Lead me from opacity to clarity.
Lead me from the complicated to the simple.
Lead me from the obscure to the obvious.
Lead me from intention to attention.
Lead me from what I'm told I am to what I see I am.
Lead me from confrontation to wide openness.
Lead me to the place I never left,
Where there is peace, and peace
- The Upanishads
*note* version of the,,loving from the tree,, famous song...in translation..
Hello ,salute ..it's me the bad dude
To you,my darling, I address
Please accept the happiness
Hello,hello...it's me,Picasso
I gave you beep,,,,I'm mighty big
And ask you nothing..not a bit
You want to leave but you never never do
Never never do...never never take me with you
Your face ..and the loving from the tree
Remind me of your eyes,you see?
..or something like that anyway:),,the Tei is some tree with beautiful flowers,white..maybe the linden tree...the metaphor means something very delightful ,anyway
-added by danny-
and the original O-Zone group singing:),,Dragostea din Tei,,
ps..this is one ridiculous translation...mine was perfect!
Hello ,salute ..it's me the bad dude
To you,my darling, I address
Please accept the happiness
Hello,hello...it's me,Picasso
I gave you beep,,,,I'm mighty big
And ask you nothing..not a bit
You want to leave but you never never do
Never never do...never never take me with you
Your face ..and the loving from the tree
Remind me of your eyes,you see?