Lead me from dreaming to waking.
The Upanishads
*note*..sometimes I wonder ..how much a STUPID person can get,when one is stuck on the consciousness levels like this sucker,scum of the earth,vampire finger dude named Harold Egbert Camping the Great?..now we die quote"
Judgment Day 2011: 'You Will Quietly Die' on Oct. 21
http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/231910/20111016/judgment-day-2011-you-will-quietly-die-on-oct-21-harold-camping-warns-may-21-doomsday-apocalypse-fam.htm"I already posted about this cretinoid...on the post of http://kriptodanny.blogspot.com/2011/05/harold-egbert-campingthe-last-idiot-to.html
Is this some american nation illness ??..are THEY SICK TO THE BONE TO ALLOW THESE KINDS OF sick to the bone,fruitcakes to predict the end of the world?..maybe all the americans are as stupid as the cucumbers from my fridge..whom knows.. ..or they are smart,and they think they got God by his balls,and decide now the day when we all die?
Reminds me of the story of this saint.. from http://www.stillnessspeaks.com/ssblog/karlfried_graf_durckheim/Like the great Indian sage, Anandamayi Ma, Durckheim welcomed all that arose in the including adversity, as an open invitation to Eternity: (I talked about him on my post on the http://kriptodanny.blogspot.com/2010/11/karlfried-graf-durckheimthe-marvelous.html#links
"Each of life's primal dilemmas is matched by its own saving power. Every recurrent anguish, longing, and hope finds its own special helper. The master is one of these helpers."
"Again and again, people driven by despair to seek the counsel and help demanded by their true nature, themselves construct the helpers they need, simply because they are suffering and searching so intensely. They receive a master's answer or a master's guidance from others who are by no means masters themselves."
"If we see Being as the one true reality and ourselves as the prisoners of the world, then the only way of fulfilling ourselves and getting back in touch with that ultimate reality is to leave the world utterly behind, die, and so finally enter the reality of All-One-Being. If, on the other hand, we see Life as transcending the antithesis of otherworldly Being and worldly reality, and manifestation of the Absolute in the worldly as our real objective, then we fulfill ourselves by witnessing to it in our ways of living, learning, and acting in the world."
Is NOT easy to be stupid..is a hard,daily work..imagine a fruitcake big tooth ,enlarged earlobes ,and small eye balls,like a coyote watching you in the dark...while raising his 12 inch bonny vampire finger,and telling you how is gonna be..
The stupids must keep on,since there is nothing else for them.
Very hard work..I'd rather be meditating about the REAL causes of the universe..is never easy to be stupid,indeed.....but GIVE ME A BREAK!..to be as stupid as this fruitcake????..how he manages to be as stupid as it could be?????...how he does it?..formidable power he must have to sustain his cretinism...AS HE IS AT HIS ADVANCED AGE 90 years old??? common,for God's sake!..and I thought people get smarter as they age....but looks they get dumb and dumber,for Jessus's sake!..what a moron he is...!!.DIE! Harold!..DIE HARD on the 21 october you scam of the earth..YOU IDIOT!(as he predicted,,you shall die quietly,all of you..on the 21th..)
Judgment Day 2011: 'You Will Quietly Die' on Oct. 21
http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/231910/20111016/judgment-day-2011-you-will-quietly-die-on-oct-21-harold-camping-warns-may-21-doomsday-apocalypse-fam.htm"Since the consciousness factor is defined by falsity ..(observe his ears lobes..I could make a salad out of them,they grow as he smiles like a coyote missing a tooth)it must be reinforced with a new dooms day prediction .
Cretinoids are like flies..they always need more shit to feed on.
I wonder..there is an end for it?..personal predictions become collective ..and so on..then they attack us with suicide bombers ..because Allah or Jesus told them that..so they wipe out us,because they believe in that!!
There is NO END! for such idiots!
WE BELIEVE IN HArmony with all beings,since we are part of them.
We believe in love,since love is the secret of the universe.
We believe in our power within..
