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Sunday, December 11, 2005

The rain falls on my head

"v_koa" wrote:

> 1)The rain falls on my head, the thunder claps showing his
> appreciation ,
> as the drops of water make their way down my body and into the
> flower bed/
> 2)Where i sleep, so i can feel alive, immortal like the fragrance of
> roses, i cannot die/
> 3)Protected, nourished, i sip the sweet necter,
> and praise the rain for filling the flowers veins- their beauty is
> my protecter/
> 4)-From what, i cannot say,
> for the mere mention of its name ,will cast me in a reoccuring role
> in this play; of life

This is a beautiful poem,Kyyan..
I talk from my experience...when the Sahasrara opens,it feels actually
like rain,and you can actually feel the drops of water !!..I am not
kidding.As kundalini goes up...the Holy Spirit descends down on your
channels.And it feels like rain...rain drops,that's it..
Jai Shri Mataji!!