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Monday, September 08, 2008

Faith in Your Divine Spark

*note* nice september issue of the ,,superwisdom-newsletter,,..worthy of reading.
-added by danny-

Faith in Your Divine Spark by Tom Russell

Does inner work require us to fix something? Or, is a change of Heart authored by a source higher than effort? Are we so caught up in trying to change, be more spiritual, or finally “attain” enlightenment, that we make the present manifestations of our inner world enemies to be conquered? Would this set up friction between what is present and what we think should be present?

Your wish for growth is the Universe’s longing for expansion. Yes, this wish is sacred and worthy of reverence. However, it is perfectly capable of unfoldment without our tense involvement. It simply needs our willingness to play with spiritual principles, to let them tread lightly in the depths of our Being. The wish needs a sense of humor and lightness in order to unfold, not burdens of obligation and “hard” work. This appreciation of the vast power in your Heart’s wish for growth is what the Bible calls Faith.

As the Universe unfolds its Divine Spark within, we find that the Spark itself enjoys living with awareness in daily life. It prefers discipline and decency. It enjoys creativity, and perhaps keeping a journal. It is not doing “spiritual things” in order to arrive somewhere. It simply finds great joy in living this way. The Divine Spark has discovered that “ease and happiness are superior to guilt and tension.” The Spark expresses spirituality effortlessly and joyously, which means we can cease the endless struggle to get it right.

So, when you find yourself wallowing in self-condemnation for not doing enough, not applying spiritual principles, not stopping anger or stress, or for making a “tragic” mistake, then pause for a moment and have Faith. Recognize and appreciate the Spark instead of trying to do something to help it. Harmonize with wisdom already present.

Declare with the writer from New Testament, “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”

Self-condemnation over not being spiritual enough is childish and unnecessary. The Universe takes care of its Sparks. Living this wisdom down deep inside, instead of just with verbal acknowledgment, is a master key!

Everything in this article Lao-Tse said in far fewer words when he wrote, “Who is there who can make muddy waters clear? But if allowed to remain still, it will gradually clear itself?” Christ also when he declared, “Of myself I can do nothing, but my Father within me, He doeth the works.” All credit is due the Source, the Father.

Self-Reliance Tips of the Month

• When you are in tune with your own world, you are aware of disharmony in the worlds of other people, but this disharmony does not enter your world. (Vernon Howard)

• Belonging to an elite group, whether or not it be real or self-claimed, allows its members to feel superior, to be condescending, and to denigrate others. (Dr. Paul Brunton)

Can we find a way of living in which there is not a breath of imitation, conformity, suppression? (J. Krishnamurti)

• Nothing is more useful or more interesting than to pull yourself up suddenly and notice where you are inside and where you are going. (Dr. Maurice Nicoll)


“Because the individual self, which is nothing but the mind, has lost the knowledge of its identity with the real Self, and has emeshed itself in bondage, its search for the Self, its own eternal primal nature, resembles that of the shepherd searching for a lamb which all the time he bears on his own shoulders.” (Ramana Maharshi)

Comment: The spiritual quest begins with mental curiosity. When mental curiosity touches the boundaries of the mind and begins a transition to cosmic curiosity, the mind is threatened. What arises flows. It is not in a box and it cannot be controlled. There’s now a new state of suspension and uncertainty, which is the last thing the boundaries want. It’s so simple! We can allow cosmic curiosity to blossom out of mental curiosity. It is as different and fascinating as the butterfly emerging from the caterpillar. (Tom Russell)


This is one of the worst delusions we have. We think that negative emotions are produced by circumstances, whereas all negative emotions are in us, inside us. This is a very important point… We have negative emotions because we permit them, justify them, explain them by external causes.” (P.D. Ouspensky)

Comment: The contrast of these two explorations reveals a major inner development principle. One’s blending with the impersonal world of present Oneness expands through lofty statements like the one from Maharshi. Conversely, one’s insight into self-deceit must also grow deeper. Vernon Howard once illustrated it to his class by raising both his hands at the same time, stressing how important it is that our perception grow in both directions. All true books or talks strike powerful cords with both hands. If any author or leader falls too far on either side, his or her teaching loses its power. (Tom Russell)

Wisdom from Vernon Howard

When Thomas More’s book Utopia was first published a large number of readers believed that Utopia was an actual country. Some even planned to send missionaries there to convert the natives. Because a man fails to check the facts he wastes his time in illusory aims. One of them is the wish to save others from delusion before he has rescued himself. Know that facts prevent follies. (700 Inspiring Guides to a New Life)

Comment: Just as when Christ spoke of the Kingdom of Heaven, all they could do was place it out there.

Lucas & Mr. R
by Gordon Rand

Lucas came to my class and sat before the computer in a negative slouch. He refused to do the assignment of writing down book titles and authors for his reading list for the year. I pulled up a chair beside him and began this dialogue:

Mr. R: Lucas, what happened this morning?

Lucas: I don’t want to talk about it!

Mr. R: Did it happen in your last class?

Lucas: Yeah, I got in trouble with the teacher.

Mr. R: So it happened last class and you brought it along and it’s still with you?

Lucas: (Mumbling) You bet!

Mr. R: But Lucas, all that happened last hour, so where is it right now?

Lucas: In my mind!!

Mr. R: So, can you empty your mind of it? Now that you know where it is?

Lucas: Oh, no! It’s too hard!

Comment: Even though Lucas denied that he could drop the emotions he carried into the room, he relaxed, brightened and started doing his work. He continued in better spirits the rest of the day.

All through life we carry thoughts and experiences into the present, long after the they are over. They infect the present with past pains. Lucas could not be spontaneous in class until a small light was shown on where his real problem was…in his mind, which became a catalyst for him to move beyond the negative state.