Lead me from dreaming to waking. 
Lead me from opacity to clarity. *note*..nice master this Sūn Lùtáng
In silence there must be movement, and in motion,
There must be silence.
A small movement is better than a big,
no movement is better than a small
silence is all the movement's mother.
In Movement you should be like a dragon or a tiger.
In non Movement you should be like a Buddha.
-- Wang Xiangzhai(November 26, 1885 - July 12, 1963}
Our deepest fear
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.
Marianne Williamson(from "A Return to Love'' book..the above quotes)
He was born in Hebei and was named Sun Fuquan (孫福全) by his parents. Years later, his Baguazhang teacher Cheng Tinghua (程延華) gave him the name Sun Lutang. (It was common in old China for people to have multiple names). He continued to use his original name in some areas, including the publishing of his books.
He was also well-versed in two other internal martial arts styles: Xingyiquan (Hsing-i ch'uan) and Baguazhang (Pa Kua Chang) before he came to study T'ai chi ch'uan (Taijiquan). His expertise in these two martial arts were so high that many regarded him as without equal. Sun learned Wu/Hao style t'ai chi ch'uan from Hao Wei-chen.[1] Sun started studying with Hao relatively late in his life, but his accomplishments in the other two internal arts led him to develop his t'ai chi abilities to a high standard more quickly than is usual.
He subsequently was invited by Yang Shao-hou, Yang Ch'eng-fu and Wu Chien-ch'üan to join them on the faculty of the Beijing Physical Education Research Institute where they taught t'ai chi to the public after 1914. Sun taught there until 1928, a seminal period in the development of modern Yang, Wu and Sun-style t'ai chi ch'uan.
What I like about this dude(
Born | Sun Fuquan (孫福全) 1860 Hebei, China |
Died | 1933 |
Kusan was born in Namwon in North Cholla Province (modern day South Korea) in 1909 to a farming family. In his childhood and early teen years, Kusan studied classic Chinese literature at a local Confucian academy. Following school he worked as a barber well in to his twenties and also continued to help with the family farm. At age twenty-six he became seriously ill but found no one who could diagnose or treat his illness. In desperation, Kusan took to Chiri Mountain and began a one-hundred day chanting retreat. By the conclusion of his one-hundred days his health felt fully restored.
Following his one-hundred day retreat Kusan entered Songgwang-sa three years later and ordained as a novice monk with Master Hyobong. One year later he received bhikkhu ordination at T’ongdo-sa. He spent the majority of his time practicing hwadu meditation sitting with Chao-chou’s mu. Hwadu meditation is similar to koan introspection with the difference being that a koan generally consists of a complete story whereas hawadu involves the central question involved. In 1943 Kusan had an initial breakthrough, one which he later describes as nothing more than an entryway toward enlightenment.
Wanting to be closer to Master Hyobong, Kusan moved in to a hermitage near Haein-sa (where Hyobong was now abbot) and stayed there for the next three years. During that stay he had what he describes as his first substantive awakening experience. As Robert E. Buswell, Jr. stated, “…he passed into a state of deep concentration that lasted for fifteen days, during which time he lost all awareness of the external world.” With the start of the Korean War in 1947 Kusan and Hyobong fled Haein-sa and went south toward Pusan where, in a small monastery near the city Kusan received inga from his teacher.
He first began teaching in 1954 while serving as abbot of Mirae-sa for four years and went on to serve in several ecclesiastical positions within the Chogye Order. Kusan eventually left his posts within the Chogye Order to deepen his meditation practice, traveling to White Cloud Hermitage in 1957 and doing a three year retreat there. He undertook a brutal regimen wherein he did not lye down while sleeping and stood for days on end in meditation. Again, according to Buswell, “During his sitting meditation, he placed a knife attached to a long stick under his chin so that he would be stabbed in the throat if his head nodded from drowsiness. Throughout this period, his diet consisted of powdered rice and pine needles mixed with water.”
