Chapter I
“The School of Life”
It was Fall again in the desert southwest; the air cool and crisp, a spark of static easily shocked the hand when touching metal. Galen glanced out at the majestic red rock setting from his new home in Sedona, Arizona. His dream home was a modest A-frame built of pine. Large windows stretched from floor to a high cathedral ceiling, allowing a panoramic view of this mystical place in the canyon. He could see Bell Rock in the distance, site of one of Sedona’s legendary power spots: a vortex of subtle energy swirling skyward. You couldn’t see the energy, but standing inside or even nearby one of these power spots gave a noticeable lift to body and spirits. This was the perfect place for a writer to practice the fine art, the energies were both creative and uplifting.
Two years had gone by since his amazing discovery and transformation on the mountain. He’d thought about his mentor Rufus often, and could even hear his voice sometimes, correcting and guiding. In fact he was almost sure it was Rufus who had inspired the book that was doing so well, providing a surprising source of income. Galen had become semi famous... as famous as most faceless writers could become in the public mind. But fame and its many trappings were not what he sought, though it came with the territory. At least he could walk about and not be noticed.
New talents were surfacing. Writing was one of its expressions. He’d always been creative but now the energy was free flowing and testing itself in new forms. Words and descriptions came to him seemingly out of the air with little effort. They almost wrote themselves. The book he had written was a fictional version of his transformation, an effort to convey a sense of the elusive Truth. The dark side, the illusions of life, were still winning though. As he watched from his elevated perspective, people were literally “lost in thought,” going through life hypnotized to the true reality that surrounded them. They needed to wake up! Only the truth could free them from their self-imposed prisons of thought, and a book was the only way to reach people and make a difference.
Galen’s personal life had also been transformed, thanks to the teachings. The once probable brain tumor and its symptoms were gone, cleared away by right thinking. It was like a gyroscope had been set in motion inside; it quickened his senses and gave an inner sense of stability. Few things could remain out of balance with such a stabilizing force inside. His mother had remarried and was living happily with her new husband, a man ten years younger than she. But that was alright; he was practical and kind, a good provider, and completely devoted to her. Now it didn’t matter what his real father thought or even threatened. Galen could see his grandfather, the old chief, whenever he liked.
Their first “physical” meeting was memorable. Galen had just got word that his book was going to be published, and with time to spare, he set out for the Reservation to discuss it with Grandfather. The chief was as Galen recalled him from their out-of-body visit. Tall and regal, skin smooth and bronze red, his eyes were ablaze with wisdom; his hair was long and white, kept by a braided headband.
The little house he lived in was ordinary. The white paint peeled in places and the roof was missing a few shingles. But inside, the feeling was cozy. A fireplace glowed with a single pine log. There was nothing like pine embers to take away the chill and sweeten the air.
They met and embraced, and talked of their first meeting at the oasis which was Grandfather’s sanctuary. That had been about a year ago. Unlike then, they now talked of trivial matters, physical things instead of lofty spiritual concepts. Galen told him all about his mother’s new husband and the fancy ranch they lived on just outside of Albuquerque. He told Grandfather about his move to Sedona and of the wonderful energies that swirled like dust devils through the canyon. Then he spoke about the book he had written.
At first the old chief listened with head bowed, nodding occasionally. He seemed interested but noncommittal. But then he raised his hand slightly, signaling for Galen to pause. Something was bothering him.
“I’m concerned,” he said, looking down, “about how the white man will receive such a heavy dose of Truth. He will fear it without knowing why, reject it, simply because it is bitter to his understanding. I’m not sure the time is right... And what of our tradition of silence?”
Galen related that the book had been “inspired,” almost like channeled material, and that Rufus himself had even hinted that he share the concepts with those who -- by Law of Attraction -- were ready to receive. The book seemed to flow naturally, he explained, in consequence to a higher plan. “Times were changing rapidly,” he said, “and the old traditions of silence had protected the truths until this very time could arrive.”
