Lead me from opacity to clarity.
Lead me from the complicated to the simple.
Lead me from the obscure to the obvious.
Lead me from intention to attention.
Lead me from what I'm told I am to what I see I am.
Lead me from confrontation to wide openness.
Lead me to the place I never left,
Where there is peace, and peace
- The Upanishads
*note* the monkey named Costica ...funny song from Cleopatra Stratan..the moral of this song?..it takes one cat to drink from the bottle of happiness ,and the purring of zunnnnaaaaaaa........zzzzzuunah will attract the humanity,IF THEY dare to taste it,and not imagine that the taste is bad,according to their beliefs.
So sing with the cat...Zunea Zunea
-added by danny-
ps...I translated the meaning,not with rhymes..BEHOLD!!..THUS TRANSLATED THE MAHAYOGI for the benefit of all whom understand his superior wisdom muscle!!!!
In the evening with Costica(the monkey),he a bottle..me a bottle..
Gave some from the bottle to the plants from the window
What was left ..I gave it to the cat
Have no idea how the flower felt drinking ,but The cat was purring(zzzzunea zzzzzzunea) and singing
And we sing with her
Hopa..Zunea Zunea
Hopa..eveybody is amazed by the cat's purring Song(zzzzunnea ..zzzzzunneaa purring)
Hopa..this in no joke..
Everybody is asking Costica (the monkey) to Bring them more bottles..they know it is milk By now..all of them..ducks,sheep,fish,dogs and Goats and pigs and hamsters and horses and parrots and Lions sing like the cat's purring..Zunnnea Zzzzzunea zzzzzzzunea..amazed by the cat's happiness purring zzzzzzzzzzulea
Up to the morning everybody's happy singing Zunea Zunea,along with the cat purring..zzzzzzzunnea zzzzuuuneaaa..
Surely wasn't water in the bottle..
It was milk in the magick bottle..
Zunea Zunea:)