In 1960 he had a great awakening, referred to in Korean as taeo. Upon this experience Hyobong acknowledged that Kusan’s enlightenment has surpassed his own and he formally transmitted the dharma to him. Upon Hyobong’s death in 1966 he assumed abbotship of Tonghwa-sa and in 1969, when Songgwang-sa came back under control of the Chogye Order, he served as pangjang (Zen master) of the monastery for the next fourteen years...check out his marvelous method of NOT SLEEPING to get the juice of self-realization(the permanent samadhi in action,or the nirvikalpa..check out his marvelous explaining ,which is formidable..that's what I call true dedication to the Truth..grasshoppers from heaven..when you meditate 1 minute a day..this guy did it for 7 days non-stop,while standing up with his hands in prayer...here is his testimony ..from http://taikiken.blogspot.com/2011/12/standing-meditation-basics.html ) you can also see the formidable video of standing meditation of Yiquan below ..be aware that standing meditation is not really meditation as static...but is the building the awareness of the Source in Action..-added by danny-(in other words..the internal energy action is activated,and that defines the mother of all actions..please be aware,grasshoppers from heaven..kiss "
Korean Zen Master Kusan said: "In 1943... I decided to fight my drowsiness by meditating in the standing posture with palms together in front of me (hapchang..or palms together as in prayer). ... Remaining alone, I decided that I wouldn't give up under any pretext, even if I were about to die - such was my determination to continue."
In standing meditation, the hardest part is to get past the first two hours without moving, after which the main difficulties are overcome. Whether sitting, reclining, or standing, it is finally all the same as the body settles into samadhi. Consequently, although seven full days had passed since I had begun this non-sleeping practice, I felt neither tiredness nor pain in my legs. ... As it drew near to 9 pm on the last day before the ceremony, the clock on the wall made a click just before striking the hour. When I heard that click I took one step over in to enlightenment. .... What did it mean when the clock struck nine? My intense standing practice had removed the obstructions of torpor and restlessness. Its effect was like that of a clear sky completely devoid of clouds. It instantaneously allowed me to enter and abide at the original place. It was in this manner that I stood throughout those seven days and nights. ....
Those who have their minds set on cultivation should be endowed with spirits that are willing, if necessary, to bore through rocks with their fingers in order to become enlightened." - p65-67, 'The Zen monastic Experience', Robert E. Buswell, Jr. (Princeton: 1992).
) they always tell you to watch your breath,and be a Buddha..or worse ..they tell you to do nothing,since you're already that...or repeat some mantra,and that's it....or maybe they'll teach you like the crazy Osho to do the insane dynamic meditation he's never done in his life,while collecting his 98 rolls roys,and making a mockery of the spirituality...(even so he was realized,and knew better..gotta love the guy,anyway...nothing like a master like him being worshiped while he gave nothing,no method,zero for your progress..)..other THEN inspiration.!!!!
Sooner or later if I do not drop dead from the painful heart attack on my 12 inch wisdom brain muscles..I will reveal the techniques of the marvelous Kripto Yoga..even though the secrets are in my previous poem I wrote it on http://kriptodanny.blogspot.com/2012/02/lead-me-to-place-where-there-is-peace.html before..here..read it again...
I'll just post a poem this time..kisses:)
Kripto yoga is simple as it could be
It's not something you could see
It is something to observe
Put your hands around your stove
FEEL the heat around your belly
Cup your hands and say,,I'm merry!!
As you hold the tree of life
When you grasp it..hold it tight
Keep attention in the body
Feel the kripto getting steady
Warmth and tingles in your hands
That's how kripto really bends
Empty,yet at ones just hard
At this point..just let it fart
Is the wisdom of the belly
Raise your hands on heart,the cherry
That's the point you must have faith
Close your hands and count to eight
Like a Jesus in a prayer
That is the illusions slayer
Now forgive ,for you are spirit
Right hand on your forehead..damn it!
