Lead me from dreaming to waking.
Lead me from opacity to clarity.
Lead me from the complicated to the simple. Lead me from the obscure to the obvious. Lead me from intention to attention. Lead me from what I'm told I am to what I see I am.
Lead me from confrontation to wide openness. Lead me to the place I never left,
Where there is peace, and peace -from the Upanishads - Unless you know the emptiness and bliss inside yourself..you'll be a robot forced by the same emptiness and bliss trying to know itself..by pain..
...inside your self also..trust me!..said the mahayogi! so listen to the mahayogi..,grasshopper from heaven...
In silence there must be movement, and in motion,
There must be silence.
A small movement is better than a big one..
No movement is better than a small one..listen!
Silence is all the movement's mother..
In Movement you should be like a dragon or a tiger.
In non Movement you should be like a Buddha.
-- Wang Xiangzhai (November 26, 1885 - July 12, 1963}
What is referred to as mindlessness is absence of the human
mentality; what is referred to as mindfulness is mindfulness of the
Tao. When one is free of the human mentality, the mutual sensing of
the earthly and celestial is swift; when one is mindful of the Tao,
effective practice endures. Swiftness of sensing comes about
spontaneously, without cultivation, without striving; long
perseverance comes about through effort, and involves action and
striving. Striving and non-striving each has its secret; the
distinction is all a matter of the absence of the human mentality
and the presence of mindfulness of the Tao. After one has reached
complete realization of the universal Tao, neither existence nor
nonexistence remain; others and self are ultimately empty, and one
enters the state of ultimate truthfulness, like a spirit. Here, it
is not only the human mentality that cannot be applied; even the
mindfulness of Tao is not applicable." - Liu I-ming
The Conduct of the Moon and Clouds
The consistent conduct of people of the Way is like the flowing clouds with no grasping mind, like the full moon reflecting universally, not confined anywhere, glistening within each of the ten thousand forms.
Dignified and upright, emerge and make contact with the variety of phenomena, unstained and unconfused. Function the same toward all others since all have the same substance as you. Language cannot transmit this, speculation cannot reach it. Leaping beyond the infinite and cutting off the dependent, be obliging without looking for merit.
This marvel cannot be measured with consciousness or emotion. On the journey accept your function, in your house please sustain it. Comprehending birth and death, leaving causes and conditions, genuinely realize that from the outset your spirit is not halted. So we have been told that the mind that embraces all the ten directions does not stop anywhere.
-- Hongzhi Zhengjue (1091-1157)
Lead me from dreaming to waking.
Lead me from opacity to clarity.
Lead me from the complicated to the simple.
Lead me from the obscure to the obvious.
Lead me from intention to attention.
Lead me from what I'm told I am to what I see I am.
Lead me from confrontation to wide openness.
Lead me to the place I never left,
Where there is peace, and peace
- The Upanishads
Hello ..grasshoppers from Heaven!..I bow to you,in the search of the absolute,or the GOD within!
just this post from http://www.ipher.org/~visionquest/library/chakra.html
Just now my favorite student said,,,I want to study with a real master..
In other words,,I was NOT good enough..see?
A real master WILL meditate for you?,,a REAL master WILL do all the work,,while you sit back and enjoy?,,eat some kebabs while enjoying the ride?..NOTHING to do?
AS REAL master..will be the ,butt boy,, of ridiculousness ,,if you REFUSE to meditate?
That made me think.
As I remember.I meditated in snow up to my chin..
I meditated when I was alone,starving to death..in the beautiful North Carolina forest(from usa)
I meditated on top of the roofs..on the ground..etc..on the rivers..
Grasshoppers.. ??
,,tell me of some retreat ..with some REAL master..
IN OTHER WORDS<,ZERO responsibility .ZERO effort!!!
After YEARS with this person..
I felt like shit..when asked me,,please tell me where I can go to find a real master?
Incredible INSULT! So,,I have to tell this person where to go now?..
fantastic ..the nerve?..so I have to tell this person a new master location??
reminds me if this post,
from http://www.ipher.org/~visionquest/library/chakra.html
please be advised I have being meditating since I was like 12 years old..
