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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I am filtering the world through my belief system

Lead me from dreaming to waking.
Lead me from opacity to clarity.
Lead me from the complicated to the simple.
Lead me from the obscure to the obvious.
Lead me from intention to attention.
Lead me from what I'm told I am to what I see I am.
Lead me from confrontation to wide openness.
Lead me to the place I never left,
Where there is peace, and peace
- The Upanishads

*note* Dimitri Halley talks about ,,the observation problem,,..this is one great essay,kisses to him.
quotes he said,, I am a professor in the psychology of paranormal phenomena. I study the deeper reality Physics calls 'Quantum' and Religion calls 'Spiritual', but in terms of firsthand experiences and thus from within & thus psychologically in terms of the Collective Unconscious, and not externally in a lab. So what I have more is a method to aid myself and others to have first hand experience of this deeper reality, and go wherever the data (content) takes simply my blogging and vlogging of my experience of returning to the Star which is what our true state is...
‘First we must change the way we look at the world, than the world will change’ ~ Dimitri Halley..

-added by danny-
Part 1 The Observation Problem: Observation is Creation

So the first step in solving the observation problem is, when you start realizing that in reality you are 100% responsible for your experience. You are busy creating your experience. This takes us to the part where: Observation is not simply perceiving what is. Observation is the first stages of a creation. Therefore it's so important.

For if I am seeing something in someone, and i can't stop that process, I will create that in that person. So observation is an act of creation.

(Classical) Science doesn't go this far. Science doesn't go so far with the examination of observation itself. Science believes that, what I observe is something out there, independant/separate from me. Therefore, in the field of education, but also in the field of counseling... When a teacher is observing a student in front of a class, the teacher believes they are observing the student as such.

But in reality the teacher is observing: 1. A part of himself/herself out there, 2. The teacher is going to create something. If you are convinced that the student is weak, you will experience something like this: I (student) perform better when another teacher is there than when the first teacher is there. The teacher believes that what they are observing is the student as such.

So we are observing the way we disturb the situation - not the situation as such. The moment we enter the situation, we've already changed it. So we are observing the consequences of our presence in the situation. If our presence is a disruptive one, with little respect, no compassion, disconnected from the other, then we'll observe how we are disrupting the situation. We are not observing the student, or the client or a child. So when you enter a situation and remain still, you'll realize the situation is an answer to your presence there. You are experiencing how you're generating an answer to yourself. So in a way you're observing yourself there.

This is the problem with observation. So your observation is inextricably linked to you. You will always end up observing a part of yourself.

Only when we come to terms with this, we might graduate onto another level. Even the next level is not a level of objectivity. For the deeper we go, by suspending our projections, the more aware we become of how we affect our reality. We don't reach some (classical) objectivity in our view, like: "Now I truly know what the world 'out there' is like, independant from me."

No.. 'Learning to think' is realizing that I am always creating my perceptions. This is very important!
Currently there is a school of critical thinking school which says, "we can learn to think better and more critical". This school of thought falls into inner contradictions, much in terms of the scientific method applied to one's own thinking - instead of holding an unchecked pre-conception. I know now it's a hypothesis which needs to be tested. I now look for evidence to base it on, now concluding this results into better thinking. Erroneously concluding I now have a 'better' theory of X, or of the student or something. And this is the big danger!

For we'll never have a 'good' theory about something loose/separate from the observer. We will fall in the following contradiction: I think about my (own) thinking to keep on thinking (about something out there)... This is a contradiction in terms, because thinking is the problem. Thoughts and thinking create the impression that within is disconnected/separate from without... This is the big illusion.
Part 2 Thinking about Thinking

With critical thinking we reach a point where we realize that we need to base our thinking on some reality. We need to test our thinking. Now we apply a scientific method to our own thoughts. Here also we fall into the illusion that we can know the world independant from the knower. Yet that is impossible. Science parks the observation problem neatly out of sight. Because we can't deal with it. In order to continue with 'business as usual', like building more accuaret thories about 'the world', but the observation problem remains there unsolved. And it remains the scientist's worst nightmare.

Science has taken us a giant leap forward, out of dogma and superstition. Science came and said "we can't just accept self-evident truths" - we must test what we believe. But then, with the advent of quantum physics, also this approach and method was dealt a severe blow, because we have the observation problem.
The observer will be unconsciously perceiving aspects of themselves.

Here we find another leap into spiritual traditions as buddhism, but also into quantum physics and new sciences, which state: "Never can the observer be cut loose from the observed". When I observe someone, will I always see a part of myself too? Inevitably!

And this is the core of the next step that we need to take, if we are to get out of the abyss we are in. Because we fall in the illusion of separation from the other, we think falsely that we can see the other without seeing ourselves in the process, i.e. our prejudice, our thoughts. That is the illusion.

Let me give you an example: The moment you look at this man, you'll interpret him - Only observing him would be meaningless, he's just someone sitting there. However I immediately start to interpret him. He dresses so and so, his hair is so and so, he looks like an artist and an artist is so and so... You fall into interpretation.