So is everybody..admit it!
Now grasshoppers put your fingers
Side by side..on your brain sides
Left on left..don't let past flicker
Right on right ..the future flies...
You are sparks of the divine
Just massage the top..that's fine..
Raise your spine like a coyote
Whom could know your frutti-tutti
Look ahead and wipe your face
See?..forget about distress..
Now relax,lower your hands
That is Kripto Yoga ..friends..
Feel my bliss inside your hands
If is cool ..your kripto bents
If is hot ..just watch the fire
I just burn the wrong desire
Stay with it..that is important
Find your kripto in this moment
Bliss and peace are your own nature
All I did was try to nurture ..
Your own bliss inside your selves
Your own power..
Your true aims..
So grasshoppers thank me later
Mahayogi's kiss is softer
Like a kiss from your lost friend
Like a fresh sunshine you miss..
As I said..I aim to please:)
Thank you for reading this poem of mine...
...grasshoppers from heaven.
I love you too:)
Thus kissed the mahayogi!!..
Trust the mahayogi...
For I am the only living person in the world whom actually did the famous Rainbow Body..(where you go poof in the light,and you are the light)..and also did just for fun a double of my real body(not astral...astral I do for breakfast,if I want..and I'll squeeze your ear lobes while you ask ,,who's there..who's there..looking left and right ,and your eyeballs not seeing me,since I am invisible) and that was recorded in a movie made about me...I can send you the tape of it,if you want.
(ps..the so-called ,,astral body,,..is just the body you grasshoppers from heaven are using every night when you sleep...is not really special..trust me..the idea is that I am conscious of it during sleep..so I can direct it whatever I want..but is not some ability you don't have already..you leave your body EVERY NIGHT in a so called dream..then you wake up EVERY DAY in another dream,which seems real because it has the stamina of being ,,recurrent,, don't worry..you'll die soon enough and realize you've dreamed all your life also,unless you awaken to your immortal Kripto spirit within you(or the MIND knowing it's own face before it was born. ..or the snake eating it's own 12 inches wisdom brain muscle tail..or the coyote looking into the mirror to bite his own (carrot looking like..very long nose,indeed..) nose and realizing he was the Buddha the whole time,but never knew it..it never knew it because it had to experience itself,and that is the secret of creation..which was explained to me when I went ,,poof,, into the light,and the light was me.) ....ponder of my words of wisdom,grasshoppers from heaven..and ponder HARD..life is short..believe me...if you don't believe me,please visit your local cemetery...kiss:)
In any case,I present you the Scott Meredith's translation of the SUN Lu Tang formidable personal experiences in the path of Tao..worthy of reading.
I'll try to comment on those,if I have time...kiss:)
Thus spokenth the mahayogi!
Kiss and love to you,grasshoppers from heaven:)
-added by danny-
SUN LU TANG: My Personal Experience
-translated by Scott Meredith -
Ever since I began training boxing in childhood, my teachers always told me “Boxing embodies
the Tao”.
*note* beautifully he explains..he meant the action embodies the Source..added by danny-
I was skeptical about it. But when I learned ‘concealed energy’, and the unification
of hard and soft, my movements became lively and swift and then I understood the truth of it.
*note* of course he did...you see ..grasshoppers from heaven?..the Source is not some aberrant mind-form ..is the SOURCE of all motion...creation..the whole universe indeed..
I did my best to explain this process on some post of mine.....run a random post on this blog..maybe you'll remember it..grasshoppers from heaven:)When I got together with fellow trainees, we shared our personal experiences and results. But
as I progressed to understanding the next level of ‘mysterious energy’, although I remained
*note* forget about explaining...this stuff is personal,indeed..
willing to talk about it with classmates, I didn’t want to share my experiences with outsiders. But
now I want to write my personal experience for people who have started on the same path in the
hope that we can all improve together.