I studied all the systems..*now I am 97 years old?)
but AS I REMEMBER?..the ,,transmission of SHAKTI was paramount
for I was a ZEN buddhist .like this guy bellow ?..dumb to the bone I was..creating a,,false witness.. to witness the thoughts?..is like a super -duper demented thought form(like a mantra?..a mantra is thought form ?) who make you THINK you are the watcher?
Usually...to prove such people wrong you challenge them..and see if they can maintain their awareness..slap them,kick them in the balls(if males) and then say..aHHHaaaHhh..so where is your awareness now?.lol
Use some Bruce Lee on them to demolish their self imposed GRAND thought form of,,the watcher,,
Now..is true the watcher is your spirit(or true self,not soul..soul is about experiences..etc.. incarnating ..)
However..trying to emulate it ..doesn;t work..you'll be kidding yourself IF you have to make any effort..really..but !..you need EFFORT in medittaion to get there,capish?.comprendre chinese?..good!
He says,,watch your sensations..oki
I did watch my breath .oki,,for years..nothing happened..no cool breeze..no power of awareness..nothing!
I recommend you serious seekers of the TRUTH..?
to get transmission first....then talk about it?
IS easy to talk like this guy below..about some,,watching etc...
ONLY an advanced being can PUSH your KI..in the fountainhead..
Really!..otherwise please be my guest to follow the moron technique below ?
Kiss and love!
THUS SPOKENTH the Mahayogi!
-----added by Danny.........
The Basic WMS Meditations
The following is a summary of the World Mind Society basic
meditations. All of the below are excerpts taken from the Perpetual
Raising series of articles. For an in-depth study of their merits and
applications, read that series in the WMS Library.
The Chakra Meditation
Sit or lie comfortably, and immediately begin
focusing on the feelings throughout the body. Those new to this
practice may begin by focusing upon a very small area of the body, such
as the tip of the right index finger. Be carefully aware of every
subtle detail of feeling in this area. Allow awareness to spread to the
entire finger, then the hand, arm, both arms, chest, torso, head, legs
and feet, (not necessarily in that order). Do not avoid any pain, fear
or other unpleasantness found anywhere in the body. [Such feelings are
usually the result of Intentions which inhibit personal growth, and
these can be "reprogrammed". Fear can be replaced by love, confusion by
clarity, and pain by vibrant energy/positivity.]
As thoughts inevitably run though the mind,
simply relax, and return again and again to a feeling-awareness focus,
even if this means doing so a hundred times every minute. Chronic,
rampant, seemingly unstoppable thoughts in the mind, are a symptom of
stored stress in ones' being. As the practice of meditation proceeds,
stress is released, and the tendency of thoughts to intrude upon this
process will gradually diminish. Be patient and don't let the
simplicity of this method of meditation deceive you. Let your awareness
travel freely from one area of the body to the next, as it will be
inclined to do. Feel every subtle inner detail. Areas of particular
stress or activity will attract your awareness, and hold it for longer
periods than the rest of the body. Allow this to happen, as it is a
function of natural self-healing processes and energy body activity.
Don't be concerned or irritated by intruding thoughts, just continue to
return to a feeling/awareness-oriented focus within the body, in a
relaxed manner.
One particularly notable value of the above
meditational practice, is that is can be done any time during the day,
at work, at home or in conjunction with any other activity. It can be
done for as little as 5-30 seconds at a time, (as daily inner awareness)
and it will still render cumulative benefits, though these are usually
more pronounced when the eyes are closed, and the body still. It is
recommended that the Chakra Meditation, (or others like it) be performed
daily just before going to sleep at night, and before arising in the
morning, for 20-30 minutes at a time. Daily inner awareness and
meditation compliment each others' effectiveness, acting to improve
health, reduce stress, increase psychic sensitivity, clarity and the
capacity for love, manifest intelligence and wisdom.
As the meditator becomes increasingly aware of
their own inner state of being through meditation, they are also enabled
to take greater notice of their psychic environment. The "mood" or
"atmosphere" of the workplace is made clearly perceptible to them. The
underlying motives and feelings of persons as well as groups, become
more and more obvious. Even more importantly, the meditator gains
greater awareness of their own patterns of feeling and thought, as well
as the Intentions which underlie them. That which is known can be
easily addressed, whereas that which is unknown is difficult to change.
Self knowledge implies the capacity for self change. The self-aware
individual discovers that the task of building a more evolved self, is
often easier than expected. They are thus enabled to build a more
evolved world with others in the process.
