Lead me from opacity to clarity.
Lead me from the complicated to the simple.
Lead me from the obscure to the obvious.
Lead me from intention to attention.
Lead me from what I'm told I am to what I see I am.
Lead me from confrontation to wide openness.
Lead me to the place I never left,
Where there is peace, and peace
- The Upanishads
*note* I am doing full lotus again,since this is my favorite posture of meditation.
Yet..is almost a year since that bike accident,and I thought I'll re-post the most funniest posts about it..
But I composed a never heard before stanza..listen to my wisdom:
Life is a dream
But you can change the dream
If you know how to
Apply the wisdom muscles
Beyond yin and yang
There is a power within you
Free of dualities
Yet it is the source of dualities
It's the source of individuality by separation
That's your soul
And the source of immortality by knowing it's universal essence
That's your spirit
When 2 become 1 the wisdom muscles grow
Neti neti..yet everything
Using the prajna wisdom of ONE..becomes ONE(yet individual and everything)
(Thus spokenth the mahayogi.)
As Jesus says in http://mysticson.blogspot.com/2010/03/all-things-become-one.html
Jesus said, "In me, all things become one, for everything that is not of me is illusion and will pass away. Only Light abides, for Light is Truth, and Truth has no end. I tell you the Truth when I say that I am the Way, the Truth, the Light, and the Life. Walk in me, and you will abide forever, for you will be even as I AM."
Jesus said, "I am in all things; yet I am beyond all things. Not through seeking will you find me, but through Peace. Nevertheless, through seeking you will find yourselves, and then you will know Eloheim."
Jesus said, "In the Garden of Jehovah stands the holy Tree of Life. High in its branches sings a bird. Listen for the voice of the bird, for when you are properly aligned with Heaven and Earth, she will tell you all things."
Jesus said, "When the outer has become as the inner, and the lower as the upper, then will this world find peace."
Jesus said, "He who takes up the sword will perish by the sword. Do you think that evil can be overcome by evil, or violence by violence? The Way of Peace requires courage and patience, but it will prevail."
And Shri Mataji said(the motto on top of my kriptodanny blog page)
Anyways..I'll re-post the original ,,The marvelous broken foot,, part 1 and 2.
Enjoy..and never forget your divine essence within,ok?
*note* this is my personal experience..
So...here I am on the operation table,after that wicked(but kinda sexy) doctor lady inserted some 10 inches needle in my back...to numb me.
Just some time ago I broke my leg in some bike accident....fibula and tibia..so they'll have to cut me open and insert some screws and metal stuff in my leg,sort of crucify me.
She asks me while inserting the needle...You feel anything?
I looked at her with love..yes,I was thinking..I feel the universe,interdependent causes,karmas,your past,your present,and your future.I feel your needle and I feel your beautiful eyes....but I said,yes,I feel something..like a needle in my back,hello?
She smiled and said...,,yes,good,there is indeed a needle..good boy.
Minutes later I can't feel my legs,but I am awake...my god,I say,she is good...she has managed to numb me.Hope she didn't paralyse me for life....
Some hunchbacks ..like 8 of them,the students of the surgeon,grab my legs.They also put me in restrains,like I can't move my arms.My head is down,and smiling at them....go ahead,I say..
And they do...they put something in my arm,like a perfusion or something dripping...I look up to it and read,,saline with antibiotics,,..kinda like it..makes me feels ooozy...but my right eye is always on the students...hope they'll not experiment on me?
Let's experiment!..cries out loud the doctor....where is my knife?
I was thinking,,Jessus...these guys are really sadistic.
Then I hear some loud bangs (the doc was hitting the metal rod to be inserted in my leg) and all of a sudden the machines start screaming,,low blood pressure...pulse minimal...I look up to the monitors(I could move my head) and see indeed I had a blood preasure of 90/50
jessus..I say...this is fun...one 20 years nurse tries to look at me..I smile and raise my eyebrows,she smiles too but never raises her eyebrows...ohhh...I was thinking..all I needed was her eyebrows.
In the meantime,the bloody surgeon,tired of hitting with a huge hammer the iron rod in my foot pops up in my face,like the moontime dragon,all bloody and missing a tooth,like in the worst nightmares,he asks me...you ok?
I say...ok,..with my eyebrows..he understands this buddha message and goes back to his job.
His job is to cut my leg open,then drill some screws into my leg and put some iron bar there,inside my leg...perfect job.
8 people are handling my feet...there is a monitor on the left side of me,which I can see..it shows how deep the surgeon inserted the metal rod...I watch it...HIT!!...they scream,while the guy hits the rod in my leg..not Now! I hear..now!..not now!!...
Man,I say...anyway I can't feel anything,just do your job....till I recognize with horror that indeed my left foot is awaken...while they jab the hammers on my right foot(the one damaged) the left foot is happy..I actually move it up and down...a concerned 20 something beautiful looking nurse asks,,Is this normal??
The surgeon rises his one missing tooth face(all bloody) from his grim purpose,and says..it's the right foot we work,not left....right is still numb,see?..he hits it with the hammer right in the knee.
No reaction from me...see?..the wild eyed surgeon explains to the student.
Now I am worried...what if the right foot would awake like the left?...with my head I managed(moving my eyebrows) to have that beautiful anesthetic woman close to me...I ask her..
You sure you did only my right leg?
she says...no..it was by mistake
If my hands would not be tight with ropes I could strangulate her,that's why she smiles now..I think.
You mean...I ask her again...you didn't mean to do the right foot only?
No..she said..that was your LUCK
Next thing I know,I am off the operation room,and with something like perfusions on my veins.
The pain ..is not there yet...but I tell you something.
Even a mahayogi like me suffered..for 24 hours,for they gave me nothing for pain,since I refused.
The pain story,and how I managed..in part 2..
ps..I can't walk now,plus some infection is set in..if I die,I just want everybody to know that I loved them..
*note* this is my personal experience.
So..they move me around while I spread kisses to everyone,,saying,,...It is good to be dead!..join me!..I shall give you eternal bliss!!
Suddenly,I feel a rather hard slap to my right cheek ..the face .
It is Bob,the overweight..he is a huge nurse-male.He explains me,..you are not dead,Daniel...
I jumped and kissed Bob right on his nose...if I could move my legs,I'd have chosen his forehead,I think..
He says..stop it,fool!..and moves me away into some tunnel.
I scream..Yes!..Take me Bob!...I am ready to die!..take me to the light,Bob!
Instead,he takes me to the radiography room...all dark,only one evil looking woman looks at me.
Eyyyyyyyyaah!..I scream when I see her face.Too much radiations,I ponder..
Anyway,they get me back to my hospital bed...Petricio,my room mate was already saying Hosanahs and ,,May he rest in peace,, on my behalf...
he is wise..because now the real pain begins.
As I sit still,barely moving on my bed,the anesthesia runs off,and a sheer pain,like a huge toothache begins....I smile..let the pain begin,I say!
After a while..I say,,let the pain stop,,!!!
It doesn't...my blood pressure is 90/50
will I survive this night?
I remember jessus on the cross..how he did it?
I am the beginning and the end....
I am..
.............that day I almost died..yet..I had honey,you know?..kisses:)
In other words I used my mahayogi powers of energy transfer..the pain lasted for 20 hours,and never returned.
Sugar...oh honey honey...if people would know you before they are in pain,that'd be ok..but people look for you because..and this IS the main reason of suffering in the 3 worlds of creation.
"To us all towns are one, all men our kin. Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill. Man's pains and pains' relief are from within. Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !." - Tamil Poem