*note*..improve together"??..how many masters these days want to improve together??..I am only 179 years old(and still going strong,because I eat only the sun's sunshine empty rays for breakfast...and 2 large empty fried eggs of wisdom muscles made from the famous 12 inch inner kripto eternal spirit within for lunch..and for dinner I do the moon's rays salad..trust me..this diet of air and light will make you a mahayogi in no time..please use the Shakti fork inside you when you eat the mahayogi's meals from heaven..zero proteins,zero fat.. but lots of air and a solid 2 liters of water down your coyote's mouth is good for your overgrown ass,I say..in no time you'll feel better,if you use the Shakti kundalini fork,of course..letting jokes aside,is true that before I'd fasted for 8 months..eating maybe one extra large peanut a week ..while meditating ,of course..that happened when I walked from Miami to Philadelphia and lost more then 60lb while my beard was longer then a coyote's butt whiskers ...but anyway..fasting is useless
unless combined with meditation...and not any meditation,since it seems these days that anyone and everybody is expert in meditation..you must have transmission first,and meditate with attention on the shakti spirit(shakti means the kundalini power..spirit means the awareness of it,grasshoppers from heaven) within you,that's all..trust me..because if you don't have transmission of power,you'll just use the 6th consciousness ..or the discriminative one as explained by the Yogacara buddhists..and you'll get no-where,since the very attention you're using is a result,and not the source..only when you reach the source you can purify the consciousness,even though is possible by a tremendous effort to eat your own tail using your ego and get realized...but that's the long way,and you might die today...ponder..especially if I shove my wisdom finger in your FAT grasshoppers anus from heaven..guess that's the only way to make people happy these days..lol...just kidding:)))and I have yet to meet only ONE (I repeat... not even only One I'd ever met..none whatsoever..so if you're some master wanting to share our experiences,please email me before I die..you fruitcakes..!!!) masters whom want to improve together???..perish that thought..there is no such thing..please..gimme a break!!!..NONE I've met..zero,nada..niente...nothing...nimic..nichts and sayonara sucker... as my little japanese friend explained me ..that's all I've got from the so-called masters..why is that?..why this desire to improve was so strong in those old Buddha days,but these days everybody tries to trump the other master,and never actually trying to learn anything?..what happened to the masters?..they became so stupid that there is no way but their highway?..maybe so friends..maybe so...
As I began the progression to ‘mysterious energy’, after practicing formal sequence (of Xing Yi
Quan) I would finish with upright standing, trying to to unify my spirit and energy. And every time
I did that, I'd feel some slight subtle movement in my perineal area. At first it was barely
perceptible. When doing my quiet standing after each day’s practice, I’d sometimes feel it and
sometimes not. But over time, the movement became stronger and more frequent, until it got to
the point that as soon as I returned to standing at conclusion of any formal drill, all I had to do
was concentrate for a moment, and I would feel a vectored energy discharge. I realized that this
was the spontaneous energetic movement of the true yang-power, which is described in
classical works on Taoist static meditation.
*note* yes..he'd used the formal motions of moving as a ,,mantra,,therefore,his mind was pacified..so anyway..,when he returned to silent standing ...his energy was pushing up from his ass(not really ass..just above it,in your sacral bone) ..kundalini will activate the HARD way if you do this,and you manage to silent the mind by a vocal or body posture mantra..be careful..the easy way is to get transmission from a samadhi master(like me) and try to keep your attention on the yang power(the cool feeling of honey honey inside you..that would automatically resolve the issue of ,,thinking,,or ,,not thinking,, since it'll create a resonant feedback in your consciousness ..this happens because of the fractal level of creation of the universe itself.. also be aware that the MIND factor of the witness spirit inside .....you can't dismiss the mind,or moral factors,and IF YOU just concentrate and ,,watch,,..you must also ,,forgive,,..,,let go,,..and ,,know,,..otherwise the same concentration techniques will just activate your own separated factors of consciousness within YOU..those you are NOT aware of..and you'll take those as manifestation of realization..Buddha talked about this danger many times..I talk only one time,since I am not a BUDDHA)
The ancient Taoist meditation masters thoroughly
understood this process, which they referred to as movement arising from the stillness of their
seated practice disciplines.
