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Friday, May 06, 2011

The Fundamental insight

Lead me from dreaming to waking.
Lead me from opacity to clarity. Lead me from the complicated to the simple. Lead me from the obscure to the obvious. Lead me from intention to attention. Lead me from what I'm told I am to what I see I am. Lead me from confrontation to wide openness. Lead me to the place I never left, Where there is peace, and peace - The Upanishads
*note* I will try to comment a bit on Daniel Ingram's essay about integration..please be aware that none of enlightened individuals get along with others like them,other then in the essence ..the manifestation is bound on the 3 realms,because without it you'd get no realization..get it? the history of humankind ..there is none enlightened individuals whom got along with other enlightened dudes or the history of religions,see if they got together and shared their light..none did(but they quoted them after they were dead..guess talking about dead saints is better then talking to a living one...for whom wants to talk to a living saint if you are a saint one?..the mighty strategy is to talk about the dead ones,select what you want from their sayings..and add it to your religion,I guess....why is that?..where this insanity comes from?...why are so many religions,but no middle ground between them?..WHY..GRASSHOPPERS from Heaven? (please be careful that self-realization as in sahaja yoga,is not enlightenment,but a formidable building stone,since you just get the taste of the beauty of your true nature ,and emptiness of mind, about the first jhana of the buddhists(and be aware that you can't get the first jhana unless your true ki(kundalini) raises and penetrates the Fontanelle
quote"Fontanelles are soft spots on a baby's head which, during birth, enable the bony plates of the skull to flex, allowing the child's head to pass through the birth canal. The ossification of the bones of the skull causes the fontanelles to close over by a child's second birthday"

