Lead me from dreaming to waking. 
Lead me from opacity to clarity. Lead me from the complicated to the simple. Lead me from the obscure to the obvious. *note*some quotes from Vernon Howard..about 12 steps (click on this link)
Since you are all buddhas out there..full of powers,grace..experts in magik and everything..masters of your desires,full of reason,intelligence and beauty indeed..HAPPY ALL THE TIME....KNOWING the reason of existence,life and death..you know everything,you FRUITCAKES you are...even gods you are,for KRIPTO'S SAKES! you have nothing to learn,you are perfect indeed.....take a shot at me,the invisible one......I am waiting naked ..on my knees..please spank the MaHAYOGI...if you dare,or you feel you're so perfect... Halleluyah to you..NUMBNUTS!...
I write this because most people I've met in my life are NOT interested in anything other then their own ways of thinking...it is always their way,or the high way..(both are karma,by the way...but then again is hearsay and for them I'll always pray...may them kiss my kripto spirit..Hey!!..
Is good to be a natural poet like me,indeed:))..I can write verses on the fly,don't ask how and don't ask why...my large eyeball's standing by...watching all your moves..up high!!...and please never start to cry...you are me and I am you..who's to tell who loves and whom?..I'm one large balloon desire..pinch my ass...I'll burst in fire..kiss my ass and we'll be friends...but never forget the ants...they will crawl like a vampire...your own wisdom is on fire...at that point you'll meet my kiss...read my lips,I am your bliss!..good enough for the natural poet?..I thought so..grasshoppers from heaven:)..I love you too....
Because the secret of life is to know you're an idiot..(and I am the BIGGEST IDIOT...trust me...while you grasshoppers know everything..I know nothing) ...
Then you can adjust yourself,and see that YOU"VE CREATED your own hell reality,which is based on action/reaction..yin/yang...love/hate..where is your love now if I challenge you?..where is your hate now if I love you?..nowhere..SO WHY YOU PERSIST?(yes..I am talking to YOU reader,right now..using my formidable powers of being beyond space/time..is a syncronicity factor based on the causal factor of you reading this sentence..more then this I can't explain) because you do NOT know that your truth is shallow and..that could be something else beyond it..but to know it,you must do it...and become it...,not read about it..ponder,grasshoppers from heaven..you must meditate the right way..that's all..
Because even if you say you are perfect..your inner suffering will betray you..and if you have suffering ...you are NOT there..and if you do NOT listen to the suffering inside yourself...whom is in fact your own spirit crying out and saying,,I am here,,,...by blaming outer forces besides YOU..you have zero chances to progress..trust ME!
For the suffering is the ONLY power in the universe which forces grasshoppers to evolve,and KNOW their true nature..which is peace and joy,indeed...but the peace and joy is your true nature,and when confronted with the outside factors of your life,(like survival..or some beautiful woman wanted to have sex with you...or man..hmm...ponder)your attention (WHICH IS THE ONLY THING you can control ,by the way) it will get stuck..being stuck,it will suffer..by suffering,you will learn the hard way,not the easy kripto way..see?..for LIFE itself will provide you with plenty pain..trust me..not ME!!!!
EVEN LOVE is secondary...because due to your DNA programming..you'll never remember the love from the past,but the pain you will surely do..try to remember ANYTHING about a person in the past...the pain he gave you is foremost...this is the animal nature,indeed...1 millions good deeds and loving acts can NOT compensate for that ONE TIME event in your past that man/woman hurt you...
.And this is the truth,but you believe that avoiding them is the source of your happiness..which is insanity,indeed...your happiness is the Kripto(citta) inside you,the pure joy NOT conditioned of things,people,life or death...It is PURE joy in action,and by doing that,your citta(cita is mind/emotions as you perceive it in this present moment ..it's source is emptiness,it's manifestation is bright..it's only purpose is to experiment itself in the billions of worlds,manifestation factors..it created the whole existence,by the way) you will suffer...unless you take control of it,since YOU ARE IT....
But of course you can split yourself and ask jessus to help you,or allah,or buddha..or whatever..is the same thing in the end,the only problem is that you'll never realize that YOU are that..see?..you'll be caught in the externals,even though those externals are about gods,etc..some formidable beings..this is because you can't jump from being something to being nothing right away...there is a process indeed..that's why the religions have a role on this earth..see?..grasshoppers from heaven?..because you'd never believe it is YOU you pray about..so you'll NEED to say something to some 12 inch lingam like the Indian Shiva ...above you...and you'll never believe it is your own thought-forms whom shape reality..so you'll NEED to pray for a higher being out there,and worship it..(never knowing you'll worship yourself)
The last 2 steps are my secret..I tell you....they match my,, 12 steps of the wisdom muscle,, book...