Grandfather nodded a reluctant agreement. Change was inevitable and ultimately the Truth was meant for everyone. Spiritual recovery belonged to all humanity ... though he was sure only a few would be receptive. Even so, his senses swayed to caution, and he told Galen so.
“Anyway,” Galen suggested, “my book will have to prove itself. If it catches on in the mass consciousness as a success in the marketplace, then we will know if the time is right.” He watched his grandfather squirm from foot to foot -- the idea was still uncomfortable to him. It was then that another of those subtle insights flashed into Galen’s receptive mind.
The Keeper had said that every man had his own truth; Rufus had hinted there were layers of truth, depending on the level of understanding. Grandfather was so much a part of the old ways, that even he in his lofty wisdom was stuck, temporarily at least, to one of those levels. There was resistance to change even among the enlightened!
This experience was yet another lesson from life about life. Galen had learned to be receptive, watchful of everything around him, because there were lessons in all people and experiences. Life itself was a school, forever teaching us about it and about ourselves.
He spent the night, then left the next morning for Sedona. He promised to keep the old chief informed about the book’s progress -- and of any new psychic adventures that might come his way. Grandfather predicted that another quest could be on the horizon.
That had been about a year ago, and so far no new spiritual experience had come to pass. This made him anxious; once you’ve had an authentic encounter in the spiritual realm nothing else was so important as to have another. Some writer had called it “divine anxiety,” and that was a good enough description.
He was out hiking one morning, enjoying the bubbling waters of Oak Creek below another vortex site called Cathedral Rock. The birds were singing and the air was heavy with earthy smells, it was a morning that could thrill a child to the wonders of nature. But that thought was a little premature. The wild screams of two young boys pierced the enchantment like the blade of a machete. Oh great, he thought, more tourists and their kids! He caught himself in judgment -- kids were just a bother, about as necessary as a toothache -- then he tried to reverse it with a positive thought.
They were getting closer, racing down the narrow streamside path yelping and screaming. When they appeared he saw two mischievous creatures, both under ten, waving sticks and swearing like sailors. They scampered by, nearly knocking him down, quite oblivious to anyone in their way. It was hard to keep a cheery thought, so he indulged himself by wondering at the kind of parents who could ignore such savage inclinations.
Close behind, the parents followed. They held hands and both wore starry-eyed smiles, they were in another world. Dressed in scrumpy camping clothes, Galen guessed they had an RV parked in the campsite about half a mile away. They saw Galen approaching. “Good morning,” they said with customary politeness. “Hope the boys didn’t disturb you,” the mother said, “they’re just wonderfully playful.”
Galen didn’t really express what he was thinking but said instead, “I guess they’re in their own world.” Greetings made, they engaged him in small talk. Are you from around here? Had any mystical encounters here? Seen any spirits or UFO’s? All were frequently asked questions by newcomers. The place (Sedona) had developed quite a reputation recently.
He answered their questions matter of factly, not wanting to open the door to his personal life. He’d found that people could be very intrusive, given the opportunity. It just wasn’t his nature to be chatty anyway.
The boys were returning. The noise level increased with their approach. “Mommy, Daddy,” they screamed, “an old Indian man scared us! He stood on the path and said, go back to your parents!”
The parents looked at Galen, mouths opened in astonishment. He told them that Indian spirits indeed wandered here, that the noise had likely disturbed them. The bewildered family took the hint and quietly retreated the way they had come. Peacefulness returned as the sounds of nature were predominant again.
Galen wondered at the meaning of this episode, an intrusion into the harmony he was enjoying ... there was a lesson here, meant for him, if only he could find it. ‘Levels of truth,’ he reminded himself, every event carried layer upon layer of truth, meant as a lesson to anyone it touched. It was like a multi-track tape recorder in a professional sound studio, where different layers of sound were combined. The finished version was whole and complete. Any event could be unraveled and analyzed by a good technician of Life.