What I was doing was the inverse of that - I had been creating
stillness (the upright standing) subsequent to the movements of my prior boxing practice. It’s
hard to understand. This state is also described in the ancient boxing classics with the
phrase“omnipresence without movement”.
(HE MEANS OF COURSE the state of internal energy abilities..your energy is flowing,and you are still as a pine tree in the body posture...omnipresence without moving is the knowing aspect of the witness)
Anyway I persisted relentlessly in my daily practice.
Finally I reached the point that immediately on assuming the upright standing posture, my entire
body entered a state of absolute emptiness, within which the true yang power resonated and
flowed. This condition has been characterized by Taoist Master Liu Hua Yang as re-experiencing
one’s original nature. In this state, if I moved even slightly the real yang resonance
would immediately discharge. I realized I could use the boxing method itself to transform this
raw potential.
This stage is when your body feels like is gone..your breathing is very superficial,but your internal currents are strong..do NOT worry about dying at this stage(if you get there)..is just a normal path..you won't die,is just your breathing is very shallow,and you are in bliss,and emptiness of the body/mind...be careful..because many..many meditation dudes stop of this point,because of fear of the unknown ..PLEASE do Not ..is a normal stage...and keep your attention on the feeling of emptiness ,the wind inside you...the beauty inside you..then watch your thought forms..see what you're thinking..because at that stage,you shouldn't even be able to think..ponder grasshoppers from heaven..
I used my mind to sink my insubstantial spirit, filling my dan-tian. At the same time I used the
insubstantial spirit to slightly elevate the perineal area energy accumulation (cf. Translator Note
1), which resulted in full coordination of inner and outer activity.
Thereafter, when I merely directed my mind briefly to my dan-tian, even for just a moment, the
real yang resonance would immediately concentrate itself and rise up into that area. At that
time my body would experience a sensation of absolute ease. At that time I hadn’t yet heard of
the doctrine of TAO (cf. Translator Note 2), but anyway I felt as though two powerful forces were
interacting within my dan-tian. After standing in this state for up to four or five hours, I would
gradually come back to my normal self. I believe that this immobile state was the result of my
gradual accumulation, through the formal boxing practice, of two kinds of breath that were
retained in my dan-tian after that practice finished. These internally retained breath elements
were entirely different from the breathing of daily life.
I had not intentionally created or retained
these internal breath elements, but after a practice session I would have persistent experience
of them. Zhuangzi wrote that the superior man breathes from his feet,
He means his feet pure ki channels were opened,and he could breath from his feet...this is similar to the large circulation from the taoists systems(the small circulation is between the belly and the head..the large one from the feet to head,while the heart KNOWS..be careful..the KRIPTO knows..see??)..again..only the immortals breath from their feet and hands...you feel you won't breath at all,and you'd get scared..do NOT be..is still a process..the breathing is still there,but very shallow..and the internal breathing is very strong like a wind...be aware of this stage,and DO NOT get afraid,please...at that point find the witness pure kripto spirit inside you...the watcher of everything..and KNOW YOU ARE THAT!! ...thus spokenth the mahayogi...kiss:)
and my experience was
consistent with this basic idea. I was then able to use these elements of internal breath to
smooth and refine the movement of the real yang resonance so that it uniformly suffused my
entire body.
Thus I continued as I have already written, with the process of raising the resonance up to my
dan-tian, and every time I practiced a boxing sequence my inner and outer movements were
absolutely coordinated into one. I would practice gently and slowly, always careful to maintain
my balance. When I practiced the formal sequences, I would take care to keep my limbs
relaxed, my movements soft and harmonious, maintaining that feeling of emptiness.