And my book has 12 pages only...please read it.
I have observed that nobody wants to learn anything,but they WANT you to approve of their cretinism..
In other words..be aware that anybody you will meet..or everybody you've EVER met..(including family,friends,brothers,sisters,mother,father...your lost friend ..etc..etc..) they never actually want to explore or learn anything about life,about why they are here,or about the meaning of existence itself....all they WANT is to make you like them..which is stupid,moronic,and cretinoid...this is how they use YOU,my friend..
To give some meaning to their sour state of being(unless they are realized,and do it just for fun,like me...to teach you a lesson or to make you concentrate your attention deeper on the truth within you...but be aware that the play is just a play..if you confuse the play with the awesome kripto bliss..you are mistaken,indeed..)..for a true Master will try to make YOU your own master ..
Actually,that is the very definition of a Master..or of a Guru..is the one whom makes YOU your own Master,and your OWN guru...for anything else like worshiping lingams(Shiva's dick ..very popular in India..he has many sizes..worthy of testing their stamina,indeed..the main idea is to find the largest Shiva lingam dick and put some butter on it...then rub it good for like one hour ...while you make a wish...this is the cretinoids system of fulfilling wishes..some lingams look like the chinese noodles..some like the barbarian huge cucumbers...
I love them all!!,says the indian culture...thousands of years of spirituality and they still worship cows,dicks and vaginas,like the fruitcakes they are..nothing got in their thick brains...no wonder Buddhism is extincted over there..they chase him out,whom needs reason,peace,love and wisdom combined with understanding?..nobody!!... said the indian collective,let us worship the mighty cow,the lingam penis of Shiva..and let us separate and hate each others because of our skin color...let us hate the other castes,and love only the ones with the same skin color...let us separate,so we might survive..and let the others die,,, let us be the best idiots of spirituality .this is why they chased Buddha from their culture..) ..or worshiping something outside your true nature..is just that..a play of maya...trust the mahayogi!...and your true nature is the spirit bliss,or the kripto 12 inch wisdom brain muscle..
And my wisdom muscle is the biggest thing in the universe...and you already have it inside you,if you read these words..kisses..:)...
Buddha said something about suffering..he said something very formidable.
He said..life is suffering...then he explained why it is...but he never explained the ,,need of life,,and he also forgot that without ,,life,, there would be no,,self-realization,, or Nirvana...form is emptiness indeed..but is emptiness IN MOTION.....ponder my superior wisdom words from heaven..is NOT static,is in constant flux of experimenting ITSELF...thru YOU,grasshoppers from heaven..,,it's more like a resonator factor in the heart of emptiness in MOTION...or in manifesting.(same thing)
Only Kripto Yoga devised by me,the mighty one...will explain the whole chalupa(some mexican dish..a chalupa is some kind of huge 12 inch wisdom brain muscle burrito...made of emptiness,2 large onions of brain wisdom,and one large carrot of joy from heaven named kripto the spirit within you)
They want you to believe what they believe..till there is breaking point..
The breaking point of ,,learning,,..is the suffering they experience it,consciously or sub-consciously...trust me..
Since the citta(OR mind/emotion factor ) is stuck on certain realms of understanding itself...the only way to confirm itself,since the SOURCE is lost..is to make others believe and do what you do,and join their religion,mantra,system,or whatever.
And I can help them only on the energy factor,by assimilating in myself their consciousnesses...but unless they KNOW it,and use their own powers within re-adjust themselves to their OWN supreme inside them...is useless...that's why I think Confucius never explained meditation techniques (even though he was an expert,by the way..)
But the true ONE inside you is laughing....and if you don't know it now,by peace..you will know it by pain..
That is,of course..if you refuse to meditate about this matters,and keep blaming others.
Or if you keep meditating in your own old ways,covering up your deep pains(deep pains are consciousness factors inside you,trying to get revenge from things happened in your past...unless you see them as fake,from the pure spirit power within..you might as well try to grasp the Texas coyote's tail by chasing him,while you hold a cup of water on your bent-over ass,and with your extending 12 inch fingers you run to catch the coyotes's tail in the desert,but never spill the cup.. ) by so called,,buddhist techniques,,(which are ,in large..the snake eating it's own tail..apparently transmission of true spiritual power was lost long ago in the buddhists realm,and now they ferociously use the ,,mind,, factor,trying to grasp the ,,no-mind,,)
The seeds of the 8th consciousness (or alaya,or the ground consciousness,the collective source and repository of ALL of the experiences which have ever been,or will BE experimented by the whole creation..by you..grasshoppers from heaven!! ) are still there,have no worries....they will need time to activate(even AFTER YOUR DEATH..think about it!!!!) the other consciousness in you(or you thought you are some unitary being,like some permanent thing?..born from an ovule and a sperm,..now I see your arrogance..grasshoppers from heaven...could you read this text when you were in your mother's womb?..I think not...nore you knew english,but now you're progressing just fine,said the mahayogi....kisses:)
You were not born with consciousness...you were a lump of sperm and some ovule ,remember?