First, there was the irritation with the kids. He had to admit to himself a forbidden truth, something considered abhorrent to usual adult attitudes: he didn’t like kids. Why all the fuss to fill a household with these noisy, messy, fussy little savages? Was it part of the madness of the mass mind? a ploy to keep people’s attention outside of themselves? If there was true joy in what parents professed as joy, why were their kids such a source of stress?
This was an area he had avoided exploring, but there was something important here. A lesson.
Life was a mirror, he had learned. It reflected back what was inside ... and most of that “inside” was hidden from conscious awareness. The people, places, events and circumstances you encounter in life are trying to teach you about yourself. Once, Rufus had told him: “What you like in others you like in yourself; but what you reject in others you reject in yourself. This was a truth that could be relied upon to uncover what you were hiding from yourself.”
What was it about kids that annoyed him so? Psychologists had warned that people were suppressing their “child within,” that unpleasant memories from childhood were buried deep inside, still festering and unresolved, sometimes causing ugly reactions to otherwise normal events… But no, this didn’t feel right. Not in his case.
What really bothered him about kids, was their noise. The constant chatter, the whining, the screaming and yelling. It tore at his insides like the blade of a dull knife. But why? Noise was in harmony, he reasoned, it was something sensed as being out of order ... discord. The Truth told him that this was a marker of spiritual development though, a sure sign of progress. When peace and harmony were valued above noise and distraction, the soul was settled on the proper path home.
So what he disliked about kids -- noise -- told him there was still discord of some sort hidden within his nature. The Law of Attraction had brought this experience to his attention to tell him about himself, to make him aware of something that needed exposure. But what? To the outer mind, the ego self, he was in complete control of life ... he had money and freedom, even great success by mortal standards. His life was effortless, no problems, no senseless obligations to family and friends. The Universe was his friend. It offered unconditional love and insight into the truth of its workings. But something was still missing...
He pondered for minutes and finally decided the answer would reveal itself in the right place and right time. There was still more unraveling to do with the preceding incident however, more layers of truth to expose to consciousness.
The two parents were typical of most people. They were cordial and well meaning, adoring of their kids, probably more focused on the needs and happiness of their children than of themselves. Society had brainwashed them to believe that their own lives were now less important than their kid’s. No sacrifice was too much, for the children came first. Why couldn’t people see the fallacy of this self-denying attitude -- the focus always turned away from self? It would perpetuate even in the children’s lives when they were adults. No one was ever centered in the place they needed to be: the inner, the now. They lived in a cocoon of false beliefs and values, asleep to the real world of life that flowed about them. This, he concluded, was why he avoided most people: they were asleep to themselves and provided little stimulation to one living an aware life in the here and now. But wasn’t this a judgment?
He was placing himself on a higher level than those he saw around him. If we were all one, as he truly believed, why judge anyone for being at a different level of understanding? Just as the children were on a different level of understanding from their parents, did they judge their kids for being less aware? Of course not. They felt a oneness with their offspring and understood that a child’s awareness, and understanding level, would grow as they grew. This was a lesson and an understanding he needed, to avoid the pitfalls of an ego-centered viewpoint. It was one that too many so-called spiritual people had fallen into before him.
There remained one last piece to the puzzle of this episode. The old Indian the boys had encountered on the path...
He heard leaves rustling and faint footsteps approaching from behind. He turned around, but saw nothing. A strong gust of wind blew past him sending a chill through his body. A vapor of shimmering light, some ten feet away, began to materialize into human form. As the form became distinct he recognized the familiar features of his friend and guide, Rufus. His heart beat wild, the long awaited spiritual adventure predicted by Grandfather had surely arrived.
“We meet again, my eager student. You have done well since then.” Rufus stood there with his familiar grin, eyes glistening with the light of immortal wisdom. He wore the full feathered headdress and animal hides of an early Indian chief. Now Galen knew him as both Rufus and the Keeper of the Cave of Secrets. “The wait was long, good friend. I have hoped for your return,” he said, nodding slowly to show respect for his mentor.