By applying the Chakra Meditation daily, (or others
like it) we become increasingly aware of the subtle feelings/Intents in
the body, as they exist in each cubic inch of our physiology. This
practice then allows the meditator to begin to transform the Intentions
held in the body as a residue of past experiences, to ones that are
progressively more evolved. Long held fear anywhere in the body, such
as in the stomach, (third chakra) or the heart, (fourth chakra) can be
transformed to love. Confusion and a scattered focus in the region of
the forehead, (sixth chakra) can be turned into greater and greater
clarity. A lack of energy in the hips/lower spine, (first chakra) can
be made into a state of high vitality. All of these changes of cellular
memory and Intent can be transformed in such a manner.
The meditator may do this by Intending changes to come about, by employing the following four steps;
(for rendering internal change)
1) Be aware of your current state of body/mind, (this is accomplished through meditation).
2) Gain familiarity with that which is to be
Intended, (such as a higher love and clarity) and the Intent to be acted
upon is crystallized.
3) The desired state is held steady in the mind,
(for at least 5 minutes). Visualize and feel this state as if it
already exists, until the body/mind shifts into it.
4) The desired state is "held in place" throughout the body, (or a given chakra).
This new state is maintained by treating it as the new reality of the
self on a permanent basis. Subsequent applications of the above
four-step process render cumulative results. Be persistent!
By employing such techniques as the Chakra Meditation, we are made
aware of the fact that the body is a collection of cellular group minds.
Each of these possesses Intent, Awareness and Energy. Every cell group
in the body therefore has a state of consciousness which it holds. It
may also be accurately said, that every Intent element or cubic inch of
our tissue holds a certain "state of mind", composed of fear, clarity,
pleasure, pain, love, confusion or bliss, or some combination thereof.
During meditation we are given the opportunity to become aware of these
Intent elements and their subtle details. The meditator will notice
that every subtle feeling in the body is an indicator of a corresponding
Intent underlying it. They will also notice that the chakras are the
most intense feeling/awareness centers of the body, and that each chakra
is composed of smaller regions of feeling/awareness areas. The reason
this is important information for the meditator to gain, is that all of
these Intent elements can be transformed at will, once they are known
through meditation. This is a part of what it means to "gain self
knowledge". The feelings in the body and their corresponding
Intentions, are a reflection of our overall mental and spiritual focus.
These are stored in the body as a form of cellular memory and ongoing
When we meditate then, we become aware of many subtle feelings and
Intentions that are housed in our tissues. In order to expand our
consciousness, it is very useful to transform these stored
Intentions/memories to ones that are spiritually progressive. Of
particular importance is the seeking out of all fear housed in the
cells, through meditation. So instead of avoiding fear and its
unpleasantness, seek it out as a hunter stalks their prey. Once it is
found anywhere in the body, fear can be transformed into love or clarity
by using the "four steps in the manifestation of Intent" above. If
fear is found in the fourth chakra, (heart) for instance, step one of
"Being aware of your current state of body/mind" in this area is
accomplished. Step two of, "Gain familiarity with that which is to be
Intended" is accomplished when we focus on the love we want to
experience there. Step three, "The desired state is held steady in the
mind is achieved when we stay focused on the love that is replacing the
fear within. Feel fear be dissolved by love by gradual degrees, until
it is completely replaced on a permanent basis. Then treat this inner
change as your new permanent reality. In doing this you have
accomplished step four above, or, "The desired state is "held in place"
throughout the body, (or a given chakra). This is a brief example of
employing Intent for internal change.
Any area of the body may in this way be transformed, and its
underlying Intent changed. This will aid in the improvement of health,
mental clarity and the raising of overall consciousness. The more areas
of the body we convert from fear to love, the more our consciousness
will soar. The same is true of the World Mind in which we live, because
we are analogous to cells within the body of humanity/the Earth.
The spiritual practitioner may rightly consider these inner
transformations, as a preparation for greater Mastery. They prepare us
for the creation of the needed outer transformations, in the World Mind
of humanity.