Over time, my dynamic boxing practice came to generate exactly the same state as the static
work I described above. Sometimes I would stand after performing only one sequence,
sometimes after two, and then begin moving again.
No matter what, I would always elevate
the internal yang resonance to my dan-tian, and leverage the internal breath elements
generated by the boxing practice as feedstock for the internal flow. The flow begins at the
coccyx (Cf. Translator Note) and rises through the vertebral points (Cf. Translator Note 4), then
to the upper gate/Jade Pillow (Cf. Translator Note 5), then to the crown of the head, before
lowering down the front, exactly as taught in seated meditation methods, back to the dan-tian.
He forgot some sensitive points on the 12 inch wisdom brain muscle ..but that is the internal circulation,yes..
Sometimes the flow would circulate two or three times before settling into the uniform state of
full-body permeation, while at other times it would make three or four orbits before suffusing into
the uniform state. There seemed to be a correlation between the number of circulation orbits
and the number of prior practice sets. But that was only in the beginning.
Later, even without any prior practice at all, whenever I would merely sit down, or take
any action at all, I could use the internal breath elements to achieve the same preliminary
circulation. Finally I could achieve it even while asleep.
I’d be sleeping soundly when the
internal yang resonance would suddenly activate itself, immediately awakening me.
It awakes you only if you're asleep..basically this power is your innate spiritual power..it will rejuvenate you,and you'll feel as LIKE you don't need any sleep...at one point though you'll fall asleep..the most I managed to go without sleep was 12 days using my kundalini power..but then when I fell asleep...oh,boy..I was riding a bicycle and was a happy sleeper for some marvelous couple minutes...thank GOD for the truck hit me right on(I was riding on the wrong line..the opposite line,that's why the truck got my sleeping pinhead,I tell you..) ,otherwise I'd had pedaled my way to Nirvana...I remember I survived though..but the truck was not in a very good shape,I must admit it..also I've had some curious huge amazing lump on my forehead...which matched the shape of the large hole in that truck's engine...so I just picked up myself from the 30 feet away I flew from the impact..and walked away smiling with the leftover twisted bicycle on my back..eghh....those were good days,indeed..just beautiful...
Again I
was able to use the breath elements derived from the boxing practice to transform this into
the uniform state of energetic suffusion. Finally the yang resonance no longer spontaneously
activated itself during my sleep, and my entire body inside and out, as well as all four limbs,
would suddenly transform from the state of full suffusion to the ultimate state of complete
emptiness. I experienced this as a kind of shower of complete bliss.
I could apply this internal
breath to achieve this ultimate state even while dreaming. When I awakened I would realize that
I had experienced that while dreaming. Later I experienced a final abbreviation of this process
so that as soon as I fell into deep sleep, I would enter the state of ultimate emptiness.
In daily waking life, while walking or sitting, my limbs would suddenly feel absolutely light or
empty, and my body would enter a state of absolute comfort. After each evening’s practice
of the boxing sequences, when I went to sleep each night, I would almost always experience
this transform to ultimate emptiness.
There is a point when this becomes innate..this ultimate emptiness..and please don't assume you have it,unless you challenge yourself and find the truth beyond life and death..please..kiss to you,grasshoppers from heaven..enough of explaining..now go practice,please...added by danny-)
But if I went to sleep without practicing, I would be less
likely to experience the shift. Finally I understood that the internal practice as described here
strengthened my internal state to the point of warding of any illness of body, mind, or spirit. I
also realized that the process I had gone through in my boxing practice was identical to that
taught in classical Taoist meditation, thus these two arts have exactly the same theoretical
What I’ve written about here, above, is my own personal experience of internal and external
transformation. I’ve laid it out openly for the benefit of all fellow practitioners.
