Lead me from dreaming to waking. 
Lead me from opacity to clarity.
Lead me from the complicated to the simple. Lead me from the obscure to the obvious. Lead me from intention to attention. Lead me from what I'm told I am to what I see I am. .
In silence there must be movement, and in motion,
There must be silence. A small movement is better than a big one.. No movement is better than a small one..listen! Silence is all the movement's mother.. In Movement you should be like a dragon or a tiger. In non Movement you should be like a Buddha. -- Wang Xiangzhai(November 26, 1885 - July 12, 1963}What is referred to as mindlessness is absence of the human mentality; what is referred to as mindfulness is mindfulness of the Tao. When one is free of the human mentality, the mutual sensing of the earthly and celestial is swift; when one is mindful of the Tao, effective practice endures. Swiftness of sensing comes about spontaneously, without cultivation, without striving; long perseverance comes about through effort, and involves action and striving. Striving and non-striving each has its secret; the distinction is all a matter of the absence of the human mentality and the presence of mindfulness of the Tao. After one has reached complete realization of the universal Tao, neither existence nor nonexistence remain; others and self are ultimately empty, and one enters the state of ultimate truthfulness, like a spirit. Here, it is not only the human mentality that cannot be applied; even the mindfulness of Tao is not applicable." - Liu I-ming
The consistent conduct of people of the Way is like the flowing clouds with no grasping mind, like the full moon reflecting universally, not confined anywhere, glistening within each of the ten thousand forms.
Dignified and upright, emerge and make contact with the variety of phenomena, unstained and unconfused. Function the same toward all others since all have the same substance as you. Language cannot transmit this, speculation cannot reach it. Leaping beyond the infinite and cutting off the dependent, be obliging without looking for merit.
This marvel cannot be measured with consciousness or emotion. On the journey accept your function, in your house please sustain it. Comprehending birth and death, leaving causes and conditions, genuinely realize that from the outset your spirit is not halted. So we have been told that the mind that embraces all the ten directions does not stop anywhere.
-- Hongzhi Zhengjue (1091-1157)
*note*..this old one... quit smoking at 103 years old..now is 111 and still going strong...
Amazing woman..
All she did was suck up all the good stuff...and smoked like a chimney...
see what I mean?
She is only 111 years old...wish she'd be my wife!...you KNOW..grasshoppers from Heaven?
The secret is to enjoy it.
The secret is to enjoy it.
The secret is to enjoy it.
It just happens..like some numbnuts muslim woman told me one time..that,,pork is no good for me,,..
I have explained that I am a Christian ..and basically give a flying spank to her ideas about HER reality.
Since the consciousness SHAPES the REALITY in this 3 dimensional space/time...of course eating pork
will NOT BE good for you..if you are a muslim,no?..or a jew??..since THIS IS WHAT YOU BELIEVE !!and your consciousness will CREATE that barrier!!!!
People from other religions eat pork...or cows...LOL..the hindus eat no cows..since they are ,,holy,,
So a COW is holy now?..the mother cow...and the father bull?..what happened to the ONE GOD???
I recommend the hindus include the mighty ,,chicken,, also on the list of,,god animals,,..TO BOW TO..and worship all day long!
Also the rice/wheat...so they'll eat only CARROTS (till someone will say that CARROTS ARE GODS ALSO??..(I can't wait for that one GREAT messiah to appear in the world... to proclaim like a cactus dumb to the bone coyote..that ,,carrots are gods also,,..no good to eat them..that would be the ultimate Texas coyote messiah ,indeed...all is god,so nothing to eat anymore...save the carrots life,indeed...save the flies,and die saving them..NOT understanding the arising ..passing away..nore the inter-dependent causes and conditions which makes a snake eating eats own tail parable ...or EVERYTHING EATING ITSELF...ZERO REALIZATION...STUCK TO FORMS OF CONSCIOUSNESS THEY ASSUME THE CARROTS ARE GODS???)
iT IS FASCINATING that no hindus went to the north pole to explain the Eskimos that eating meat is no good for them.,..and they better cultivate ,,carrots,, to eat right on the ice...since eating fat and meat is not the way in the minus 50 degrees Celsius?
DEMENTED people indeed!!...GO THERE ,hindus..tell THEM to be vegetarians where is no land to grow your carrots!..ONLY ICE!
Morons are like flies..told you grasshoppers from heaven...just look at this 111 years old woman..
You see any quilt on her?..she enjoys every bit of brandy!..see how she sucks it up?..
She quit smoking at 103!..THAT"S my KIND of woman!...
LONG LIVE and prosper..my beloved Dorothy Peel (her true name)..my 111 years old beauty!..who bypassed the ,,I die,, consciousness !!
-added by danny-
111-year-old says she owes her longevity to booze and cigarettes
Dorothy Peel celebrated her 111th birthday on Sunday and, in an interview with the prominent UK publication Daily Star, the East Yorkshire resident says the reason she’s been able to live for more than a century is because of two things: cigs and sherry.“I drank regularly throughout the day,” said Peel. “In the morning I had half a pint of sherry, for lunch a gin and tonic and around 7 p.m. a small ginger ale with a bit of whisky. These days I just have a sherry now and again … I used to smoke 20 [cigarettes] a day but not anymore.”