Advanced Chakra Meditation
Sit or lie comfortably, and immediately begin focusing on the feelings
centered in the area of the forehead, or sixth chakra. Those new to
this practice may begin by tapping the tip of their right index finger
upon what is known as the "third eye", or exact center of the forehead,
with the eyes closed. Tapping increases awareness in that region, which
is useful for the beginner. Be aware of every subtle detail of feeling
in this area. Allow awareness to spread to the entire region of the
frontal lobe of the brain, (the front third of the head, directly behind
the forehead), through the middle of the brain, and inclusive of the
occipital region, (back of head). FEEL all the subtleties. Do not
avoid any pain, fear or other unpleasantness found anywhere in these
areas, but instead relax them, and continue the meditation.
As thoughts inevitably run though the mind, simply relax, and return
again and again to a feeling focus, even if this means doing so a
hundred times every minute. Chronic, rampant, seemingly unstoppable
thoughts in the mind, are a symptom of stored stress in ones' being. As
the practice of meditation proceeds, stress is released, and the
tendency of thoughts to intrude upon the process of meditation will
gradually diminish. Be patient and don't let the simplicity of this
method of meditation deceive you. Maintain your awareness on the area
of the front of the head, with particular emphasis paid to the third
eye, and the temples at the side of each physical eye. Areas of
particular stress or activity in this region, will attract your
awareness and hold it for longer periods. Allow this to happen, as it
is a function of natural self-healing processes and energy body
activity. Don't be concerned or irritated by intruding thoughts, just
continue to return to a feeling-oriented focus.
After maintaining this feeling focus in the third eye region for
about 5 minutes, shift your focus to one of awareness only. In other
words, don't just be aware of feelings in this area, be aware of that in
you, which is being aware. This statement may at first sound a little
cryptic, but it is actually quite simple. In the basic Chakra
Meditation we use awareness to focus on feelings in the body, as a
replacement for continuous thoughts in the mind. In the Advanced Chakra
Meditation we start with a feeling focus, and then soon shift to a
"focus upon the focuser", or to one of having, "awareness of awareness".
So while focused upon the third eye region, the meditator engages in
"awareness of awareness", particularly in the frontal lobe of the brain.
This act "recycles" awareness back upon itself, thereby increasing its
intensity. This is a primary means to gain greater clarity.
Contemplate this concept to comprehend its profound simplicity and
value. It is recommended that you perform this meditation twice daily
as a temporary replacement for the basic Chakra Meditation, before
arising from bed and just before going to sleep at night. Each session
should last at least 20-30 minutes.
Employing the Advanced Chakra Meditation to gain greater clarity is a
process of self education. Clarity is not a concept Western culture is
thoroughly familiar with, and rarely is it a term that is concretely
defined. In this system, clarity is defined in terms of the degree of
awareness of awareness one possesses. Represented mathematically, this
principle of natural law may be shown as A/A=C, whereas, "A" is
awareness, (divided by itself) and "C" is the clarity that results. As
greater experiential familiarity with clarity is had, it then becomes a
known quality of mind that can be summoned up or enhanced at will, even
without the precursor of meditation. Thus it can then be Intended into
place at a moments' notice, for the purpose of improved mental and even
physical function.
This exercise may be conducted indoors and under
any conditions. Some circumstances however, are more favorable than
others however, due to a greater availability of environmental chi,
(Energy). Wooded areas are particularly preferable. After arriving in a
natural area and finding a secluded place to meditate, (such as a
woods, beach, lakefront, park etc.) remove all footwear from the feet.
This is done to establish direct Earth contact, which will facilitate
the drawing in of chi.
To begin this practice it is recommended that
a three step process be used, (initially). These steps are known as;
1) preparation, 2) breathing focus and 3) the Meditation itself. To
accomplish step one, simply find for yourself a quiet place that will
not be disturbed. Sit or stand comfortably with both feet on the
ground, a straight though relaxed spine, and eyes closed.
Step two consists of a breathing exercise, in
which deep relaxed breaths are taken in for a given duration, as
A) Breathe in deeply and slowly, for a period of about five seconds, until the lungs are completely filled.
B) Hold this breath for approximately five seconds more.
C) Exhale slowly taking five seconds to do so, until the lungs are completely emptied,
D) After exhalation, wait another five second period before inhaling once again.
E) Repeat steps A, B and C ten times, or until you feel calmed and refreshed.
After the breathing exercise of step two, let the body breathe as it wants to normally for about a minute. Relax.