manifested as a cool breeze in your head and hands,and body..the beauty of it is that is your REAL ki(kundalini)...and it manifests like a tornado of bliss...this bliss transforms your emotions and integrating them in the universe within yourself aware that every finger in your hands will tinkle if you have problems in the body..since every finger is a resonator to the 7 system chakras..
This VERY bliss is the foundation ..
The rest is for you, integrate this bliss in real life,since the principles of applying it have so many shortcomings that only the MIGHTY Kripto within you(the spirit,or god's essence manifested as you,a living ,eating,and shit producing (when you go to the toilet) then a worm producing (when you die..they will feed on your rotten body in the cemetery..isn't this amazing ..guess those crazy indians(from India,not the american indians whom eat  Buffalos for breakfast,and thanked them for giving them life ) vegetarians never told the worms to eat only carrots,because this is the way of the universe,to be vegetarian,right?..WRONG!
The universe is laughing at you,since is a interdependent fractal awareness collapsing itself into consciousness ..and really this is about uniting your consciousness factor with the KRIPTO within you(the pure spirit) before you die..this is NOT about what you eat...I'm laughing my ass off of the indians in India respecting the cows,like they are gods...and forgetting those caws also eat allot of their precious vegetables..they blame the westerners for eating cows,while they eat chickens like there is no tomorrow...why is that?..respect the chicken ,please...then they eat the carrots only...but the mahayogi SAYS!!..WHY don't you,indian..respect the life of a carrot?..or YOU REALLY THINK just because the CARROT can't can eat it?
I tell you that there is no more GOD in a carrot,or me,or a cow,or a chicken..then in a cabbage leaf..
Everything is interdependent ..
Every life depends on other life to survive,not as individual,but as species...for only HUMANS have the ability to become gods,not caws,or chickens..for Jesus's sake!(I mean only humans have the capacity to become immortal aware that when an ant dies,nothing is lost..the collective ant survives..only advanced species can develop individuality..have you ever seen an individual ant,or an individual tree?..there is no such thing...they are like CELLS in a higher BODY..ponder..grasshoppers from heaven)
Even now,as a human..lots of bacteria thrive on your ass(like fungus or bacteria..they help you digest the carrots..or the Mc-Donald hamburger..or you thought that you can really say,,I am here to protect life? life..when you take a shit,all that life goes into the toilet..lots of me...shame on you for destroying the life!..and more shame on you if you're a vegetarian thinking the carrot doesn't suffer when you eat it!!..punk!..EVEN WHEN YOU"RE breathing you are destroying LIFE,since there are lots of life in the air ITSELF!..I recommend you die right now if you don't understand the principle of interdependence or of,,snake eating it's own tale,,..or ,,everything is a a collapsing awareness into consciousness...or..emptiness is form,form is emptiness ,as Buddha said.)
The one pure bright awareness never incarnates,since EVERYTHING is inside it.
Everything dies,is born..and eats the other to survive...have you EVER thought about the purpose of CREATION?
What are not that?
What if...everything is inside you?
What if something bothers created it?
What if you are here to know yourself?
What if nothing exists,no future..just this present moment?
What if the joy of knowing yourself as individual (yet universal) is the purpose?
And what if the pain of separating yourself from the key for looking into yourself?
What if you accept the bliss of your true nature,and stop trying to project outside your inner non-resolved mind factors,whom decided how your life would be?
What if you understand you create them?
Thus spokenth the mahayogi..and ponder about my words,grasshoppers from heaven.
Kisses to you:)
-added by danny-
Integration friend of mine read through an earlier version of this work and commented that there was very little in this book on integration, the process by which one’s life comes to be a natural reflection of one’s insights. I replied that I would write something about integration when I knew something about it, which he thought was funny, particularly knowing me. However, over the years I have learned a few things about the endlessly complex, mysterious and yet strangely ordinary topic of integration and about living in the world during and in the wake of insights. There are many sources, such as A Path With Heart and After the Ecstasy, the Laundry, both by Jack Kornfield, that do a much better treatement of the issue than what follows, but hopefully some of these simple points will be of will be of use.
The first point is one that I have made implicitly above, but will make explicit here: Go ahead and get some deep insight to integrate in the first place. I have lots of friends on the spiritual path that seem to be doing work that I associate with integration when they don’t yet have any fundamental insight to integrate. This seems to be very strange way to go, if you ask me. They seem to be working on their stuff without the clarity and perspective that comes from realizations into the truth of things. Go get enlightened! Become a stream enterer at the very least and preferably become an arahat. Without these realizations, it is very hard to determine what needs work and what is just excessive delusion and mind noise created by the illusion of duality that still remains.
    Thus, when on retreat or doing formal practice, think carefully about what you want to achieve. Do you want to work on your stuff or work on fundamental insights? Realize that it might not be easy to do either, and so might be very hard to do both simultaneously. Do you want to gain deep insights and then work on your stuff from that foundation of basic clarity, or do you want to work on your stuff until, until, until when? Until you don’t have any stuff? Good luck!
    That brings me to the second point, which is to pick your battles. We can’t do everything. We can’t have it all. We simply don’t have the time or the energy. Spiritual technology will not change these simple facts of life. We can only be working on so many things at once and still do any of them well. We need breaks, downtime, and balance. However, if we are wise and discerning, we can craft a set of priorities for ourselves that honors our unique spiritual needs, relationship needs, career needs, recreational needs, and family needs, as well as the needs of others. We can do this in a way that is realistic and allows us to keep making good use of our life without burning out or stagnating. No one can ever tell you exactly how to do this. You have your own needs and life situation. Work with it as best you can.
    The third point about integration and living in the world that I have had to learn the hard way is a concept that I recently heard articulated very well by my friend Tom in the phrase, “Right plane, right time.” Like the simple lists of Part I, this phrase could be the basis of an entire book (see the difficult but excellent The Spectrum of Consciousness, by Ken Wilber, which spends a lot of time explaining how to keep our paradigms straight and not mix them up). From the point of view of integration, it basically means that one generally should use a way of approaching a situation or problem that fits with that situation or problem. One should be conscious of the conceptual frameworks that one uses when approaching each aspect of one’s life, as some conceptual frameworks or ways of being may not be helpful or appropriate for certain situations. I will illustrate this by way of some examples.
    When doing insight practices, is it useful to assume a few things. One should assume that no such thing as a body exists, nor does a mind exist, nor are there natural boundaries inherent in sensations. There are sensations that arise and pass quickly, are not able to satisfy due to the illusion of duality, and are “empty,” meaning that they imply no self or separateness that is in control. It is not all that useful to get overly concerned with what these sensations actually are or why they arose.
    When doing just about everything else, this way of proceeding may cause gigantic problems. For instance, when driving a car, one must assume that one’s car is a separate entity, one that should not collide with the other cars on the road. One must assume solidity and that one is in control of one’s car, one must pay attention to the edges of specific things, and be careful about the details of one’s driving environment, one’s destination, and the rules of the road. For “real world” problems, I have found that “real world” solutions are the way to go. Right plane, right time. It must also be said that paying more attention to our sensate world helps both with insight practices and the “daily life.”
    Another example to contrast with the paradigm useful in insight practices is in human relationships. Imagine someone saying to you, “You are so empty. You are so unsatisfactory. You are so transient.” It just doesn’t work. Imagine going into a bank at which you have recently overdrawn your account and saying, “I do not exist as a separate entity. There is no ‘I’ or ‘mine’ that can be found. Thus, all of this talk of me owing you something is nonsense. We are interdependent luminosity.” This just doesn’t fly. Right plane, right time. These are ridiculous examples, but if you hang out in spiritual scenes and pay attention to the conceptual frameworks people use and when they use them, you will find numerous similar errors in judgment.
    These examples also illustrate the important concept of being careful when talking about one’s practice. Chose the correct words or degree of silence for the people around you and the situations in which you find yourself, particularly soon after dramatic occurrences. I can’t tell you the number of times I have looked like a completely inconsiderate nutcase when I opened my big flapping pie-hole to the wrong people soon after some intense insight or rapture had occurred. As a dead French occultist once said, “To tell someone something they can’t understand is as bad as telling them a lie.” Wise words. Cultivate a network of friends with whom you can share these things, or keep a diary if this is not practical, or both. There is something helpful about being able to talk about unusual things in a safe and appropriate context.
    It is not uncommon for people who get deeply into practice to encounter two issues: that it is difficult to learn to go easily between one way of being and another, from one conceptual framework and another, and that practice and “the world” seem to be in direct conflict. Given our basic dualistic illusion, it often seems that we must let things go in some sort of literal sense, such as quitting a job, in order to “let it go” in the insight sense, to see the true nature of the sensations that make up the process. This is obviously not true, but such erroneous logic can be very tempting.
    As to the rest of integration, well, if we have insights to integrate, it just seems to happen. That’s about the best I can do. Life happens as before, and so it goes. We grow, we learn, we get sick and we die. To quote a song from a Bogart movie, “The fundamental things apply as time goes by.” Go and read some extensive book on the subject and tell me whether or not it basically said the same thing while using a whole lot more words to do so. Still, such books can be helpful