“Not so formal, my son. I am still the Rufus you knew before. But now your understanding of my nature has grown. We are all more than we appear.”
The episode on the trail was turning into far more than Galen expected. There were so many new questions that needed answers -- and old answers that needed new clarifications. The Truth was not a book of finished facts, but an ever growing entity with a life of its own. A guide who understood its nature was a necessity. One thing was certain though, the Truth had never turned away a sincere seeker, it had never once let anyone down, and at every new level of understanding: “When the student was ready, the master would appear.”
Chapter Two
“The Dark Twin”
Rufus came right to the point, “There is still more work to be done. Truth is beginning to blossom in the mass consciousness, the book is a grand device for stimulating awareness, but the greater work must be done within each individual self.” He looked straight into Galen’s eyes. “Even you need more work, son.” A smile moved across his lips. “You were receiving my ideas as you wrote your book, aware of my intrusion in your consciousness.” He knew that Galen had wondered about the source of this inspiration. “Very perceptive. However, the words and creative energy came from your own being, the work itself was your own creation.”
“It’s good to know we are always in contact,” Galen admitted, “I’m not very sure of my own conclusions sometimes.” He paused to think. “Like now, for instance. I’m confused.”
“That’s why I’m here,” Rufus said with a reassuring smile.
“There’s still something missing in my life.” His eyes looked down and he shook his head. “I have complete freedom, the ability to get anything I want, my life is problem free... Yet, I sense an irritating void inside.” He raised his head and looked at Rufus. “Today I learned there’s something inside of me that just doesn’t feel right. It’s like discord, an inner irritation that’s always there. It won’t let me alone. What is it really?”
“It’s a common menace, an age old phantom that haunts every human being regardless of how happy or successful he thinks he is,” Rufus began. “It is good that you sense this presence, it means you are ready for a leap to the next level of understanding. Always remember that each step upward gives you power over what is below. Like flying with the eagle, the higher you go the more you see and understand. Awareness is the key to all power.” He paused for emphasis then began again. “You have learned before that there are two sides to everything: a positive and negative, a right and wrong, a good and bad. Therefore each human being has a good side and a bad side: a good self and a bad self. On the physical level these opposites are a fact and cannot be avoided.
“But rather than call it a bad self, let’s call it the false self. This false self is in every human being, it is the phantom I mentioned. As all phantoms are, it is very cunning and deceptive. It works invisibly behind the scenes and is rarely noticed, even by the person it haunts. This is not a real being; it has no life of its own … but it makes you believe that without it you have no life either. Now listen carefully, you will not believe this at first: but your thoughts are not your own!” He looked deep into Galen’s eyes. “This is one of its deceptions. Your thoughts and the emotions they evoke come from the false self.”
Galen’s mouth opened wide in disbelief. He groaned and said, “What? You make it sound like we’re all possessed.”
“That’s probably a good way to look at it. You see, the truth is, everyone is under the spell of this cunning phantom that delights in making you think that you are it. That’s the void you sense inside, the something that feels out of place. It is discord itself, because it doesn’t match the harmony of the real you. All along it has conned you, by doing your thinking for you. You have so fully identified with its presence that you can’t tell the difference.”
“What do you mean by identified?”
“Ah!” he said boldly, “it’s a fine word, heard often, but little understood. Have you ever lost yourself to a character in a movie? so fully identified with his problems that you forgot about your own? That’s a simple example, but it happens like this in many ways every day of your life. Take the sports fan. They run around screaming they’re Number One, though they’ve had nothing to do with a win by their local team. They have glorified themselves by identifying with the team. How about a friend who comes to you, shy at first to share a problem. Within a minute, do you not feel that it’s your very own problem too? Do you not feel obligated to help solve it?
“That’s identification. It is to lose your own identity by placing it falsely in something else or someone else. And that is how the false self deceives you into thinking that you are it, and this has been happening all your life, so you just can’t tell the difference anymore.”
