files, he would
work on himself. As he worked on himself,  patients began to heal.
"'After a few months, patients that had to be  shackled were being
allowed to walk freely,' he told me. 'Others who had  to be heavily
medicated were getting off their medications. And those  who had no
chance of ever being released were being freed.' I was in  awe. 'Not
only that,' he went on, 'but the staff began to enjoy coming  to
work.Absenteeism and turnover disappeared. We ended up with more  staff
than we needed because patients were being released, and all the  staff
was showing up to work. Today, that ward is closed.'

This  is where I had to ask the million dollar question: 'What were you
doing  within yourself that caused those people to change?'

  was simply healing the part of me that created them,' he said. I
didn't  understand. Dr. Len explained that total responsibility for your
 life  means that everything in your life - simply because it is in your
 life  -- is your responsibility. In a literal sense the entire world is
 your  creation.

  This is tough to swallow. Being responsible for what I say or do is
one  thing. Being responsible for what everyone in my life says or does
is  quite another.

  the truth is this: if you take complete responsibility for your life,
 then everything you see, hear, taste, touch, or in any way experience
is  your responsibility because it is in your life. This means that 
terrorist activity, the president, the economy or anything you 
experience and don't like--is up for you to heal. They don't exist, in a
  manner of speaking, except as projections from inside you.

  problem isn't with them, it's with you, and to change them, you have
to  change you. "I know this is tough to grasp, let alone accept or 
actually live. Blame is far easier than total responsibility, but as I 
spoke with Dr. Len, I began to realize that healing for him and in ho 
'oponopono means loving yourself.

If you want to improve your  life, you have to heal your life. If you
want to cure anyone, even a  mentally ill criminal you do it by healing
you. I asked Dr. Len how he  went about healing himself. What was he
doing, exactly, when he looked  at those patients' files?

'"I just kept saying, 'I'm sorry' and 'I love you' over and over again," he explained. "That's it?" That's it.

  out that loving yourself is the greatest way to improve yourself, and
 as you improve yourself, you improve your world. Let me give you a
quick  example of how this works: one day, someone sent me an email that
 upset  me. In the past I would have handled it by working on my
emotional hot  buttons or by trying to reason with the person who sent
the nasty  message.

  time, I decided to try Dr. Len's method. I kept silently saying, 'I'm
 sorry' and 'I love you,' I didn't say it to anyone in particular. I was
  simply evoking the spirit of love to heal within me what was creating
 the outer circumstance. Within an hour I got an e-mail from the same 
person. He apologized for his previous message. Keep in mind that I 
didn't take any outward action to get that apology. I didn't even write
 him back. Yet, by saying 'I love you,' I somehow healed within me what
 was creating him.

  later attended a ho 'oponopono workshop run by Dr. Len. He's now 70 
years old, considered a grandfatherly shaman, and is somewhat reclusive.
  He praised my book, The Attractor Factor. He told me that as I
 improve myself, my book's vibration will raise, and everyone will feel
 it when they read it. In short, as I improve, my readers will improve.
 "What about the books that are already sold and out there?" I asked. 
"'They aren't out there," he explained, once again blowing my mind with
 his mystic wisdom. "They are still in you".

  short, there is no out there. It would take a whole book to explain 
this advanced technique with the depth it deserves. Suffice It to say 
that whenever you want to improve anything in your life, there's only 
one place to look: inside you. When you look, do it with love.

“Forgiveness is the fragrance left by the violet on the heel that crushed it.” - Mark Twain


*note*-I posted in

some similar universal principle

I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream today!!!

To nourish the vital energy, keep watch in silence;

In order to subdue the mind, act with non-action.

Of movement and stillness, be aware of their origin;

There is no work to do, much less someone to seek.

The true and constant must respond to phenomena;

Responding to phenomena, you must be unconfused.

When unconfused, the nature will stabilize by itself;

When the nature stabilizes, energy returns by itself.

When energy returns, the elixir crystallizes by itself;

Within the pot, the trigrams of heaven and earth are joined.

Yīn and yáng arise, alternating over and over again;

Every transformation comes like a clap of thunder.

White clouds form and come to assemble at the peak;

The sweet nectar sprinkles down Mount Sumeru.

Swallow for yourself this wine of immortality;

You wander so freely—who is able to know you?

Sit and listen to the tune played without strings;

Clearly understand the mechanism of creation.

It comes entirely from these twenty lines;

A true ladder going straight to Heaven.-Daoist text -

"The  center of the cyclone is that   
rising quiet central low-pressure place  in which one can learn to live
   eternally. Just outside of this Center  is the rotating storm of 
one's   own ego, competing with other egos in a  furious high-velocity 
circular   dance. As one leaves center, the roar  of rotating wind 
deafens on more   and more as one joins this dance.  One's centered 
thinking-feeling-being,   one's own Satoris, are in the  center only, 
not outside. One's   pushed-pulled driven states, one's  anti-Satori 
modes of functioning,   one's self-created hells, are  outside the 
center. In the center of the   cyclone one is off the wheel  of Karma, 
of life, rising to join the   Creators of the Universe, the  Creators of

Here we find that we have created Them who are Us...

Lilly's Law

"In  the province of the mind, what 
is   believed to be true is true or  becomes true, within certain limits
  to   be found experimentally. These  limits are further beliefs to be
   transcended. In the province of the(true mind..added by danny) mind, there are no limits."" -- John C. Lilly -

Unless you know the emptiness and
bliss  inside'll be a robot forced by the same emptiness
and  bliss trying to know pain..inside your self
 me!..said the mahayogi!

The student asked: “A sage's response to changing conditions


is unlimited. Does he have to study beforehand?”


He should worry only about his mind's not being


clear, and not about the inability to respond to all changing conditions.”

— Wang Yang Ming (1472-1529

To us all towns are one, all men our  kin. Life's good comes not from 
others' gift, nor ill. Man's pains and  pains' relief are from within. 
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise  !." - Tamil Poem-