Where was your concentration back then,since even consciousness is a result,not the source?
Where was your love back then,and what was your name before your birth?
Find that,please..because your name was Kripto..same as mine..kisses:)
The only difference between me and you,grasshoppers from heaven...besides my formidable magical powers..is that I KNOW IT....well..and the second one is that I can fly...but never tell anybody this..it will destroy my Transylvania vampire reputation ....yes,I can fly..but don't tell anybody,ok?..thank you,grasshoppers from heaven..kisses:)
ps..is good to be a mahayogi..love to you too,grasshoppers from heaven..always did love you,but you reader never knew it..:)
ps..there is ONLY one truth,and that is your inner nature..do not confuse manifestation of it with the truth..is like the sunshine thru a prism..the original color is white..but then it splits itself in myriads colors,forms,ideas,plays,gods..have you seen a rainbow forming?..if you did,you know the mystery of the creation process already...kiss:) ..THUS SPOKENTH THE MAHAYOGI!..the reason of the colors is to know their origins by separation...and the only pure desire whom created this universe was just to know itself..and if you follow it...you'll know that it was you all the time responsible for your suffering,and your bliss...
Will you take responsibility ,or you will still worship the indian cow?(the indian cow is a symbol for your thoughts/beliefs patterns...it could be anything)..time will tell,grasshoppers from heaven..but be aware that the ONE in you is immortal...and has plenty time..but you are not,and you might die tomorrow,and be caught in the same pain after death,simply because you were not realizing your powers...PONDER!!!....and this is the pain the bodhisavahas like me experience when they interact with your sour asses..for I see your future...
And it ain't good unless you know yourself,whom you are...and the reason of your suffering...or the reason of your joy,I might ADD.....kisses...for your dream will continue even after your death...even after death..PONDER!!!!! wake up now,I say and be free to choose...otherwise sleep all the way as far as I care..but when you're ready and tired of the suffering..I'll be there...in the mean-time..be a puppet on the string....since that's all you believe and think...kiss:)
-added by danny-
Ten Steps to End Stress | |||
by Vernon Howard | |||
To nourish the vital energy, keep watch in silence
In order to subdue the mind, act with non-action.
Of movement and stillness, be aware of their origin;
There is no work to do, much less someone to seek.
The true and constant must respond to phenomena;
Responding to phenomena, you must be unconfused.
When unconfused, the nature will stabilize by itself;
When the nature stabilizes, energy returns by itself.
When energy returns, the elixir crystallizes by itself;
Within the pot, the trigrams of kǎn and lí are joined.
Yīn and yáng arise, alternating over and over again;
Every transformation comes like a clap of thunder.
White clouds form and come to assemble at the peak;
The sweet nectar sprinkles down Mount Sumeru.
Swallow for yourself this wine of immortality;
You wander so freely—who is able to know you?
Sit and listen to the tune played without strings;
Clearly understand the mechanism of creation.
It comes entirely from these twenty lines;
A true ladder going straight to Heaven.-Daoist text -
To us all towns are one, all men our kin. Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill. Man's pains and pains' relief are from within. Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !." - Tamil Poem-
.........."The center of the cyclone is that rising quiet central low-pressure place in which one can learn to live eternally. Just outside of this Center is the rotating storm of one's own ego, competing with other egos in a furious high-velocity circular dance. As one leaves center, the roar of rotating wind deafens on more and more as one joins this dance. One's centered thinking-feeling-being, one's own Satoris, are in the center only, not outside. One's pushed-pulled driven states, one's anti-Satori modes of functioning, one's self-created hells, are outside the center. In the center of the cyclone one is off the wheel of Karma, of life, rising to join the Creators of the Universe, the Creators of us.
Here we find that we have created Them who are Us." -- John C. Lilly -
Unless you know the emptiness and bliss inside yourself..you'll be a robot forced by the same emptiness and bliss trying to know itself..by pain..inside your self also..trust me!..said the mahayogi!
"The man, who, being really on the Way, falls upon hard times in the world will not, as a consequence, turn to that friend who offers him refuge and comfort and encourages his old self to survive. Rather, he will seek out someone who will faithfully and inexorably help him to risk himself, so that he may endure the suffering and pass courageously through it. Only to the extent that man exposes himself over and over again to annihilation, can that which is indestructible arise within him. In this lies the dignity of daring."
– from "The Way of Transformation....from Karl Friedrich Alfred Heinrich Ferdinand Maria