The senior citizen quit smoking at the age of 103, but might “have the odd cig at Christmas or New Year along with pink champagne.” Peel continued to explain how she is “living proof” that smoking and drinking doesn’t harm your body. In fact, her next-door neighbors were killed in a World War II bombing. She didn’t fret about death then. She doesn’t care now.
Alison Gibson, Peel’s social worker, says the drunken granny refuses to wear slippers and “knows her own mind.”
Peel is the second oldest woman in the UK, following a 113-year old Grace Jones who was photographed in December partying with family at a holiday luncheon.
A 111-year-old's secret to a long life? 20 cigs a day and a pint of sherry for breakfast
DOROTHY PEEL celebrated her 111th birthday
yesterday and says her longevity is down to booze, cigs and never having
had children.
Dorothy has enjoyed many large bottles of booze for years and has smoked for most of her short life of 111 years old... life...and she is still drinking.
She said: “I drank regularly throughout the day. In the morning I had half a pint of sherry, for lunch a gin and tonic and around 7pm a small ginger ale with a bit of whisky. These days I just have a sherry now and again,but not more than a bottle at the time..
“I used to smoke 20 a day but not any more. I have been tempted to have the odd cig at Christmas or New Year along with pink champagne, which is my favourite drink of all time.
“So much for smoking and drinking isn’t good for you. I am living proof that a little of what you fancy does you good. And I think not having had kids has helped. That’s probably why I look and feel so good.”
Dorothy, of Bridlington, east Yorkshire, vividly remembers the sinking of the Titanic and being bombed out twice in the war when she lived and worked as a secretary in Hull.
She said: “Everyone was really shocked when the Titanic sank. There was sadness everywhere. I’ve lived through two world wars. In the second, the shelter I was in was bombed but I wasn’t scared really.“I decided to pack in smoking when I was 103 because I got bronchitis and the doctor warned me my life was in danger! ”Dorothy Peel
“A bomb fell next door and my neighbours were killed. That was sad.”
Dorothy has lived in residential care for the past 13 years.
Her key worker Alison Gibson said: “She gives us a run for our money! She is wonderful, is independent, loves to choose her own clothes and dress herself.
“She will not wear slippers and insists on wearing her bespoke court shoes with a 2in heel. She’s very elegant and knows her own mind.”
The student asked: “A sage's response to changing conditions
is unlimited. Does he have to study beforehand?”
He should worry only about his mind's not being
clear, and not about the inability to respond to all changing conditions.”
— Wang Yang Ming (1472-1529)
To nourish the vital energy, keep watch in silence;
In order to subdue the mind, act with non-action.
Of movement and stillness, be aware of their origin;
There is no work to do, much less someone to seek.
The true and constant must respond to phenomena;
Responding to phenomena, you must be unconfused.
When unconfused, the nature will stabilize by itself;
When the nature stabilizes, energy returns by itself.
When energy returns, the elixir crystallizes by itself;
Within the pot, the trigrams of kǎn and lí(heaven and earth) are joined.
Yīn and yáng arise, alternating over and over again;
Every transformation comes like a clap of thunder.
White clouds form and come to assemble at the peak;
The sweet nectar sprinkles down Mount Sumeru.
Swallow for yourself this wine of immortality;
You wander so freely—who is able to know you?
Sit and listen to the tune played without strings;
Clearly understand the mechanism of creation.
It comes entirely from these twenty lines;
A true ladder going straight to Heaven.-Daoist text -
To us all towns are one, all men our kin. Life's good comes not from
others' gift, nor ill. Man's pains and pains' relief are from within.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !." - Tamil Poem-
"The center of the cyclone is that rising quiet central low-pressure
place in which one can learn to live eternally. Just outside of this
Center is the rotating storm of one's own ego, competing with other
egos in a furious high-velocity circular dance. As one leaves center,
the roar of rotating wind deafens on more and more as one joins this
dance. One's centered thinking-feeling-being, one's own Satoris, are in
the center only, not outside. One's pushed-pulled driven states, one's
anti-Satori modes of functioning, one's self-created hells, are
outside the center. In the center of the cyclone one is off the wheel
of Karma, of life, rising to join the Creators of the Universe, the
Creators of us.
Here we find that we have created Them who are Us...
Lilly's Law
"In the province of the mind, what is believed to be true is true or
becomes true, within certain limits to be found experimentally. These
limits are further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the(true mind..added by danny) mind, there are no limits."" -- John C. Lilly -
Unless you know the emptiness and bliss
inside yourself..you'll be a robot forced by the same emptiness and
bliss trying to know itself..by pain..inside your self also..trust
me!..said the mahayogi!
The student asked: “A sage's response to changing conditions
is unlimited. Does he have to study beforehand?”
He should worry only about his mind's not being
clear, and not about the inability to respond to all changing conditions.”
— Wang Yang Ming (1472-1529)
In silence there must be movement, and in motion,
There must be silence.
A small movement is better than a big,
no movement is better than a small
silence is all the movement's mother.
In Movement you should be like a dragon or a tiger.
In non Movement you should be like a Buddha.
-- Wang Xiangzhai(November 26, 1885 - July 12, 1963}
Those whom have ears to hear,let them see..those whom have eyes to see..let them hear good...Kripto Yoga 2.12