Lead me from opacity to clarity.
Lead me from the complicated to the simple.
Lead me from the obscure to the obvious.
Lead me from intention to attention.
Lead me from what I'm told I am to what I see I am.
Lead me from confrontation to wide openness.
Lead me to the place I never left,
Where there is peace, and peace
- The Upanishads
*note* I updated my last post http://kriptodanny.blogspot.com/2009/10/for-that-day-universe-trembled-in-shock.html
I added this,written in red ...
And of course the mahayogi powers,and ability to heal or to curse you..(note...the abilities to heal belong to the mind realm,as are the abilities to curse...what I ment is everybody does it,but they are not conscious about it...
this is because the SOURCE is one,but to see itself the SOURCE splits in duality..the result of this tension is called consciousness, or the ability to see yourself..
this is what I ment by,,I am like you,,..because I know the consciousness shapes the reality,and you don't KNOW that's why..again,while the SOURCE created the universe and the gods... it is always ONE..so it knows..
when humans will understand this esoteric principle,they will tap on the unity of the SOURCE and be careful what they want,because both destruction and eternity are ONE in the SOURCE..
as I said long ago..the Universe is laughing at you,don't take it too seriously..
but only when you know your inner SOURCE power,you can stop Hitler like wars,because unity will prevail..but humans can't imagine with no outside pain...remember the atomic bomb and the computer chips were invented due to outside pain of Hitler,where some wise people said,,ok...let's find a solution...
this is not good,this Hitler gives us too much pain(and this is the role of the so-called devil)let's develop some new stuff...and as THEY WERE imagining,it happened..ponder ABOUT IT!!!!!....consciouness shapes the reality,but humans don't know that imagining is actually creation..PONDER!!!!) )well..nothing really..I'm just like you.
This is what I mean...the good,the bad and the ugly it was YOU all the time,but you don't know it.When you know it,then you can save yourself,then the family,then the city,then the country,then the world..not before.THUS SPOKENTH THE DANIELTH for his beloved readers (like you) wishing everyone to grow a brain.And grow it fast,time is running out.
-added by danny-