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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Astrologer

The Astrologer

Once there was an emperor, and one astrologer came up to him and said, "Emperor, you are going to die tomorrow." The emperor completely freaked out, completely freaked out, flipped out completely. He wasn't going to court anymore, he wasn't eating, he wasn't drinking water. He was just sitting thinking that he is going to die tomorrow. So his advisor came and said, "What's the matter, your Excellency? Why are you sitting like that? What happened to you?"

And the emperor said, "Listen, mister, I'm going to die tomorrow. It's a joke for you, but I'm going to tomorrow."

He said, "Who told you you are going to die tomorrow ? "

"That astrologer."

He said, "No, come on!" So he called that astrologer and said, "Astrologer, is his Highness going to die tomorrow ? "

And the astrologer said, "Yes, he's going to die tomorrow."

And he said, "How do you know?"

He said, "Because I calculated, and he is going to die tomorrow."

So he said, "Oh, really?" And he said, "When are you going to die?">

"Oh, I am going to die after 21 years. I calculated my lifetime, and it's after 21 years that I am going to die."

"Really? "


"Are you sure?"


The advisor took off his sword and slaughtered that astrologer right there! So that's it. And he told the emperor, "Emperor, it was just a fake thing. He wasn't going to live 21 years. He probably miscalculated. Maybe you were going to live 21 years, and he was going to die tomorrow.
(hindu story)