Lead me from opacity to clarity.
Lead me from the complicated to the simple.
Lead me from the obscure to the obvious.
Lead me from intention to attention.
Lead me from what I'm told I am to what I see I am.
Lead me from confrontation to wide openness.
Lead me to the place I never left,
Where there is peace, and peace
- The Upanishads
*note* lovely blog I found..worthy of browsing.From Thomas Meehan(he says in his profile... 'I have been studying esoteric and mystical knowledge for the last forty-nine years and continue to learn...I have the Honor of helping you find Reality...
"The Truth shall Free You"..........Yeshua ben Yosef(Jesus)
Many kisses to him for his blog.
He just looks like he loves Vernon Howard as much as I do(which I consider he was enlightened,but I've read his books,unlike you,grasshoppers..so here is a nice quote from Vernon about ,,your enemies can be a great help to you,,posted by Thomas Meehan.(in his blog..the link is the title,as with all my posts..)
-added by danny-
You are both Teacher and Student...
"Do you understand that you're both your own teacher and your
own student? You can start tomorrow if you want and you'll make
great progress to bring things up from the unconscious to where
you can see yourself as you are instead of as you imagine you are.
Other people don't see you as you see yourself, you understand? This
is why your enemies can be of great help to you in you understanding
what is actually going on inside of you.".......Vernon Howard
Posted by Thomas Meehan
(ps..no..you won't change the world...if THAT would've been possible,the GODS would've done it long ago..the only one whom can change is the individual,and the most the individual can do IS to explain the eternal cosmic laws to the collective grasshoppers..
And if the individual dares to speak the real truth,he will be crucified by the crowds...don't try it.WORK on yourself,and UNLESS you ARE a mahayogi,capable of absorbing the negative energies...(like me,the kriptodanny mushroom from the forest of Transylvania)don't try to tell people the truth.
I composed this never heard stanza for the grasshoppers..listen to it,and grow your wisdom muscles,please..
The Marvelous Stanza of Pure Bliss..from kriptodanny
For the truth is pure bliss..but requires discipline in the beginning
For the truth is healing,as immortality..but one must meditate
And if you think you can change the world ...think better
All you can do is save yourself
It is up to the grasshopper crowds to save themselves
Applying the same secrets of forgiveness
And moral laws..as they apply to themselves in meditation
But only the individual can meditate
Not the crowds.
Because all they can do is worship something external of them
Believing that some Gods are going to save their sorry asses
And forgetting that they shape the future with their minds
And forgetting they worship the gods within them
While all along..they are,in essence..the pure spirit...
The One whom is the source of ALL gods..
Because they are afraid of their own divinity.
Thus spokenth the mahayogi!!
added by danny)
"To us all towns are one, all men our kin. Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill. Man's pains and pains' relief are from within. Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !." - Tamil Poem-