* * *
Translator Notes:
1. For quibblers - I am full aware that perineal, thus this can be alternately
translated as ‘anus’ but ‘perineal’ is more faithful to the felt nature of the actual experience
2. Citation missing from original text
3. Wei Lu Guan
4. Jia Ji Guan
5. Yu. Zhen Guan
Translator Commentary:(from Scott Meredith)
This important piece is written in semi-classical Chinese, the difficult hybrid style of writing that
came into being in the interim between the lingering attachment to the ancient imperial exam
system based on millennia-old seminal works of Chinese civilization and the early 20th century
efforts to modernize and standardize the written and spoken language, often heavily influenced
by Western grammarians.
This piece leans more toward the really hard-core ancient style. Thus
if you run this through Google translate, the result it total garbage and gibberish.
I have done my best to render the most complete, thorough, and accurate translation. But this
piece talks about things far beyond most people’s experience and uses terms that philosophers
and linguists have debated for centuries. There is simply no way to avoid endless quibbbles
about whether I’ve translated this or that phrase, every mysterious word, accurately.
Best then to avoid tedious legalism. The process Master Sun describes is something I have
personally undergone in almost every detail. Take it as a finger pointing to the moon - once you
see the moon, forget about the finger. Focus on the moon.
And as always, if you don’t like how I’ve done it, do it yourself.
grab the pdf here http://www.scribd.com/doc/72114065/SUNLUTANG-AreYouExperienced-2
The student asked: “A sage's response to changing conditions
is unlimited. Does he have to study beforehand?”
He should worry only about his mind's not being
clear, and not about the inability to respond to all changing conditions.”
— Wang Yang Ming (1472-1529)
To nourish the vital energy, keep watch in silence;
In order to subdue the mind, act with non-action.
Of movement and stillness, be aware of their origin;
There is no work to do, much less someone to seek.
The true and constant must respond to phenomena;
Responding to phenomena, you must be unconfused.
When unconfused, the nature will stabilize by itself;
When the nature stabilizes, energy returns by itself.
When energy returns, the elixir crystallizes by itself;
Within the pot, the trigrams of kǎn and lí(heaven and earth) are joined.
Yīn and yáng arise, alternating over and over again;
Every transformation comes like a clap of thunder.
White clouds form and come to assemble at the peak;
The sweet nectar sprinkles down Mount Sumeru.
Swallow for yourself this wine of immortality;
You wander so freely—who is able to know you?
Sit and listen to the tune played without strings;
Clearly understand the mechanism of creation.
It comes entirely from these twenty lines;
A true ladder going straight to Heaven.-Daoist text -
To us all towns are one, all men our kin. Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill. Man's pains and pains' relief are from within. Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !." - Tamil Poem-
"The center of the cyclone is that rising quiet central low-pressure place in which one can learn to live eternally. Just outside of this Center is the rotating storm of one's own ego, competing with other egos in a furious high-velocity circular dance. As one leaves center, the roar of rotating wind deafens on more and more as one joins this dance. One's centered thinking-feeling-being, one's own Satoris, are in the center only, not outside. One's pushed-pulled driven states, one's anti-Satori modes of functioning, one's self-created hells, are outside the center. In the center of the cyclone one is off the wheel of Karma, of life, rising to join the Creators of the Universe, the Creators of us.
Here we find that we have created Them who are Us...
Lilly's Law
"In the province of the mind, what is believed to be true is true or becomes true, within certain limits to be found experimentally. These limits are further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the(true mind..added by danny) mind, there are no limits."" -- John C. Lilly -
Unless you know the emptiness and bliss inside yourself..you'll be a robot forced by the same emptiness and bliss trying to know itself..by pain..inside your self also..trust me!..said the mahayogi!
In silence there must be movement, and in motion,
There must be silence.
A small movement is better than a big,
no movement is better than a small
silence is all the movement's mother.
In Movement you should be like a dragon or a tiger.
In non Movement you should be like a Buddha.
-- Wang Xiangzhai(November 26, 1885 - July 12, 1963}
Those whom have ears to hear,let them see..those whom have eyes to see..let them hear good...Kripto Yoga 2.12