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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Are you the scared cat?

Lead me from dreaming to waking.
Lead me from opacity to clarity.
Lead me from the complicated to the simple.
Lead me from the obscure to the obvious.
Lead me from intention to attention.
Lead me from what I'm told I am to what I see I am.
Lead me from confrontation to wide openness.
Lead me to the place I never left,
Where there is peace, and peace
- The Upanishads

*note* interesting remote distance healing of the,,scared cat,,..EFT actually unblocks the energies on the channels ,and it works because the principle is valid.Sahaja yoga uses affirmations for the same initial all comes down to using the logical brain to see the truth...what is interesting is that EFT is so popular,while sahaja yoga is not,maybe because the influence of the mantras are not processed in the logical brain.Because Jesus didn't give people some sanskrit mantra to chant,but he said,,just forgive,,...few people can comprehend this stuff,really..especially the Indian continent born,whom just love weird magik and spells,and mantras,and never look for the source within.
-added by danny-

By JoAnn SkyWatcher

Learn EFT Here

Ginger is a sweet cat even though she's been a scaredy-cat. Her mother was mostly feral and taught Ginger to be afraid of humans. Ginger's mother disappeared a year ago, most likely munched by a bobcat that was living near our pond at the time. We've had Ginger for 2 1/2 years, and she's a hardy outside cat who ruthlessly (hey, she's a cat! What do you expect?) keeps down the mice population in our home.

Even though we feed Ginger, and she loves being petted (though only by us), she hasn't liked us picking her up or putting her on our laps. She's gotten a lot friendlier in the year since her mother vanished.

Just the other day, I really wanted Ginger on my lap. I was outside sitting in a lawn chair, and Ginger walked over to me. I tried picking her up and she jumped out of my hands. So, I thought I would try surrogate EFT, on her. I didn't even have to physically tap on my cat. She's way too skittish for that. Here is how I did it. I imagined that I was Ginger. I tapped on my karate chop point saying:

Even though my mother taught me not to trust people, I'm an OK cat.

Even though I've been afraid of people, including JoAnn, and I'm an OK cat.

Even though I'm a scaredy-cat, and my mother taught me to be leery of people, I'm an OK cat.

I tapped on my meridians for one round saying "scaredy-cat" as a reminder phrase. Then I did another round, saying things like:

My mom taught me not to trust people

Maybe I can trust JoAnn, she's been feeding me for my whole life JoAnn hasn't hurt me.

Maybe I can trust her.

Maybe it's okay for me to get on her lap. I can trust JoAnn.

It is okay for me to get on her lap. I feel safe on JoAnn's lap.

After I finished, Ginger let me pick her up. She didn't struggle at all. I put her on my lap and didn't feel any resistance. I started to pet her and she let me. She stayed on my lap for 10 minutes, purring as I stroked her fur.

EFT is an amazing tool! Gary Craig says try it on everything, and that includes even a scaredy-cat named Ginger.

JoAnn SkyWatcher