We believe in HaRMONY..
WE BELIEVE in the stuff that dreams are made of....inside you,grasshoppers from heaven..
Or at least of mine,the mahayogi(loved in the 3 worlds,respected in 10 ..worshiped in the 18th)
I recommend he dies soon..and spare us with his cretinoid 21 October doom..please..die Harold!..and die hard..for we shall survive!..you idiot..
-added by danny-
By Jijo Jacob | October 16, 2011 3:21 AM EDT
Notorious Doomsday soothsayer Harold Camping, of the Family Radio mission, has returned with the prediction that the world will end on OCtober 21, 2011 -- a day when the "Rapture" promised to take place earlier his year, in May, will finally seperate the chaff from the grain.
"That looks like it will be............"That looks like it will be at this point it looks like it will be the final end of everything. They’ll quietly die…the true believers will quietly receive the new heaven and the new earth. I really am beginning to think as I restudied these matters that there’s going to be no big display of any kind. The end is going to come very very quietly probably within the next month. It will happen that is by October 21 ...", said the tape.
Camping returned from hospital last month to renew statements regarding his prediction of the end of the world on Oct. 21, after much ignominy was heaped on him and his followers when the supposed May apocalypse and "Rapture" fizzled out.
Meanwhile, Camping had a close brush with mortality when he suffered a stroke in June and was hospitalized. Nothing much was heard from him for a long time, although he did say, in May, the true "Rapture" and the end of the world would take place in October this year.
When the May 21 Judgment Day did not take place, Camping said there was an error in calculation and claimed the "Spiritual Rapture" did take place on that day and that it offered a pre-taste of Judgment Day.
"So the lord did return to earth that day. Taking the holy spirit here again to evangelize the world ... The great earthquake and everything, it will all happen on October 21, 2011," said Camping....
In an audio mesage posted on his Web site after he returned form the hospital, Camping repeated the claim.Meanwhile, Camping had a close brush with mortality when he suffered a stroke in June and was hospitalized. Nothing much was heard from him for a long time, although he did say, in May, the true "Rapture" and the end of the world would take place in October this year.
When the May 21 Judgment Day did not take place, Camping said there was an error in calculation and claimed the "Spiritual Rapture" did take place on that day and that it offered a pre-taste of Judgment Day.
"So the lord did return to earth that day. Taking the holy spirit here again to evangelize the world ... The great earthquake and everything, it will all happen on October 21, 2011," said Camping....
"That looks like it will be............"That looks like it will be at this point it looks like it will be the final end of everything. They’ll quietly die…the true believers will quietly receive the new heaven and the new earth. I really am beginning to think as I restudied these matters that there’s going to be no big display of any kind. The end is going to come very very quietly probably within the next month. It will happen that is by October 21 ...", said the tape.
To nourish the vital energy, keep watch in silence;
In order to subdue the mind, act with non-action.
Of movement and stillness, be aware of their origin;
There is no work to do, much less someone to seek.
The true and constant must respond to phenomena;
Responding to phenomena, you must be unconfused.
When unconfused, the nature will stabilize by itself;
When the nature stabilizes, energy returns by itself.
When energy returns, the elixir crystallizes by itself;
Within the pot, the trigrams of kǎn and lí are joined.
Yīn and yáng arise, alternating over and over again;
Every transformation comes like a clap of thunder.
White clouds form and come to assemble at the peak;
The sweet nectar sprinkles down Mount Sumeru.
Swallow for yourself this wine of immortality;
You wander so freely—who is able to know you?
Sit and listen to the tune played without strings;
Clearly understand the mechanism of creation.
It comes entirely from these twenty lines;
A true ladder going straight to Heaven.-Daoist text -
To us all towns are one, all men our kin. Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill. Man's pains and pains' relief are from within. Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !." - Tamil Poem-
Unless you know the emptiness and bliss inside yourself..you'll be a robot forced by the same emptiness and bliss trying to know itself..by pain..inside your self also..trust me!..said the mahayogi!