“You said that it thinks for me. How?”
“Identification again, and distraction,” said Rufus, making his point. “By keeping your mind occupied with noisy, senseless thoughts it keeps you distracted. This chattering monkey mind, as I like to call it, diverts your attention from one thought to another, from one reaction to another; it keeps your mind swimming in circles like a dog chasing its tail. It’s gone on like this for so long that you don’t realize something else is thinking for you. Very few people actually think for themselves; there are many who have never had an authentic thought of their own in a whole lifetime.”
Galen asked, “Where did it come from? I mean, how were we possessed in the first place?”
“It comes out of the past, like all ghosts do. Let’s be very practical. The Now is the only reality: it is all there is and it is all we have. The past exists only in memory, and that is where this phantom false self comes from. It possesses each person because it can, it is allowed to do so by the person himself. You recall that the subconscious is like a huge memory storehouse, it holds all your beliefs, your past memories, and experiences,” he paused, “and all the ideas you hold about yourself.” He looked up with a twinkle in his eye. “In other words it holds your identity -- you! But this you is not real, it is based on mental pictures of who you think you are, based on the past. The you that you identify with is only an illusion of mental pictures from the past. And because it is fed by the wellspring of lifeforce, and has taken lodging alongside all conditioned thoughts, it takes on a life of its own -- stealing from the real You.”
This revelation was shocking and Galen looked stunned. He gathered his thoughts and his voice turned monotone. “If I’m not the me of my past, then who or what could I possibly be?”
“That, my son, is the ultimate purpose of life: finding out who you really are! Life itself is on your side throughout this ordeal; it is your teacher. It tries to reveal to you the real you. All the negatives in life like pain and suffering, fear and guilt, any and all negative emotions, are trying to teach one thing: you are out of harmony with the true and the real! These little jolts of reality try to wake us out of our psychic slumber, out of this spell of illusions. The trick is to switch your awareness on whenever you encounter a jolt. Don’t take it like a bolt of lightening then run and hide. Instead stand your ground and come awake. Be aware of the pain, exactly where it is and how it feels. Study it like a detective would study the clues in a mystery.
“Now listen closely. I’m going to reveal the secret of coming awake to Reality. It will break the spell of the phantom false self and put you back in touch with the real you. This secret has been used by the greatest shamans, mystics, and enlightened teachers of the past. Rightly used, it provides the only authentic means of spiritual recovery and true awakening.”
Galen had been listening intently. It all made perfect sense. He was standing there, lost in thought to Rufus’s explanation of the false self...
All of a sudden a mental shift took him out of his body. He was looking down at Rufus, his feathered headdress and buckskins looking so out of place, and he saw himself too, tall and willowy, lengthy hair flowing in the light breeze. Frogs were croaking with content along the banks of the creek; birds were singing from the branches of the leafy water oaks. He could see and feel with total awareness all around him without turning his head or gaze. This was odd, he thought. It reminded him of the experience two years ago, when his conscious mind merged with the eagle. From that higher perspective he could see and understand everything below. But just as suddenly, like then, he came back to himself and was looking at Rufus through his own eyes. “Wow!” he said, “What was that?”
“An object lesson for what I’m about to describe,” said the gentle mentor, taking off his headdress. “Translated to your language, we call this process self-watching. Remember, awareness is the key to all power, and also part of your own true essence: the Aware Will. The real You is a bubble of awareness with its own free will, living in the sea of consciousness of the All-Consciousness: God! Awareness makes you conscious, while your will directed outwards gives you motion and activity. Will without awareness (without direction) is chaos. But that is another teaching in itself. The important thing to remember is that awareness is the most magical, the most priceless gem that could ever be obtained – it is the prime essence – but the least appreciated or understood. Because it is so much a part of you, it is rarely thought about or even felt. Once understood, however, it is a power and law unto itself.”
Galen saw the importance of this immediately and understood the power of his own budding awareness. He nodded his head in agreement.
