Lead me from dreaming to waking. 
Lead me from opacity to clarity. Lead me from the complicated to the simple. Lead me from the obscure to the obvious. *note* great site I've found on the http://www.aimwell.org/Books/Other/other.html ...you can spend days reading the buddhist wisdom there,if so you're inclined..I am doing it just now...I'll send you an email when I am done..grasshoppers from heaven...
This eye-glassed
Sayādaw U Pandita
from a bandit to a Pandita..lovely talk on jhanas and stuff....you can read it here,as pdf... http://www.buddhanet.net/pdf_file/path-free.pdf
Be careful he is formidable.. this bandit...quote"
U Pandita was born in 1921 in Insein in greater Yangon during the British colonial rule. He became a novice at age twelve, and ordained at age twenty. After decades of study, he passed the rigorous series of government examinations in the Theravāda Buddhist texts, gaining the Dhammācariya (dhamma teacher) degree in 1952.U Pandita began practicing Vipassana under the guidance of the Mahāsi Sayādaw beginning in 1950. In 1955, he left his position as a teacher of scriptural studies to become a meditation teacher at the Mahāsi Meditation Cente"one of the best,besides his lousy protection glasses..maybe he wears them so I might not stick my 12 fingers wisdom muscles in his enlarged eye-balls..whom know...kisses to him:)
The journey from the bandit to a Pandita is the story of humanity,indeed..we start as bandits as simple molecules or egos ...as simple bacterias in this vast universe...then we evolve into viruses ..then into larger life forms,like you..the hapless reader of my blog now..see how great you've become?..from one sperm bandit invading one ovule...you have a body...a large nose..two huge eyes grown on top of your grasshopper foreheads..so you can read now,see?..check your toes now..you have 11 of them!!...isn't that amazing?..beautiful grasshopper from heaven you are!!
anyway..I'll post from his book,and maybe he buys himself some bigger glasses..because those he wears now are too small,methinks... saints like him are hard to find...so the mahayogi comes to the rescue..to provide you with the best fruitcakes in the spiritually realm(this time I pick on the buddhist Pandita..formally a bandit in his other lives..and now a saint named Pandita..the journey is formidable,I reckon...)
And yes..this guy is a REAL SAINT...I was just teasing him with my 12 inch wisdom brain muscle...he is one of the BEST I've seen in the power of explaining the witness stage,the follies of creating a false witness,the panoramic view (no-thoughts experience of just,,noting,, and the fact that he understood clearly the mechanics of the mind-form involved in the karma process)
May he live long and prosper(even he is now 90 years old),says the mahayogi..and also his overgrown eye-glasses from heaven may last before he buys some bigger ones..why cover only the eyes?..I say buy bigger ones so they could reach the forehead.. to obscure his painful lack of hair indeed..:)..that's the way to do it,if you want to cover your eyeballs..cover the whole thing..way above your bushy eyebrows..
-added by danny-,,,,,,,,,,,.................
*note* since I can't post his pdf book...I'll post some other article from this huge 90 years old marvelous eye-glassed saint...Walking Meditation .. from http://homepage.ntlworld.com/pesala/Pandita/html/morality.html#Walking
During a retreat it is usual to alternate periods of sitting meditation with periods of formal walking meditation of about the same duration, one after another throughout the day. One hour is a standard period, but forty-five minutes can also be used. For formal walking, retreatants choose a lane of about twenty steps in length and walk slowly back and forth along it.
In daily life, walking meditation can also be very helpful. A short period — say ten minutes — of formal walking meditation before sitting serves to focus the mind. Beyond this advantage, the awareness developed in walking meditation is useful to all of us as we move our bodies from place to place in the course of a normal day.
Walking meditation develops balance and accuracy of awareness as well as durability of concentration. One can observe very profound aspects of the Dhamma while walking, and even get enlightened! In fact a yogi who does not do walking meditation before sitting is like a car with a rundown battery. He or she will have a difficult time starting the engine of mindfulness when sitting.
Walking meditation consists of paying attention to the walking process. If you are moving fairly rapidly, make a mental note of the movement of the legs, “Left, right, left right” and use your awareness to follow the actual sensations throughout the leg area.(*note* be careful this is the buddhism wisdom whom builds an artificial ,,witness,,with the hope that the real witness will integrate...this bandit is good in explaining,indeed..but I tell you one thing..the real witness is autonomous..TRUST the mahayogi...) If you are moving more slowly, note the lifting, moving and placing of each foot. In each case you must try to keep your mind on just the sensations of walking. Notice what processes occur when you stop at the end of the lane, when you stand still, when you turn and begin walking again.(whom notices other then your false witness??..explain me that..you eye-glassed bandit named Pandita? ...added by danny-) Do not watch your feet unless this becomes necessary due to some obstacle on the ground; it is unhelpful to hold the image of a foot in your mind while you are trying to be aware of sensations. You want to focus on the sensations themselves, and these are not visual. For many people it is a fascinating discovery when they are able to have a pure, bare perception of physical objects such as lightness, tingling, cold, and warmth.