I chose this song because he died at 22 at the plane crash....while I am about 122 years old,yet look like him.(because of my mahayogi  powers...well..besides his glasses..and besides my lack of hairs on my bold head..please..)

Anyway..if I were to die today,..

I want you to tell you just one poem,grasshoppers..

Even if I live or die

Behold..I am happy

Age is just a number for my wisdom

Joyful all the time

I am the immortal

I love myself

To know the bliss

Look inside your heart

To know the power

Look inside your belly

To know the truth

Look above your head

To look at the absolute truth

Look at your feet

Then..when you breath cool breeze from your feet

You'll know the meaning of,,you are cool,,

As the only kripto immortal can be

Dead or alive...he is

But because he is so smart,so beautiful..and so humble..

He Loves you!!!

..I say!..celebrate!..for if you do,I'll make 1 wish come true,for each of you, the 10 realms...

I love you grasshoppers..

Always did.

Always will,in the 3 realms...and thank you for the wishes,in the 1 realm.Thank you all!!


Danny Wonka,Danny Wonka..

The amazing Chocolatier!

Danny Wonka,Danny Wonka..

Everybody give a cheer!

He's modest,clever,and so smart

He barely can restrain it

With so much generosity

There is no way to contain it

To contain

To contain,to contain,to contaaaain..

Danny Wonka,Danny Wonka..

He's the one you're about to meet

Danny Wonka,Danny Wonka..

He's a genius who just can't be beat

The Magician and

The chocolate wiz

He's the best darn guy

Who ever lived...

Danny Wonka

here he isssss!

I'm inside you...feel my kiss?...

-added by danny-

 Walking on sunshine song..but how many realize THEY ARE that sunshine?

Form is emptiness ,emptiness is form..

You crave for emptiness,you miss the form.

You crave for form(as most of the living) you miss the beauty of emptiness.

You ARE the sunshine,Pilgrim...separated as rainbow in many,yet ONE.

Thus spokenth the mahayogi!

To nourish the vital energy, keep watch in silence;

In order to subdue the mind, act with non-action.

Of movement and stillness, be aware of their origin;

There is no work to do, much less someone to seek.

The true and constant must respond to phenomena;

Responding to phenomena, you must be unconfused.

When unconfused, the nature will stabilize by itself;

When the nature stabilizes, energy returns by itself.

When energy returns, the elixir crystallizes by itself;

Within the pot, the trigrams of kǎn and lí are joined.

Yīn and yáng arise, alternating over and over again;

Every transformation comes like a clap of thunder.

White clouds form and come to assemble at the peak;

The sweet nectar sprinkles down Mount Sumeru.

Swallow for yourself this wine of immortality;

You wander so freely—who is able to know you?

Sit and listen to the tune played without strings;

Clearly understand the mechanism of creation.

It comes entirely from these twenty lines;

A true ladder going straight to Heaven.-Daoist text -

To us all towns are one, all men our kin. Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill. Man's pains and pains' relief are from within. Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !." - Tamil Poem-