“So self-watching uses the awareness of the real you, but as you will also discover it takes a fair amount of will-power too. There is a discipline involved and a continual need for self-reminding. It does not come easy at first but with continuous practice you will find the unclear and confused thinking of the false self gradually fading, along with the false self itself. This is the only way to rid yourself of this devious phantom and reclaim your own thoughts.”
“Great!” Galen said. “I’m ready to begin.”
Rufus pointed to fallen tree branch. “Take a seat there,” he instructed. “Close your eyes and clear your mind.” He waited as Galen got comfortable, then further instructed: “I mean really clear your mind! Try, try with all your might to keep your mind clear of any thoughts.” He smiled to himself, watching the inevitable struggle of the nearly impossible task.
Galen’s face would smooth as he relaxed a little, holding his mind still … then a wrinkled forehead told his difficulty in holding off intruding thoughts. He tried again and again, and finally opened his eyes. “I can’t do it,” he admitted. “I thought my powers of concentration were nearly perfected, but I see there’s still more work to do.”
Rufus smiled. “There’s a big difference. Concentrating on something is much more difficult than focusing on nothing. The false self can be entertained with doing something, but trying to keep it quiet is a whole different thing. Stillness and quiet are like death to its jittery, chatterbox nature. It will resist and intrude, one way and then another, until it finally breaks your will to be silent. And this exercise should be all the proof you need. If YOU were running your own mind, then wouldn’t it respond exactly as YOU intended?”
Chapter Three
“Self Watching"
The first signs of dusk were fast approaching. The two of them, or at least the one still visible, was looking quite out of place sitting alone in the woods. Rufus suggested they meet later at Bell Rock, one of Sedona’s better known power spots. {Most people who visit here can feel the powerful vortex energy spiraling skyward as they stand anywhere within the vicinity of this small mountain. It is regarded by locals and spiritual pilgrims alike as the portal to “extraterrestrial” energies.}
As Galen approached the power spot, the sun had fallen an hour before. The night air was cool and dry, and the stars above were like brilliant diamonds. The thin air and high altitude of Sedona made the stars seem especially close, and again that special feeling of “divine anxiety” was returning, making his heart race faster as he approached the first level of this impressive megalith.
To climb Bell Rock, one has to weave back and forth looking for just the right pathway among the crags and crevices that lead to higher and higher ground. The rare energies here are so buoyant however that you almost feel you’re floating instead of climbing.
Although it was dark, Galen could still see. Whether it was his second sight now activating or the light from the stars, everything seemed to glow in a subtle light. Even the occasional cactus bushes stood out with a light of their own.
Suddenly a much brighter light farther up the trail caught his attention. He looked up and could see an oval entrance of some sort, maybe a cave that was definitely not visible in the daylight. As he approached closer he could see clearly, it was a cave entrance, and it emitted the most wonderful scent of fresh earth and burning wood. An incense like he’d never smelled. Then to his delight Rufus appeared, his arms gesturing a welcome to enter.
“A tricky climb for a physical body, huh?” Rufus commented as Galen entered. He turned and led the way to a deeper part of the cave. The walk was eerie. Something about the energy here was quite ‘alien’ though exciting to Galen’s senses. They kept going deeper … Rufus was silent as usual as they traversed the curious passageway.
Finally they entered a rounded cavern. It was perfectly shaped, something like an upright egg, and smoothly formed. It seemed like the heat of the sun had somehow burst into this room, creating smooth glass-like walls. And like the Cave of Secrets in Albuquerque, it emitted a soft white light with no recognizable source. The buoyant energy here also reminded Galen of that wonderful place. He was about to soar from his body again when Rufus grasped his arm. “Ground yourself,” he cautioned.
Rufus made a sweeping motion with his hand and arm. The room changed suddenly. It was like a holographic image of an alien world, appearing out of thin air. Then he felt a rush of consciousness, a sure sign of traveling, and they were standing on a ledge overlooking a deep gorge. A hazy sun was overhead, shrouded by thick layers of multi-hued clouds. Pastel colors of charged ions changed the atmosphere overhead and made the air between him and Rufus seem alive with changing colors and shadows. It was magnificent!
