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Friday, August 07, 2009

Remember Metta?

Lead me from dreaming to waking.
Lead me from opacity to clarity.
Lead me from the complicated to the simple.
Lead me from the obscure to the obvious.
Lead me from intention to attention.
Lead me from what I'm told I am to what I see I am.
Lead me from confrontation to wide openness.
Lead me to the place I never left,
Where there is peace, and peace
- The Upanishads

*note* remember the metta song on this blog?...Metta is a recognition of the most basic solidarity that we have with others, this sharing of a common aspiration to find fulfillment and escape suffering and share this wonderful thing we call "Life" with gratitude..

In translation from Pali(some indian continent ,not american indian language) means...May all live long and prosper..this is my best translation,since I don't speak Pali...
-added by danny-