Lead me from opacity to clarity.
Lead me from the complicated to the simple.
Lead me from the obscure to the obvious.
Lead me from intention to attention.
Lead me from what I'm told I am to what I see I am.
Lead me from confrontation to wide openness.
Lead me to the place I never left,
Where there is peace, and peace
- The Upanishads
*note* Gregg Braden re-discovers the eternal truth...interesting interview.
-added by danny-
"Our entire civilization has been based upon two central false assumptions that
are still being taught in our schools today.
The first false assumption is that the space between things is empty. We say, “Ninetysix
percent of the universe is empty space.” What is matter—or you could say, what
matters—is at most 4 percent.
The second false assumption is that our inner experience—our thought, feeling,
emotion and belief—has no effect on the world beyond our own bodies"
"We now know there’s a field of energy that underlies all physical existence. This field
so new in its discovery that scientists have yet to agree upon a single term; it’s called
everything from simply “the field” to “the mind of God,” to “nature’s mind.” In 1944,
Max Planck, the father of quantum theory, called it “the matrix.”
We also know that we have the ability to “speak” in a language that resonates with
this field, a nonverbal language of feeling and belief in our hearts. When we do this, we effect physical healing within our bodies’ cells. The key is to feel the feeling in a very precise way, as if the outcome of our heart’s desire has already happened. This sets into motion a response within our bodies where the chemistry matches that feeling.
Likewise, when we create the very precise feelings as if our career is already
successful, our relationships and our partnerships are already in place and we have just the right people to accomplish all of the goals in just the right way, this sets into motion a mechanism in this field that allows those things to come to fruition.
Once we understand the mechanism, it becomes a technology, and we can do it
consistently and repeatedly."
''But we’re shifting from a purely Newtonian way of engineering and solving
problems, believing that everything is separate and we must work toward our goal, to a quantum way of thinking, where we strongly and clearly identify with the outcome.
We’ve got powerful video documentation of just how quickly the physical world
responds to this language. In one video, we see a woman who is diagnosed with an
inoperable, cancerous tumor, in the presence of three practitioners who are trained in this language we’re talking about. Through ultrasound, you see that tumor melt away and literally vanish from the screen.'