The first step is when we start saying: Inevitably what I see in the other is my interpretation of them. I am experiencing my interpretation of the world, not the 'the world' as such. The interpretations are part of you. You are experiencing your own thoughts -they are about this man, but they remain your thoughts. For instance if I condemn someone so to speak I am guilty of that condemnation - not that person. No matter what that person has done, I condemn them. So I am guilty of that condemnation.

Q:"I don't understand..."
Right, that's why they say: "Those that claim they have understood, quantum physics off the bat, they haven't understood it." It's supposed to do that. That's the key of the whole module... You see, thinking is not the right language to understand the nature of reality. To a large extend, this is the language we've been taught in education. But it's not enough. Because your thoughts will always say more about you than the surrounding or another.

So if you start to truly understand this, you'll realize that whenever someone says something regarding the world, they are revealing something of themselves. So if you become a good listener, you'll hear much more than the person speaking intends for you to hear.

So the first step is that you start to realize, I am not seeing 'the world', I am seeing my theory about the world. I am seeing the world through a filter. I am filtering the world through my belief system. So it isn't 'the world' that is so and so. It is my theory of the world that is so. Person X isn't so, it is my experience of X that is so.

When we observe we wrongly experience the other as disconnected/separate: So observation cuts us off from a deeper profoundly interconnected reality.
We want to reach where we can move the pencil with our mind - that's what is referred to with faith can move mountains... This is the inner potential we want to unleash, i.e. the power of compassion. However, to reach this deeper reality, this mind has to be put and refitted into a whole different format. Because the normal mind is stuck in the lie that it's separate from the world.

(Phenomenon movie)
Bob - How do you do that? How do you make that pencil move? Is that a pencil trick?
O'Malley- No, I ask it to move... I mean, I could say that I will it, but that would be more like a command. It's more like a collaboration, a partnership.
Bob - A partnership? With a pencil?
O'Malley - Well why not? We're all made of the same stuff aren't we?
Bob - Wood?
O'Malley - Energy Bob, you know, the little pieces.

In the world view of the man who moves the pencil or a spoon, he experiences he is one with the world. It's an illusion that he and the pencil are separate. He is the spoon... When he bends, the spoon bends.

(Matrix movie:)
Boy - Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth.
Neo - What truth?
Boy - There is no spoon.
Neo - There is no spoon?
Boy - Then you'll see it's not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.

Here is where we want to reach. We can't reach that, if I still feel that I'm separate from you. With the observation problem we are taking the first steps toward a world view where I am one with the world.
Part 3 Down the Rabbit Hole

We must realize that we have to work on our theories about the world. At the risk of falling in the illusion we'll ever come to the perfect theory of 'the world'. Here we make a leap - for here science has ended. The great scientists know that traditional science hits on a dead end with the observation problem. For toward this level, we need a new language.

Here we find the contemplative traditions which are basically in the business of consciousness. For instance, we find a practice here which says: "Give the mind an insoluble problem, on which it will utterly exhaust itself trying to solve it, fall down almost dead and stop thinking" - that's when you are in the right place, they say. So I keep creating theories and more theories, but I never understand the world accurately...

No - because there is no reality independant/separate of you.
That's the lesson which I need to derive from this observation problem. Then you've made the first step on the way of becoming a creator. The world wasn't made for us to 'know it' out there, loose/separate from us. It was created interactively for you to create your experiment, your purpose.

Meaning, we are creative forces. This is what we've come here to learn. That we create and change things. What we think, we create. What we think is not a reflection of the world out there. If I think something, I'll tacitly make it so. The lesson is, we are a creative potential, and that's it! But if we remain stuck in the illusion of observation, we'll never graduate from this school.

(Question:) "Can you explain how the patient reflects back something from you as therapist?" Toward the deeper more interactive levels the client will reflect the state you are in. Such is the deeply interactive way the world works, this much we can grasp. It's not made up of separate particles. For instance, if I am a person who is needy, dependant, attached, the other will run away from me. Do you understand?

What I'm encountering out there, is how the world reacts to me. The world isn't loose/separate from me.

This is what we really need to get - for it will change everything. If people in general could contain this awareness, a lot would change.

The man who is pathologically jealous would realize, that the woman is acting the way she does because of his own overly attached behavior. He would start to change himself. "How come I'm like this?" But no. Now he wants to tie down and possess the woman. Regarding abuse of women - we also need to get in the shoes of the man to fully grasp it. A pathological jealousy is a paranoia. This man cannot help himself. You can lock him up in a prison, punish him, he'll come out the same, until he gets this observation thing.

A transformation has to occur. Someone who strongly believes the partner is going to leave them for another, gets lost.

Q: "But can someone like this change?"
This is the rabbit hole. As far as you believe something can, it can. Your belief is the barrier. As far as you believe you can go, you'll go.
I am not talking lightly about belief. It's very hard to believe. If you are convinced a person cannot change, so it will be.
This is what it's all about beyond the observation problem. We shouldn't make a fool out of ourselves here.
Therefore, you are your greatest enemy, because you can only go as far as you believe you can go.

When trapped in the observation problem, one will hang one's cap upon the client, saying: "This client cannot change." You don't believe change is possible.