“Wow, where are we!” asked Galen. His eyes were full and round, trying to soak up as much of the wonderment as possible.
“Call it another world, or another dimension -- in God’s glorious kingdom, does the name really matter?” He looked at his student and saw the smile fade to uncertainty. “If you must know,” he relented, “it’s the invisible world that surrounds the planet Venus. The Earth and Venus are linked together in a spiritual bond. Earth is ground; Venus is spirit. One is visible, and the other is invisible. The two parts make a whole. But this link is little known, and even less understood in the worlds of science and common knowledge. Most will not learn of this until their passing to the afterlife. But again, this is a lesson for another time.”
“So this is where we go when we die…”
“I didn’t say that specifically, but yes, some make it this far. A few go even farther. But the reason I brought you here was to let you feel the pureness of your spiritual Being -- without the encumbrance of your false Nature. You see, when you truly die and become a spiritual being again, the false self and all its habits, attitudes, desires, and conditionings are left behind. It’s like shedding a heavy and worn out suit of clothing. Stripped of this burden, your awareness becomes clear and pure, free of all self-punishment. You are no longer distracted by memories, or by heavy thoughts of yesterday or tomorrow. You live truly in the Now moment, born anew in a world of beauty and ecstatic energy.”
“Does this mean we lose all memories of our past life?” Galen asked.
“No it doesn’t. But memories are not as important here as they are on earth. Here, you use pure awareness as the basis of thought and action, instead of conditioned memory. Awareness lets you act on facts in the Now moment, while memories cause you to re-act by relying on previous conditioning. This is the true enlightened state that seekers seek while on earth. It can be sustained while earthbound, but only after specific training and continuous work. This specific training includes the “Self Watching” technique I spoke of earlier.”
Already the burden of the false self was being dissolved and Galen could feel its imposing heaviness lifting. It was an odd feeling. His mind was focused, instead of distracted by annoying thoughts, but his awareness seemed to expand to limitless proportions. It was like all his senses had become integrated into a single sense while expanding to any limits he chose to explore. For sure, awareness was quite a different sense than he’d ever imagined or expected.
Rufus guided him through several experiences that showed beyond all doubt that he was considerably more than a part of All That Is – in fact, at the core of his being HE WAS the ALL! The sensing of this was beyond all words and descriptions. It was a profound experience that lifted a mere human to the level of a God. So great was the impact, it would change his basic consciousness forever – at least until the veil of physical memory again shrouded the experience with confusion and feelings of limitation. It was the price he’d have to pay for being human again.
They returned to the earthy cave in Sedona and Rufus motioned that he take a seat in the sand; he then began instruction for the “Self Watching” technique. Galen felt the burden of his phantom intruder (the false self) again settling into consciousness, returning him to the normal human level.
“The only way to detach yourself from the false self,” Rufus began, “is by exercising the awareness of your true self. You must watch everything that goes on, both within yourself and outside of yourself. Be especially aware of your reactions to people and to the things that happen to you. Do nothing but watch, just as if it were happening to someone else. Your identification with the false self is so complete, that normally you don’t see yourself attaching to its emotional reactions. So don’t personalize. Don’t be carried away by what you observe.
“You judge nothing as good or bad, right or wrong, pleasurable or painful, favorable or unfavorable. Simply watch, as if you had no personal connection with whatever you observe.
Self-watching is passive detachment. You don’t try to change the things that you see – change happens by itself, inside, as you become aware – you interfere with nothing, without attitude, judgment, or comment. You simply look.
“It’s quite an experience to stand aside and watch a fear, an embarrassment, or any other punishing emotion pass right through you without personalizing it. Keep your awareness focused on the disturbance, give it some time to unravel, and watch it disintegrate right before your eyes. This is mental magic that gradually changes things, without effort, without having to do something. Do you see the difference?”