Next, focus your Awareness on the first chakra
region, (the feet, legs, groin, hips, and tailbone). Know that our
primary connection to Earth Consciousness and Energy is through the
medium of the first chakra. Note every detail of the feelings and
Awareness in this area of the body, and enter into a meditative state
such as in the basic Chakra Meditation, (above). After you reach a
restful state with minimal thoughts in the mind, visualize that your
legs are the trunk of a tree. Picture strong and supple roots sprouting
from the feet. See in the mind's eye, these roots growing into the
ground at least 100 feet down, and 100 feet in diameter in all
directions. After a few minutes of, "visualizing your roots", extend
the feelings in your first chakra into them, just as you would extend
positive feelings to someone you love and respect.
FEEL the hips, legs and feet with special
attention, and INTEND that these feelings, "flow down into the
visualized roots". Keep sending love and other positive feelings into
the area of visualized roots below your feet, for at least five minutes
or more. Then upon each inhalation, visualize and feel Energy from the
Earth being pulled into "your roots" and stored throughout the "trunk"
of your body. FEEL the feet, legs and hips being charged with vitality.
The visualization of light or even lightening bolts being drawn into
the body through the soles of the feet, (to represent incoming chi) can
be most useful in this exercise. With each breath inhale deeply and in a
relaxed fashion. With each in-breath, visualize Energy being drawn
into, stored in the body via your "roots" Picture the body as a ball of
light which grows brighter and brighter with each inhalation of Earth
Energy, (chi).
Perform this meditation for a total of 15-30 minutes, or whenever the body or mind lacks vitality.
The practice of drawing chi from the environment is definitely a
cultivated art, and must be accomplished with patience and much
Remember that outdoor settings offer a
greater availability of chi than indoor locations. Wilderness areas
have more available chi than do cities. Stormy and wet conditions are
also more ideal for this practice…standing in water, particularly a
running stream or ocean surf, is ideal for acquiring greater chi. The
experienced practitioner is able to draw chi without meditational
preliminaries, and can use a variety of Energy sources to do this such
as fire, sunlight, wind, storm, rain, running streams, and even
artificial light sources.
After successfully gaining a significant
amount of chi, the practitioner may occasionally feel dizzy, of expanded
or of altered perceptions, shaky, and of greater clarity. They may
feel "high", see geometric forms, flashes of light, hear unusual sounds,
depending upon many factors. These occurrences are not to be
considered out of the ordinary. The practitioner should merely ignore
these for the most part, and stop the meditation temporarily if
uncomfortableness continues, at least in the beginning phases of the
practice. Maintain your Intent to gain Energy throughout the
meditation, regardless of distracting phenomena. Keep in mind that
energy may be stored in the body on a semi-permanent to permanent basis
for later use. Visualizations of Energy being stored in the bones,
cells or even atoms of the body, are excellent focuses to take for this
purpose, (as a hint to the practitioner).
When the Chi Gaining Meditation is done in
conjunction with aerobic exercise, it can greatly prolong the body's
stamina and increase the benefits of the work-out. The adept
practitioner will be able to draw chi easily without distraction even
while running, biking or swimming, by employing visualizations such as
the above during these activities. Eating foods which are live, such as
fresh vegetables and fruits, will invariably boost personal levels of
It should be noted too, that Energy may be drawn
into any of the seven chakras simply by Intending/visualizing this to be
so, especially during inhalation. This is best accomplished outdoors.
Note that the Energy of the sun is most easily drawn through the sixth
and seventh chakras, whose rate of vibration is most closely resonant
to that Energy source.
Find a relaxing, quiet place, and recall the
times in which you felt the strongest love. Remember every detail of
this experience, especially in terms of how it felt everywhere in the
body. The body has memory, and every state of consciousness you have
ever been in is recorded within the cells. These memories often surface
on their own, but they can also be summoned up by the mind. Remain
focused on this memory of love until you can feel it again as strongly
as possible. Take plenty of time and care to recall these feelings in
detail, especially in the beginning stages of this practice. Recall the
past events which surrounded your most intense sensations of love,
preferably those of a strong spiritual experience. Past or current
loving relations will be more than sufficient, however. Then, as soon as
you have recalled this peak love state of the past or present, just let
go of the imagery, memories and specific circumstances surrounding it,
and remain within the feeling(s) evoked. It is this feeling of love
which needs to be emphasized, and past memories are only the road that
leads to them. So for the sake of this spiritual exercise, don't let
yourself be snared in memory, and focus purely upon the sensations of
love in the body.
