Lead me from opacity to clarity.
Lead me from the complicated to the simple.
Lead me from the obscure to the obvious.
Lead me from intention to attention.
Lead me from what I'm told I am to what I see I am.
Lead me from confrontation to wide openness.
Lead me to the place I never left,
Where there is peace, and peace
- The Upanishads
*note* Looks like Crowley has managed to get the secret of invisibility..I post this because this is a lower power,indeed..I dedublated my whole body..something Aleister never done it..and I did it with witnesses.
HOWEVER..I know he did it from the explanations he wrote about the topic(lol..last time when I did it,I almost got punched in the nose,because I appeared in the middle of a crowd...and they started screaming..so I'll never do that again,for my safety)
In any case,it is about the consciousness shanka of buddhism..you dissolve it and you become invisible.BELIEVE ME!!!..I HAVE DONE IT many times!!!!
WHY IS THAT?..because the counsciouness shapes the REALITY..that's why.
Thus spokenth the mahayogi...be aware I have no love for Aleister..is just how he describes the process I KNOW he did it...because of my experience.
-added by danny-
12. The same sort of thing occurs with adequate concentration on any object. It is connected, curiously enough, with the phenomena of invisibility. When your mind has gone so deeply into itself that it is unconscious of itself and its surroundings, one of the most ordinary results is that the body becomes invisible to other people. I do not think that it would make any difference for a photograph, though I have no evidence for saying this; but it has happened to me on innumerable occasions. It was an almost daily occurrence when I was in Sicily.
13. A party of us used to go down to a very beautiful bay of sand, whence jutted fantastically-shaped islets of rock; it is rimmed by cliffs encrusted with jewels of marine life. The way was over a bare hillside; except for a few hundred yards of vineyard there was no cover -- nay, not for a rabbit. But it often happened that one of the party would turn to speak to me, and fail to see me. I have often known this to happen when I was dictating; my chair was apparently empty.
Incidentally, this faculty, which I think is exercised, as arule, unconsciously, may become an actual magical power.
14. It happened to me on one occasion that a very large number of excited people were looking for me with no friendly intentions; but I had a feeling of lightness, of ghostliness, as if I were a shadow moving soundlessly about the street; and in actual fact none of the people who were looking for me gave the slightest indication that they were aware of my presence.
There is a curious parallel to this incident in one of the Gospels where we read that 'they picked up stones to stone him, but he, passing through the midst of them, went his way.'