Galen nodded yes but somehow it seemed too easy. Surely you have to do something…
“I see the skeptic in your eyes,” Rufus said, clearly reading his student’s hesitancy. “Try to picture the awareness as a bright light that shines on the dark phantoms within. Left on their own to play their tricks in the dark, negative thoughts and negative emotions are free to punish you at will. But train the power of your attention – your focused awareness – upon each of them as they begin to torment, and watch them flee the light like a vampire caught in the headlights. They fear the light because it robs their power. Catch them enough times and they just wither away. So there’s really nothing to do but watch.
“And one more thing,” added Rufus. “By withholding judgment, refusing to label them as good or bad, you are able to detach yourself. It’s only by struggle and judgment that you bind yourself to these troubling vampires, granting them attachment to you. I want you to always remember this infallible Truth:
“The surest way to keep something in your life – is to fight it! You empower whatever you resist. Real magic happens when you suspend all judgment of good or bad, and detach with conscious awareness.”
“Yes,” said Galen, “I can see the wisdom in that … it’s like allowing.”
“Exactly. It is the essence of allowing and non-resistance. Do you see how easily these Truths blend together?”
Galen nodded in agreement. Rufus continued—“If you’ve followed along this far, and you understand what I’ve tried to relate with words, you now have the basis for understanding the secret…
“Behind all things you experience in life, there stands an Invisible Witness. It is a projection of the true self, always present, witnessing all that happens and witnessing your reactions to all that happens. It is really you, but the part of you that you’ve always ignored because you have been mis-identified with the false self. Our task is to detach from (discard) the false self, and reclaim the lost powers, abilities, and joys of the true self. To do this however we must re-identify with the Witness aspect within.
“To identify with the Witness is to capture the essence of Awareness. It sees all but judges nothing. It allows. This is a knack that will take time to cultivate because you’ve been conditioned to judge everything. From childhood to present you’ve been taught to classify all things as either good or bad, right or wrong, fair or unfair … black or white. By being on one side, you must do constant battle with its opposite. This has created an imbalance which is not natural. It’s part of the void you described earlier.
“The Witness remember is unconditioned, pure awareness; and it sometimes needs the assistance of its active ally, the will. You will need the will, not only to steer the awareness, but also to hold its focus on what you’re observing. In the beginning it will tend to wander, like the curiosity of a small child. Realize that this is only natural and not to be scorned. Simply lead it back and re-focus. This is much like meditation … however instead of sitting cross-legged, breathing slowly, concentrating on something (or nothing), you will be using the raw material of everyday circumstance to center yourself and wake up. We could call this a waking meditation. Keep in mind the objective: You want to detach from the illusory life of the false self, and re-identify with the real self and the real life you were meant to enjoy. To do this you must shake the semi-hypnosis of normal consciousness and re-awaken the aware state of real consciousness. The training of the Witness is key.”
{Do not assume this to be an idealistic philosophy that sounds good but does not work. This is a practical, workable process that changes simple observations into meaningful realizations -- and leads to higher and higher levels of awareness. It is progress you can see and feel. However, you must work with patience and perseverance. If you can convince yourself that this is the most important work in your life – that nothing, no matter what, will grant you more enduring rewards, you will then have the proper attitude to succeed. And besides, you are using the everyday material of your own life to progress. Imagine, your own life is your best teacher! Now that’s natural … it’s the way it was meant to be.}

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- Ron Voreis..the Invisible Witness
- An Eagle's Gift
- A new Life... Vernon Howard
- Carl Gustav Jung
- ThePyromania.Com - Shankara's Six Stanzas on Nirvana.
- Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi interviewed in 1983 by St...
- Change your thinking and you change your world
- SHRI MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI-medical conference questi...
- What it's like to live in overflowing energy.
- Interview with Shri Mataji-Vienna, 05.09.1984
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- Man To God
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