Once you have accomplished this love state recall,
keep in mind that there are levels of love. Picture a scale of
ascending love states, (frequencies/vibrations) if necessary, to
visualize this fact. Then, Intend into place a state of love that is
just slightly more intense, deep and profound than your current love
state, (rely on the four steps for the manifestation of Intent if
necessary). Just imagine in terms of feeling, what a slightly higher
level of love would feel like and move, (Intend) yourself into it.
Remain focused on your goal until it is felt within. Once you feel a
slightly elevated degree of love and/or positivity, take another small
step upwards in vibration, to an even higher level of love. Continue
doing this for as long as you wish, and see just how "high" you can get.
Practice this exercise every day for at least 10 minutes, and see how
it becomes easier and easier. After some experience in this, love
states can simply be "Intended into place", just as readily as one might
move the physical body from one place to another. We need only Intend
love to blossom within, in order to find its benefits in our lives
Practice is all that is required to greatly improve the results of a
"vibrational raising focus" such as this.
The Purifier is associated with the forth chakra or
the heart region, because it is this chakra which specializes in the
creation of love. Most people prefer to increase their feeling of
love/vibration, while focused upon this area of the body in particular,
with a lesser emphasis placed upon the rest of the body as a whole.
Never the less, it is extremely useful to feel love body-wide, as
previously explained.
To begin the practice of this meditation, it is
recommended that a three step process be used, (initially). These steps
are known as; 1) preparation, 2) breathing focus and 3) the meditation
itself. To accomplish step one, simply find for yourself a quiet
place that will not be disturbed. Sit comfortably with both feet on the
floor, a straight though relaxed spine, and eyes closed.
Step two consists of a breathing exercise in which
deep relaxed breaths are taken in for a given duration, as follows;
A) Breathe in deeply and slowly for a period of about five seconds, until the lungs are completely filled.
B) Hold this breath for approximately five seconds more.
C) Exhale slowly taking five seconds to do so, until the lungs are completely emptied,
D) After exhalation, wait another five second period before inhaling once again.
E) Repeat steps A, B and C ten times, or until you feel calmed and refreshed.
After the breathing exercise of step two, let the body breathe as it wants to normally for about a minute. Relax.
1) Focus your mind on the feelings
and Awareness at the crown of the head, (or the heart, and throat).
Note every detail of the feelings in this region, on the surface of the
head, and also within the brain. Let the mind rest upon this focus of
feeling and Awareness in a relaxed way. Every time thoughts occur in
the mind, simply return to an Awareness of the seventh chakra region.
Perform this step of the meditation for about 5 minutes.
2) Then visualize a light, (violet
or white is useful) and any image you wish to represent the soul. See
this light or image descending from above the head, and entering the 7th
chakra. Let that image fill the head completely with its illumination.
Visualize also the entire body being filled with this same light/image,
(as it continues to stream into the head via the 7th chakra.) Remember
that this is a thoughtform representative of the soul, and maintain it
with the Intent that soulic/Divine contact with the mind and body be
3) While visualizing the above,
repeat the words, "enter in" over and over again, and/or simply Intend
into place greater soul-mind-body union. Practice this meditation as you
feel the need or desire, with a recommended duration of 20-30 minutes
As contact with the soul increases on a conscious
level, advice in the form of the "conscience", (as the "voice" of the
soul in the mind) is made more accessible. Imparted through this
connection will often be valuable information for living. A clear
meditative mind is one that does not hinder the transmission of these
messages. We can learn to listen to these inputs, and employ them to
increase our rate of personal evolution. This is an ability acquired
with experience and a purity of Intent, the results of which exceed the
scope of this text. Suffice it to say however, that all of the wisdom
of the soul may in this way be eventually accessed, one that spans the
course of an untold number of lifetimes. Insights gained in this manner
often go well beyond the scope of current thought, and are "ahead of
their time". The higher vibrational level and wisdom of the soul also
makes it a superior conduit for the channeling of Cosmically originating
knowledge, (with which it is in contact). The personality that is in
touch with the soul, is therefore also in touch with the Cosmic
Intelligence at large, which has an unlimited capacity to catalyze
growth and genius.