Usually we divide walking into three distinct movements: lifting, moving and placing the foot. To support a precise awareness, we separate the movements clearly, making a soft mental label at the beginning of each movement, and making sure that our awareness follows it clearly and powerfully until it ends. One minor but important point is to begin noting the placing movement at the instant that the foot begins to move downward.(*note* to support a precise awareness..you use the EGO,or the consciousness FACTOR..you heavy glassed one..maybe your sunglasses are too thick,and you can't see the sunshine anymore..take them off,and let me see your naked bulging eyeballs while they pop like popcorn...please...and that one(the observing watcher) is STILL a shadow,not the source...you numb-nuts 90 years old one..for the true awareness is automatic..or you think you have to watch your own heart beat to beats..or you really think you're in control? ?...when I spank the bandit out of you over my knees..hope only the Pandita saint will remain of your 90 years old ass bones...so you at last might grow an 12 inch brain muscle(tough chances)...for the demise of the buddhists is not because their system is bad..is because they NEVER evolved EVEN A bit FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS... NOR DID THE MOHAMMEDANS ,NOR THE CHRISTIANS..
They(all of them) rely on some past systems,and try to make them permanent.
Why is that?..since when the Buddha said there is ANYTHING permanent?..the truth is the truth..but when he said his way was the only way?..I don't remember,and I was there when he spoke...I was his right testicle,methinks...
That is because they(the saints) stop learning...and they get stuck on some consciousness factors,not even realizing that IT COULD BE something better then their bibles,korans,or the Buddhas instructions..
Be careful of what I say now...the realization is on many planes..If you stop progressing ...you'll just be stuck on the formations factors...AND BECAME a bandit again..even though you're a saint U Pandita now..TRUST ME!..
Thus spokenth the mahayogi..loved in the 3 worlds..worshiped in 10..celebrated in the 29th also by himself..
Since there is nobody there,but himself...kiss:)
I have spokenth!..
-added by danny-
ps...In truth U Pandita explained walking meditation from the point of view of of the seeker...he meant actually that one MUST build that observing ego,before it BECOMES autonomous,which is,in fact...the whole practice of the buddhists refusing kundalini power within them...there is very little knowledge about true bliss kundalini in the buddhist realm..they use their brain so much,trying to escape the 3 realms of creation(like there is anywhere to go..there is no place to go..is like a TV set trying to become the electricity..or like a consciousness trying to become the SOURCE of it..the cretinism of this is thousands of years old..BECAUSE YOU ARE ALREADY THE SOURCE,BUT IN THE MANIFESTATION FACTOR..)..but they forget that the very existence is just your spirit within experiencing itself.(which it happened to be revealed to me long time ago..IF YOU BELIEVE ME OR NOT WILL NOT CHANGE THIS ETERNAL TRUTH..trust me..)
Nirvana is NOT what they think(THOSE BUDDHISTS)...is the ONE knowing ITSELF thru infinite manifestations And not BE STUCK..see?..grasshoppers?..because once the citta(citta means mind/emotions manifested in you...you could say as,,state of mind,,as the light goes thru a prism and manifests in many colors,but YOU are the color,and you forgot you ARE also the source manifesting) manifested it KNOWS it's source(or the god within you) it will NEVER be deluded..but that doesn't mean it won't manifest,because that's the whole purpose of creation..manifestation...TO know itself ..PONDER ABOUT my superior wisdom muscles...please...and kiss:)
NOT BE STUCK IS NIRVANA...see?..grasshoppers from heaven?...because everything happens inside you..like time/space/ and creation itself...this is above life and death,since those are manifestations...there is ONE INSIDE you whom bites it's own tail,eats it..then by creating the opposites (bad/good) it KNOWS itself.Because the ONE can't know itself other then thru you..grasshoppers from heaven..
And you are IT...call it the Tao,the Great Mystery ..whatever you want..the Big Kripto Bubba...
For it..or for me..you are just manifestations of the grasshoppers from heaven..TRUST ME!..
I eat my own 12 INCH tail daily!..AND I use lots of mustard...lol:)
Thus spokenth the mahayogi..and the 23,876 gods bowed to him,and kissed him also on his superior forehead,full of brain muscles..and the mahayogi was pleased..and he didn't spank the gods this time..,,
Maybe Next time the Mahayogi said...and the gods bowed to him...and praised his superior wisdom.
I forgive you this time..the mighty Mahayogi said...now GO BACK into the world of illusion..and try to make it better..for if the next time I see a fly bothering any HUMAN..your ass is GRASS!..
Then the 23,876 gods apologized and promised to behave..
And the world peace was set...
Halleluyah said the mahayogi..and he let all the gods go...
And they went..and they created a beautiful earth ..by affecting the hearts of men and women..for they were afraid of the mahayogi would spank them.
and the world was fine..
and the Mahayogi kissed both the 23,876 gods and the humans,and all the creation..he said..
It is good..then he kissed them..
And all the creation ITSELF enjoyed the kiss...for it was him knowing itself,at last..
And everybody was happy..
To nourish the vital energy, keep watch in silence;
In order to subdue the mind, act with non-action.
Of movement and stillness, be aware of their origin;
There is no work to do, much less someone to seek.
The true and constant must respond to phenomena;
Responding to phenomena, you must be unconfused.
When unconfused, the nature will stabilize by itself;
When the nature stabilizes, energy returns by itself.
When energy returns, the elixir crystallizes by itself;
Within the pot, the trigrams of kǎn and lí are joined.
Yīn and yáng arise, alternating over and over again;
Every transformation comes like a clap of thunder.
White clouds form and come to assemble at the peak;
The sweet nectar sprinkles down Mount Sumeru.
Swallow for yourself this wine of immortality;
You wander so freely—who is able to know you?
Sit and listen to the tune played without strings;
Clearly understand the mechanism of creation.
It comes entirely from these twenty lines;
A true ladder going straight to Heaven.-Daoist text -
To us all towns are one, all men our kin. Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill. Man's pains and pains' relief are from within. Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !." - Tamil Poem-