The 32 distinctive signs of a Buddha
1.Flat, smooth even feet
2. Mark of a thousand-spoked wheel on his soles
3. Long white slender fingers
4. Soft smooth hands and feet
5. Very fine webs between toes and fingers
6. Round even heels
7. Feet that are even in width
8. Muscular thighs like a deer 9. Long arms with hands reaching below the knees
10. Penis retracted
11. Height equal to length between middle fingers of outstretched arms
12. Every hair is dark at the root
13. Fine, curly body hair
14. Golden skin
15. A ten-foot aura
16. Soft, smooth, supple skin
17. Outer extremities including the crown are rounded
18. Arm-pits not too sunken
19. Wide in shoulders and narrow at waist like a lion
20. A straight body
21. Muscular shoulders
22. Forty teeth
23. White, clean, strong, and well-fitting teeth
24. Straight teeth 25. Lion-jawed
26. Sweet saliva
27. Long, broad tongue
28. Low, resonant voice
29. Deep blue eyes
30. Beautiful eyelashes
31. A curly white shiny hair [urna] between the brows
32. Fleshy protuberance [usnisha] on the crown of the head.