Lead me from dreaming to waking.
The Upanishads
*note*..hello friends ..nice to see you again..kisses from the mahayogi to you(loved in the 3 worlds...worshiped, worshiped and again worshiped in the 10th..celebrated in the 18th also by himself..since he is the only one there,with such formidable wisdom muscle as his....and it weights 31 kilos of brain muscle...)
Anyway...friends..I am here to explain you the cause and affect idea ,initially explained by the Buddha himself..
Now listen to me...and listen good..
Friends from heaven..you actually create all your problems (not realizing it..)
To prove your unconsciousness grasshoppers habit of creating problems..let's try the mighty ,,Kripto COIN EXPERIMENT;; The coin experiment is a darling of mine..aghh..is a beauty...and I invented it!! Here it goes:
Pick a coin...any coin...look at it and say..I love you kripto!!!(just kidding)
Just pick any coin..and know the coin is the answer.. Now you must create the problem. Toss the coin as far as you can behind you..(be sure you're in a room..and nobody is watching you for doing the kripto mighty coin experiment) Now turn back..and look for the coin.. You see it? Hell no...how could you see it right away? Keep your faith..
1..Consciousness decides the outcome
2.awareness of the consciousness decides the power of it..
3..Ponder of my superior wisdom..I explain you HOW MAGICK WORKS NOW!..not bullshit indian paper burning names,or woodoo fruitcakes magicians from whatever..I give you the REAL STUFF! Now THINK..grasshoppers from heaven...the coin was the solution.. YOU tossed it... IS THERE for you to find it,no? I'll explain more...think of this universe as yang/yin polarities..why do you ever imagine that there is no solution for any problem? The solution is manifested..ONLY IF YOU acknowledge that it could be a solution..see? DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? Friends from heaven? In other words..YOU decide if there is a solution or not..or a problem or not.
Now lets go back to my kripto coin experiment. Turn around..the coin is somewhere..in your room..is a small coin. What you're gone do? Crawl like a coyote on your carpet..sniffing with your grasshopper hands and asking..where is it??..where is it? Or... You'll listen to me..the mahayogi? Now say...the coin(the answer to my problems) is here. Until now..I didn't see it. Now I see it!! SAY IT.. NOW I SEE THE COIN.. then relax and DO whatEVER you want..or feel...(this is the second secret..you must allow it,relax,and don't try..just do whatever you want) and go and find the coin...AND YOU WILL.... You created the answer now,consciously.. To your problem created unconsciously .. SEE?? Enough of this,grasshoppers friends...
Kisses from the mahayogi..and never forget that I invented the Kripto Mighty coin experiment.... love to you all..and please practice meditation.. Danny the Mahayogi(loved in every realm,even this lousy one..) -------
There is no work to do, much less someone to seek.
The true and constant must respond to phenomena;
Responding to phenomena, you must be unconfused.
When the nature stabilizes, energy returns by itself.
Within the pot, the trigrams of heaven and earth are joined.
Every transformation comes like a clap of thunder.
The sweet nectar sprinkles down Mount Sumeru.
You wander so freely—who is able to know you?
Clearly understand the mechanism of creation.
A true ladder going straight to Heaven.-Daoist text -
To us all towns are one, all men our kin. Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill. Man's pains and pains' relief are from within. Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !." - Tamil Poem-
Kripto the spirit within you kissed you:)...Lovely story of the creation purpose...shakti means manifestation,and shiva means the origin of it..the kiss is the joy of emptiness knowing itself...kisses from the mahayogi to you,grasshoppers from heaven!