Lead me from opacity to clarity.
Lead me from the complicated to the simple.
Lead me from the obscure to the obvious.
Lead me from intention to attention.
Lead me from what I'm told I am to what I see I am.
Lead me from confrontation to wide openness.
Lead me to the place I never left,
Where there is peace, and peace
- The Upanishads
*note* this is my personal experience.
So..they move me around while I spread kisses to everyone,,saying,,...It is good to be dead!..join me!..I shall give you eternal bliss!!
Suddenly,I feel a rather hard slap to my right cheek ..the face .
It is Bob,the overweight..he is a huge nurse-male.He explains me,..you are not dead,Daniel...
I jumped and kissed Bob right on his nose...if I could move my legs,I'd have chosen his forehead,I think..
He says..stop it,fool!..and moves me away into some tunnel.
I scream..Yes!..Take me Bob!...I am ready to die!..take me to the light,Bob!
Instead,he takes me to the radiography room...all dark,only one evil looking woman looks at me.
Eyyyyyyyyaah!..I scream when I see her face.Too much radiations,I ponder..
Anyway,they get me back to my hospital bed...Petricio,my room mate was already saying hosanah on my behalf...
he is wise..because now the pains begin.
As I sit still,barely moving on my bed,the anesthesia runs off,and a sheer pain,like a huge toothache begins....I smile..let the pain begin,I say!
After a while..I say,,let the pain stop,,!!!
It doesn't...my blood preasure is 90/50
will I survive this night?
I remember jessus on the cross..how he did it?
I am the beginning and the end....
I am..
.............that day I almost died..yet..I had honey,you know?..kisses:)
In other words I used my mahayogi powers of energy transfer..the pain lasted for 20 hours,and never returned.
Sugar...oh honey honey...if people would know you before they are in pain,that'd be ok..but people look for you because..and this IS the main reason of suffering in the 3 worlds of creation.