After a time the brain, body and mind become
increasingly acclimated to conscious alignment with the soul, making
this easier to establish at any time. The experienced practitioner need
only Intend soulic contact on a moment's notice, for it to be increased
to a significant degree. Much later still in the practice, the
personality becomes completely absorbed into the Intent and purpose of
the true self, becoming purified of ego and able to function with the
inherent, clear insight into Truth that is a property of the natural
mind. This stage is representative of a very significant level of
attained personal mastery, for the practitioner. It has been referred
to as "enlightenment" by certain spiritual systems. Every time we
conduct the Soulic Rapport Meditation or others like it, a greater
alignment between the mind, soul and body is achieved, on a cumulative
Field Coordination Thoughtform
To make best use of this thoughtform, (to render environmental
influence) first perform the Advanced Chakra Meditation, bodywide. This
is to say, use an awareness of awareness focus, not only in the region
of the sixth chakra, (forehead) but body-wide. Let awareness of
awareness spread from the area of the forehead where it is most
concentrated, and infiltrate every cell in the body. This will produce
the body-wide clarity and fine-tuned awareness needed to perform field
coordination work.
Next visualize that at sphere of 100 yards in radius, is surrounding
you as a globe of light. Intend that this globe represent the scope of
your projected Intent, in the creation of enhanced degrees of love,
clarity, energy, Divine influence and other progressive focuses, for
everything and everyone within that sphere. Extend the size of this
thoughtform by doubling it, and then doubling it again and again, as you
intuit the need or want to do so. Continually Intend the expansion of
consciousness for all beings within the area of your visualized globe,
to render the best possible spiritual benefit therein. In this way you
can create very progressive, "areas of effect" which have lasting value.
Such thought forms have the ability to last indefinitely if the Intent
which created them is of sufficient potency. High levels of Intent
afford higher results, as partially modified by existing psychic
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream..where all the people would know their original nature..which is bliss and peace
I have a dream today!!!
To nourish the vital energy, keep watch in silence;
In order to subdue the mind, act with non-action.
Of movement and stillness, be aware of their origin;
There is no work to do, much less someone to seek.
The true and constant must respond to phenomena;
Responding to phenomena, you must be unconfused.
When unconfused, the nature will stabilize by itself;
When the nature stabilizes, energy returns by itself.
When energy returns, the elixir crystallizes by itself;
Within the pot, the trigrams of heaven and earth are joined.
Yīn and yáng arise, alternating over and over again;
Every transformation comes like a clap of thunder.
White clouds form and come to assemble at the peak;
The sweet nectar sprinkles down Mount Sumeru.
Swallow for yourself this wine of immortality;
You wander so freely—who is able to know you?
Sit and listen to the tune played without strings;
Clearly understand the mechanism of creation.
It comes entirely from these twenty lines;
A true ladder going straight to Heaven.-Daoist text -
"The center of the cyclone is that
rising quiet central low-pressure place in which one can learn to live
eternally. Just outside of this Center is the rotating storm of
one's own ego, competing with other egos in a furious high-velocity
circular dance. As one leaves center, the roar of rotating wind
deafens on more and more as one joins this dance. One's centered
thinking-feeling-being, one's own Satoris, are in the center only,
not outside. One's pushed-pulled driven states, one's anti-Satori
modes of functioning, one's self-created hells, are outside the
center. In the center of the cyclone one is off the wheel of Karma,
of life, rising to join the Creators of the Universe, the Creators of
Here we find that we have created Them who are Us...
Lilly's Law
"In the province of the mind, what
is believed to be true is true or becomes true, within certain limits
to be found experimentally. These limits are further beliefs to be
transcended. In the province of the(true mind..added by danny ) mind, there are no limits."" -- John C. Lilly -
Unless you know the emptiness and
bliss inside yourself..you'll be a robot forced by the same emptiness
and bliss trying to know itself..by pain..inside your self also..trust
me!..said the mahayogi!
The student asked: “A sage's response to changing conditions
is unlimited. Does he have to study beforehand?”
He should worry only about his mind's not being
clear, and not about the inability to respond to all changing conditions.”
— Wang Yang Ming (1472-1529 )
To us all towns are one, all men our kin. Life's good comes not from
others' gift, nor ill. Man's pains and pains' relief are from within.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !." - Tamil Poem-